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Владислав Люминарский @Lyuminarskiy

Преподаватель, Android-разработчик.

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Комментарий от ПМ Google по Dart и Flutter.

Hey folks! Kevin, product manager on Flutter and Dart here.

The layoffs were decided AT LEAST a couple of layers above our team and affected a LOT of teams. (I think I can say that). Lots of good folks got bad news and lots of great projects lost people. Flutter and Dart were not affected any more or less that others. It was a tough day...tough week.

It was crazy to be seeing demos and new things working and discussions about new customers the same day we lost colleagues and friends.

We're sad, but still cranking hard on I/O and beyond.

We know ya'll care SO MUCH about the project and the team and the awesome ecosystem we've built together.

You're nervous. I get it. We get it.

You're betting on Flutter and Dart.

So am I. So is Google.

Источник: https://www.reddit.com/r/FlutterDev/comments/1cduhra/comment/l1j9eoo/


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Ижевск, Удмуртия, Россия
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