What do you imagine when you hear the word "Queue"? If you are not familiar with Programming you maybe think about the queue in shop or hospital. But if you are a programmer you associate it 99% with Data Structures and Algorithms. Whoever you are, today we will discuss how to implement Queue Data Structure in JavaScript and what are its differences with a simple Array. Let's get started!
Hello, Habr Readers! Usually, when we talk about Algorithms it is hard not to mention Linked List. It is one of the main Data Structures in programming. Today we will understand how we can implement Linked List in JavaScript.
Beginners in web-development usually use px as the main size unit for HTML elements and text. But this is not entirely correct. There are other useful units for the font-size in CSS. Let's look at the most widely-used ones and find out when and where we can use them.
Quick Sort is one of the most famous and effective Sorting Algorithms. The comprehension of how it works will undoubtedly help you in your JavaScript learning. Also, questions on algorithms are popular in job interviews, so there is a big chance you will be asked to describe how Quick Sort works.
I’m sure that I convinced you that Quick Sort is important. Let’s start!
People use their gadgets every day. And the main attribute of any gadget is a keyboard. But have you ever thought about creating a keyboard that would display on your screen?
In this article, we will create a 3D Keyboard Key with awesome animation after clicking on it. And yes, we will not use any programming language. Our key will be on the power of CSS! Let’s get started!