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Видеоконференции — как бороться с высокой загрузкой ЦПУ?

Reading time4 min

Меня зовут Алексей Доильницын, я архитектор в DINS. Наша компания участвует в разработке высоконагруженной UCaaS-платформы (Unified Communication as a Service). 

Видеоконференции с большим количеством участников в галерее часто бывают неподъемными для устаревших лэптопов. Мы решили эту проблему с помощью теории систем автоматического управления (САУ).

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Dynamic CDN for Low Latency WebRTC Streaming

Reading time5 min

Having analyzed earlier the capacity of standard server configurations in Digital Ocean in terms of WebRTC streaming, we have noticed that one server can cover up to 2000 viewers. In real life, cases when one server is insufficient are not uncommon.

Assume gambling amateurs in Germany are watching real-time horse races in Australia. Given that horse races are not only a sports game but also imply big gains on condition that field bets are made at the right time, the video has to be delivered with lowest possible latency.

Another example: A global corporation, one of FCMG market leaders with subsidiaries in Europe, Russia and Southeast Asia, is organizing sales manager training webinars with live streaming from the headquarters in the Mediterranean. The viewers must be able to see and hear the presenter in real time.

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Total votes 2: ↑1 and ↓10

Динамическая CDN для WebRTC стриминга с низкой задержкой

Reading time5 min

Ранее, анализируя возможности стандартных конфигураций серверов в Digital Ocean с точки зрения WebRTC стриминга, мы отмечали, что один сервер может обслужить до 2000 зрителей. В реальной жизни часто встречаются случаи, когда одного сервера недостаточно.

Допустим, любители азарта в Германии смотрят в реальном времени скачки в Австралии. Поскольку скачки — это не только конный спорт, но и большие выигрыши, при вовремя сделанных ставках, то видео должно быть доставлено с минимально возможными задержками.

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Total votes 7: ↑7 and ↓0+7

Dynamic CDN for Low Latency WebRTC Streaming with Transcoding

Reading time5 min

In the first part we have deployed a simple dynamic CDN for broadcasting WebRTC streams to two continents and have proved on the example of a countdown timer that the latency in this kind of CDN is actually low.

However, besides low latency, it is important to provide good broadcast quality to users. After all, this is what they are paying for. In real life the channels between Edge servers and users can differ in bandwidth capacity and quality. For example, we are publishing a 720p stream at 2 Mbps, the user is playing it on an Android phone using 3G connection in an unstable signal reception area and the 360p maximum resolution that provides smooth picture at 400 Mbps is 360p.

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Total votes 2: ↑1 and ↓10

Channel quality indicator for server WebRTC over TCP

Reading time5 min

Publish and Play

There exist two main functions of WebRTC operation on the server side in the field of streaming video: publishing and playing. In the case of publishing, the video stream is captured from the web camera and moves from the browser to the server. In the case of playing, the stream moves in the opposite direction, from the server to the browser, is decoded and played in the browser’s HTML5 <video> element on the device’s screen.

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