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Комментарии 3

Очень напоминает копипасту из SCP:

SCP-XXXX "Obsidian Enigma"

Object Class: Euclid

Description: SCP-XXXX is a highly enigmatic and [REDACTED] object of unknown origin, resembling a [DATA EXPUNGED] made of an anomalous [REDACTED] material. When [REDACTED], SCP-XXXX exhibits [DATA EXPUNGED] properties, leading to unpredictable and [REDACTED] effects on nearby [DATA EXPUNGED].

SCP-XXXX was discovered in [REDACTED], where it was reportedly [DATA EXPUNGED] by [REDACTED]. The incident resulted in [DATA EXPUNGED] casualties and widespread [REDACTED] of the area. After containment, SCP-XXXX has displayed [REDACTED] behavior, including [DATA EXPUNGED] occurrences and [REDACTED] manifestations.

Testing of SCP-XXXX has been restricted due to the [DATA EXPUNGED] nature of its effects, and any personnel exposed to its [REDACTED] are subject to immediate [DATA EXPUNGED] protocols. Research into the origins and purpose of SCP-XXXX is ongoing, but access to certain [REDACTED] remains restricted to personnel with [DATA EXPUNGED] clearance.

Caution is advised when handling or approaching SCP-XXXX, as its [REDACTED] nature poses potential risks to [DATA EXPUNGED]. Further investigation is required to fully understand the extent of SCP-XXXX's capabilities and its potential connection to [REDACTED].

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