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Клиника офтальмологии доктора Шиловой
Лазерная коррекция ReLEx SMILE и не только…

How do doctors do the vision correction themselves

Reading time4 min
Original author: Tatiana Shilova

Of course, “we cannot do it ourselves” —the surgery requires another surgeon whom you trust 100%. Answering the question of who the relatives trust — I use mine myself. I did the operation to my mother, aunt, daughter, husband — who needed something “to fix”. Walter operated on his wife and father-in-law.

We can usually do this while shooting or tell how it happens, with the consent of loved ones. We do this when we need to “sacrifice” someone for the sake of science. In our clinic already 6 people after laser vision correction. In the network of clinics SMILE EYES also a few people. The last case — we have 7 years of work in the position of operating nurse-administrator girl Anya, she meets and escorts patients for refractive operations. She is experienced with experience: by the age of 35, fifteen she wore soft contact lenses, sometimes she used glasses. The idea of ​​correction lived in her for all 7 years — as it happens, she saw many times in the form of records from the operating rooms. She saw both Lasik and femtoLasik, and only the operation of vision correction ReLEX SMILE (minimally invasive lenticle extraction) instilled in her confidence in safety and painlessness.

About Anya: I was preparing for the operation as it should be — for a week I honestly took off contact lenses and used glasses. The patients of the clinic were surprised and asked why she was wearing glasses, explaining that she was preparing for a correction. The day was chosen so that she spent the morning in the clinic; in the afternoon, a correction could be made. On this day, I had several SMILE, several SMILE operations — with Walter, who came from Germany. We agreed that Anya will be operated by Professor Sekundo, and I will help camera operators with shooting.

So, Walter performed the operation, and our surgeons and engineer filmed it from three cameras. More importantly, the operation was easy, there were almost no tears, and Anya was later able to tell a lot of new and interesting things. After that, she came under the supervision of one of our surgeons, and every hour we received new statuses.

First movie, as it happens:

Operates professor Walter Sekundo (Marburg, SMILE EYES Marburg), assisted by Olga Maximova (Moscow, SMILE EYES Augenklinik Moskau).

About what is happening at the micro level, you can seehere .

But the story from the words of Ani (with my comments):
In general, everything like Tatiana Yurievna tells patients before the operation SMILE: no surprises. I have listened to this story hundreds of times, sometimes I explain something myself. And then I felt right on myself. It was very unexpected when the water began to pour, tickling.

Speech about the initial and final stages of the operation, when the surface of the cornea and the «pocket» in the cornea is washed with a solution. In order not to make a second “tunnel” incision deep into the cornea, the solution is directed so that it pours out in the same place where it is accessed, it really stretches and “tickles” the eye. Far from all patients feel this, most often it goes away painlessly, but discomfort at this stage is the norm.

The operation generally proceeds nicely and calmly. I ordered a personal “play list” of background music. The surgeon speaks, and you intonation feel that everything is ok. The laser is not felt at all, even the squeezing is not felt. The second eye is covered, so when a lenticular is cut through in the operated eye, a white shroud appears, like crumpled chewing paper in front of the eye. Through some slits you see what is happening. Then you feel that this paper is smoothed. And here this veil gradually leaves.

Speech about the stage where you need to separate and remove lenticular. The patient can pan up a little when the vision is “blocked” by gas bubbles formed as a result of cavitational expansion of the tissues after laser operation. We always warn about it several times, and at this stage we always explain to the patient what he should see now. At this operation, we also wrote the sound of the equipment (part of the display goes sound), so we said less.
Walter said that the first day or two after the operation can not wash my hair, girls are always quite difficult. And, here's another thing: it was strongly tingling from premedication, the first few seconds, and then everything was completely imperceptible, even when you were held on the cornea with a wet sponge. While you are going to the laser, Walter once again goes through a wet swab, it is not felt at all. What did I feel after the operation? After anesthesia, my eyes were watering, Tatyana Yurievna and Walter put on me soft lenses — for comfort. We don’t do this for patients, we just advise you not to read or use the phone-computer for a couple of hours. The lenses were removed after half an hour — it seemed to me that they interfered; without them, it became clearly cool and nothing bothered. The operation ended at 13:07.

How did the vision change? First, somewhere in half the effect — in two hours, and at seven in the evening I already saw the unit. I had been sitting at the monitor for five o'clock and was busy with patients — no one noticed.

The unit is one hundred percent sight. The lenses we used to reduce photophobia after surgery. Although the usual reaction of the eye is a sensation, as if the smoke from the fire tingles.
And before that, the second line was dull, only W and B, with the second eye I did not even see it. Vision was minus 3.25, astigmatism is a unit… Patients often say that the subjects became more voluminous. I rode home on the bus, I looked: no, I still saw the same form, like before. Maybe because my glasses had aspheric lenses. The screen of the house is of the same form, I remember that for sure.

That evening, Walter flew off to Marburg, and the next was followed by a postoperative traditional examination. Everything went perfectly.

What is interesting in this story is how quickly rehabilitation takes place after SMILE. Two hours later, Anya read the 6th line, and by the end of the day she left with 100 percent vision. By the way, for comfort we put on her contact lenses-nulls, and after half an hour they took off — her eyes and appearance were so indistinguishable from the usual state. She even decided to stay until the end of the working day and by evening she used the computer calmly. I must say, this story about the girl Ana from Russia, who made SMILE and almost immediately continued her normal life, Walter now tells colleagues and patients.

This case as a whole is rather a fun illustration for doctors and patients. Well, the video for you, from which it is clear who, how and where it lies, how everything looks, and what the patient feels, otherwise we usually remove the eye itself under a microscope.

A month has passed — Anya has 1.2 vision with each eye, two 1.5. According to the statistics of our clinic, the average visual acuity after 1 month after the correction of SMILE on VisuMax of the 6th generation (300 eyes after SMILE in 5 months) is more than 100%. The average is 1.15. Why it happens and why not every patient happens in the following posts. Later I will tell you how I restored sight to our IT specialist. By the way, she only had -1.0 diopter.



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