Pull to refresh

Определение периодов времени по текущей дате

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Как-то недавно появилась задача сделать выборки из БД по разным периодам времени в зависимости от текущей даты. Для этих целей я реализовал класс с некоторым набором функций, определяющих концевые участки необходимых временных отрезков.

На мой взгляд такие задачи возникают довольно часто и иметь один инструмент, который можно впоследствии дополнять новыми функциями, соответствующими различным врменным интервалам, очень удобно. Конечно в этом нет ничего сложного, но думаю это поможет кому-то сэкономить время на этой рутинной работе. Кроме того в нете ничего готового я просто не нашёл.
* Class for making different periods of date without time.
* @author Anton Vasilyev <anton.vasilyev@gtmdevelopments.com>
class DatePeriod
   * Unix timestamp for date without time.
   * @var int
  private $_timestamp;
   * Year.
   * @var int
  private $_year;
   * Month.
   * @var int
  private $_month;
   * Day.
   * @var int
  private $_day;
   * Number of seconds for one day.
  const DAY_SECONDS = 86400;
   * Constructor.
   * @param string $date   String containing a US English date format (used in function strtotime).
   * @author Anton Vasilyev <anton.vasilyev@gtmdevelopments.com>
  public function __construct($date = null)
    // Using today
    if ($date == null) {
      $this->_timestamp = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));
    } else {
      $this->_timestamp = strtotime($date); 
    $this->_day  = date('j', $this->_timestamp);
    $this->_month = date('n', $this->_timestamp);
    $this->_year = date('Y', $this->_timestamp);
   * Calculates start and end date of week.
   * Returns array with two values: from date and to date.
   * @param string $format  Format of the date (used in function date).
   * @return array      Array with two keys: from and to. Example:
   *             array(
   *               'from' => ...
   *               'to'  => ...
   *             )
   * @author Anton Vasilyev <anton.vasilyev@gtmdevelopments.com>
  public function getWeek($format)
    $dayOfWeek = date('w', $this->_timestamp);

    return array(
      'from' => date($format, $this->_timestamp - $dayOfWeek*self::DAY_SECONDS),
      'to'  => date($format, $this->_timestamp + (6 - $dayOfWeek)*self::DAY_SECONDS)
   * Calculates start and end date of month.
   * Return array with two values: from date and to date.
   * @param string $format  Format of the date (used in function date).
   * @return array      Array with two keys: from and to. Example:
   *             array(
   *               'from' => ...
   *               'to'  => ...
   *             )
   * @author Anton Vasilyev <anton.vasilyev@gtmdevelopments.com>
  public function getMonth($format)
    $monthDays = date('t', $this->_timestamp);

    return array(
      'from' => date($format, strtotime($this->_year . '-' . $this->_month . '-01')),
      'to'  => date($format, strtotime($this->_year . '-' . $this->_month . '-' . $monthDays))
   * Calculates start and end date of current quarter.
   * Return array with two values: from date and to date.
   * @param string $format  Format of the date (used in function date).
   * @return array      Array with two keys: from and to. Example:
   *             array(
   *               'from' => ...
   *               'to'  => ...
   *             )
   * @author Anton Vasilyev <anton.vasilyev@gtmdevelopments.com>
  public function getCurrentQuarter($format)
    $quarter  = (int)($this->_month/4) + 1;

    $fromMonth = ($quarter - 1)*3 + 1;
    $toMonth  = $quarter*3;
    // Number of days in last quarter month.
    $daysInToMonth = date('t', strtotime($this->_year . '-' . $toMonth . '-01'));
    return array(
      'from' => date($format, strtotime($this->_year . '-' . $fromMonth . '-01')),
      'to'  => date($format, strtotime($this->_year . '-' . $toMonth . '-' . $daysInToMonth))
   * Calculates start and end date of previous quarter.
   * Return array with two values: from date and to date.
   * @param string $format  Format of the date (used in function date).
   * @return array      Array with two keys: from and to. Example:
   *             array(
   *               'from' => ...
   *               'to'  => ...
   *             )
   * @author Anton Vasilyev <anton.vasilyev@gtmdevelopments.com>
  public function getPrevQuarter($format)
    $quarter = (int)($this->_month/4) + 1;

    if ($quarter == 1) {
      $quarter = 4;
      $year  = $this->_year - 1;
    } else {
      $quarter -= 1;
      $year   = $this->_year;
    $fromMonth = ($quarter - 1)*3 + 1;
    $toMonth  = $quarter*3;
    // Number of days in last quarter month.
    $daysInToMonth = date('t', strtotime($year . '-' . $toMonth . '-01'));
    return array(
      'from' => date($format, strtotime($year . '-' . $fromMonth . '-01')),
      'to'  => date($format, strtotime($year . '-' . $toMonth . '-' . $daysInToMonth))
   * Calculates start and end date of current calendar year to date.
   * Return array with two values: from date and to date.
   * @param string $format  Format of the date (used in function date).
   * @return array      Array with two keys: from and to. Example:
   *             array(
   *               'from' => ...
   *               'to'  => ...
   *             )
   * @author Anton Vasilyev <anton.vasilyev@gtmdevelopments.com>
  public function getYearToDate($format)
    return array(
      'from' => date($format, strtotime($this->_year . '-01-01')),
      'to'  => date($format, $this->_timestamp)
   * Calculates start and end date of the last calendar year.
   * Return array with two values: from date and to date.
   * @param string $format  Format of the date (used in function date).
   * @return array      Array with two keys: from and to. Example:
   *             array(
   *               'from' => ...
   *               'to'  => ...
   *             )
   * @author Anton Vasilyev <anton.vasilyev@gtmdevelopments.com>
  public function getLastYear($format)
    return array(
      'from' => date($format, strtotime($this->_year - 1 . '-01-01')),
      'to'  => date($format, strtotime($this->_year - 1 . '-12-31'))
   * Calculates start and end date of last calendar year to date.
   * Return array with two values: from date and to date.
   * @param string $format  Format of the date (used in function date).
   * @return array      Array with two keys: from and to. Example:
   *             array(
   *               'from' => ...
   *               'to'  => ...
   *             )
   * @author Anton Vasilyev <anton.vasilyev@gtmdevelopments.com>
  public function getTwelveMonths($format)
    $fromMonth = (12 + ($this->_month - 11))%12 == 0 ? 1 : (12 + ($this->_month - 11))%12;
    if ($fromMonth > 1) {
      $year = $this->_year - 1;
    } else {
      $year = $this->_year;
    // Number of days in last quarter month.
    $daysInToMonth = date('t', strtotime($this->_year . '-' . $this->_month . '-01'));
    return array(
      'from' => date($format, strtotime($year . '-' . $fromMonth . '-01')),
      'to'  => date($format, $this->_timestamp)

* This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter.
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