As developers, we spend a significant amount of time in the terminal, executing commands, writing scripts, and trying to solve problems. But, how many times have you found yourself stuck, trying to remember the correct syntax or flag for a command, or spending hours looking for a specific code snippet?

sgpt "nginx default config file location"
# -> The default configuration file for Nginx is located at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.
sgpt "docker show all local images"
# -> You can view all locally available Docker images by running: docker images

If you've been there, then Shell GPT is the tool you need. Shell GPT is a command-line productivity tool powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT (GPT-3.5), which leverages the language model's capabilities to help you generate shell commands, code snippets, comments, and documentation, among other things.

With Shell GPT, you can forget about cheat sheets and notes. Instead, you can get accurate answers right in your terminal, saving you valuable time and effort. For instance, if you're working on a project and need to generate a code snippet, you can simply type in a description of what you need, and Shell GPT will generate the code for you.

Moreover, Shell GPT is easy to install and use.

So, if you're looking for a way to boost your productivity in the terminal, Shell GPT is the tool for you. Give it a try, and you'll probably find yourself reducing your daily Google searches, and getting more things done in less time.

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