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The ScanTech iReal 2E 3D Scanner: an Overview

Reading time4 min

Hello everyone! This article is focused on the Scan Tech iReal 2E device. This full-color 3D scanner is designed to digitize art objects and humans. The machine isn’t pretending to be the most accurate solution out there but it excels at capturing color and complex geometries, including hair. It’s also very fast.


About ScanTech

ScanTech is a Chinese company founded in 2011. They work with 3D technologies and their current product lines include the models to solve various tasks. Their offers range from compact structured light 3D scanners to high-end metrological devices that utilize laser and photogrammetry systems. 

ScanTech partnered with Metronor, Norwegian manufacturer of measuring systems, to open a technological development center that helped ScanTech to become one of the leaders of the modern digital measuring market. The products are used in the industrial settings, in construction, architecture and design. 

After securing a place on the market of highly accurate metrological devices, ScanTech focused on developments in other fields. 


ScanTech iReal 2E


The ScanTech iReal 2E is a compact 3D scanner designed to work with large and middle-sized objects with various texture colors, including dark and glossy ones.



The device uses an infra-red structured light VCSEL system, manages to quickly recognize the textures and doesn’t require using markers.



iReal 2E is great at doing full-body human scans.

Infra-red light is fully safe and can be used to scan humans. 

Slight body motions that happened during the scanning process are corrected with the help of software during the processing stage. 

Another useful ability of the device is the accurate capture of eyes and hair acquisition. Reproducing such objects usually causes problems for many scanners because they use white light, and not infrared light. White light reflects back from dark hair, making it almost possible to scan them. As for the eyes, one cannot stare at light for a prolonged period of time, once again making eye capture difficult. The infra-red light mitigated these problems.


The iReal 2E is a lightweight and portable 3D scanner with a list of useful features and impressive technical specifications.

Technical Specifications


Up to 0.1 mm


USB 3.0





Manufacturer country


Weight kg

850 g


Infrared VCSEL structured light

Align Mode

Texture/feature/mixed alignments

Frame rate

15 fps

Measurement rate

Up to 1,500,000 points/s

Output formats



CLASS І (eye-safe)

Scanning area

Up to 850 mm x 800 mm

Stand-off distance

400 mm

Working range

250 mm ~ 1000 mm (optimal - 350 mm ~ 650 mm)

Texture / Colors



Pros and Cons

The iReal 2E excels at scanning humans even if those are not standing completely still. The device accurately captures complex textures such as eyes and hair. 

The device has its drawbacks: for example its precision is not up to the standard of industrial solutions. But it’s enough for scanning art objects, humans and other things where high levels of accuracy are not critical. 

In addition, this drawback can be mitigated since the iReal 2E can combine color data with the highly accurate data of laser 3D scanner (in fact, it’s the only scanning system capable of that).


Comparison with Competition


Let’s compare the iReal 2E with the full-color Creaform Go!SCAN SPARK 3D scanner that has similar specifications. Both models are good at capturing colors and texture, even when working with dark or glossy surfaces. Both devices are easy to use.

Creaform has some limitations when compared to the iReal 2E: 

  • It has a smaller working area;

  • the bright light causes inconvenience and uncomfortable sensations during human scans;

  • it’s a significantly heavier and larger device;

  • the iReal 2E is the only 3D scanner that allows combining highly accurate data from laser 3D scanners with the texture data grabbed by the iReal 2E.

The Go!SCAN SPARK has certain advantages over the iReal 2E: it provides a higher level of accuracy that makes the machine even more versatile since it can meet the requirements of industrial settings. 


The ScanTech iReal 2E 3D scanners offer a full range of features for digitizing humans and various objects, especially when accurate capturing of colors and texture are important. 

  • IR light helps to avoid interference and warrants high level of accuracy;

  • IR light is comfortable to work with and is eye-safe;

  • The Super HD mode provides an accurate texture capturing.

The resulting 3D models can be used for 3D printing, in fashion industry and video games production, as well as in the AR/VR offerings and healthcare.

Human scan

Working mode — IR light source.

Duration: 4 minutes.


Digitizing an upper body


Working mode — IR light.

Duration: 2 minutes.




Scanning a hand

Working mode — IR light

Duration: 30 seconds..


Scanning a leg


Working mode — blue light

Duration: 60 seconds.




Foot scan


Working mode —blue light source

Duration: 60 seconds.





ScanTech iReal 2E is used to replicate the art objects, museum exhibitions and historical artifacts.


A rabbit garden figurine scan.


A Ganesha statue scan.


A face scan.


The ScanTech iReal 2E is a great solution for the situations where quick scans are required, as well as for accurate capture of color and texture. If a user needs highly precise results, it’s better to add one of Scantech’s laser 3D scanning solutions. If texture is required, then one can combine scans from both the Scantech iReal 2E and Scantech’s laser solutions. The ScanTech iReal 2E works great with humans and non-static objects and those with complex textures (including black and glossy surfaces). 




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