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Комментарии 25

Помню, как меня поразили текстовые вставки в игре Dishonored — типа такой:
Двигаясь на отблески угасающего костра, я увидела ее. Она проворно работала большой иглой, накладывая безупречные швы: тайное ремесло, пришедшее из глубокой древности. Он лежал, крепко привязанный к деревянному столу, и тело его содрогалось.

Меня будто подтолкнули ближе. Она повернулась, и я удивилась, сколь равнодушным было ее лицо. Игла осталась в его плоти. Чистым голосом она произнесла: «Ты, полагаю, его возлюбленная? Ты тоже была неверна, теперь пора подлатать и тебя».
качество которых, вроде бы, для игры было совершенно излишним (игру можно пойти вобще тех текстов не читая), но насколько они общее впечатление от игры подняли…
Тяжела и неказиста жизнь простого сценариста.
Хуже чем у программиста.
Рад от них только бариста.
Very poetic :-)
А чуть более подробные детали об используемых инструментах? Что используется в качестве редактора диалогов? Как сценаристы не запутываются во всех возможных переходах?

Каких диалогов? Диалог это часть скриптов. Пишут (составляют) огромные стейт-машины с переходами. Для чего еще скриптеры нужны. Диалог это что-то типа ID_CHAPTER1_DIALOG1, который потом матчится к своему lua-файлу в котором описано: позиция камеры, реплики, герой + анимация. У реплик звук + текст. Можно поверх накидать тулзу на C# или Qt, которая потом этот data-driven будет генерить.

Привет! Forgive me, I must reply in English as my Russian is not good enough. We use an internal tool for writing our dialogue — a dialogue editor crafted by our programmers specifically for this purpose. In terms of how it looks, it uses a branching style that looks similar to (but is a hell of a lot more complicated than) Twine. The writing of the lines of dialogue is one thing… but it gets complicated for us when we need to account for every eventuality: have I met this person before? Did I do the thing they wanted me to do? Did I kill someone they care about? Am I wearing some armour they will recognise? Have they heard about me from someone else? Etc, etc. It can be quite mind-melting :-)
Я не понял, они нанимают писателей или просто хвастаются тем, как они хороши?
Мы рассказываем о нашей работе, о наших студиях — с позиций разных профессионалов, здесь работающих. В данном случае перед вами взгляд писателя.
Новых писателей мы в данный момент не нанимаем.
оффтоп: Подскажите, а original sin 2 выйдет на ps4?
Добрый день! We currently are focusing completely on PC release, but as soon as that is done we'll look into other platforms.
Why Original Sin 2 doesn't support Linux? Previous game has it.
Same as above! We're putting all our energy into first getting the PC release out the door… and once we've done that, we'll look into other platforms.
Hello! Can you say, how are you get to the team?
Also, I'm trying to be a scenarist for a game now, but this is my first experience, can you give some advice for a newbie?
(Sorry for possible mistakes)
Hello back! So, I can tell you how I got to be on the team, for sure. I had been writing for smaller games and also writing a fantasy novel for about 18 months, when one day I saw a tweet from our studio head, Swen Vincke:

I plucked up all of my courage to reply to that tweet, and from there I got a freelance contract with Larian to write item descriptions, tooltips and combat barks for Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition. After that, I was hired as a regular employee to write for Divinity: Original Sin 2.

The most important thing to have for getting into games writing (in my opinion) is a solid writing portfolio. From your question, I wrote a little piece here on how to build up a good portfolio. I hope it helps you & good luck!
Thanks and congratulations on International Women's Day!
Известна ли примерная дата релиза Original Sin 2?
Is it known the estimated Original Sin 2 release date?
Hi there! So far, we can only say it will be in 2017. We're working hard to get a final release date and as soon as we know, so will you!
Thanks! According to your success in Steam early access, it will be a great game. Can not wait release.
Спасибо! We're really looking forward to seeing people enjoy it :-D
Hi, alphachar!
I have similar question as in the last comment.
Is there any possible way to become a writer in your studio?
I'm an experienced writer (mostly in film industry), wrote few full length scripts in English and also a huge fan of Divinity original sin 2.

Hi there! So, sadly I don't think we're currently hiring for writers, but there's currently a lot of opportunity in the games industry for writers — especially experienced writers. If you've already built up a portfolio of work, I'd say the best thing to do is get on Twitter (it worked for me — see above!) and start looking out for opportunities.

Another thing to do is to use the writing skills you already have to make something interactive, so prospective employers can see you already have the ability to craft meaningful choices. I have a few pointers and links in this piece I wrote for answering the question above — I hope this helps, and do let me know if you have any other questions!
Thank you very much!
Very helpful material! :)
первая Divinity: Original Sin очень порадовала, жду вторую. Ребята молодцы.
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