На днях озадачился резервным копированием данных в облако. Нашёл подходящий сервис попробовал, и понял, что существует необходимость в сжатии бэкапа перед отправкой (думаю нет необходимости объяснять зачем). Не стал заморачиваться в поиске готовых решений и решил сам написать скромный скриптик для этой цели. Исходные файл или папка жмутся в .tar.xz с уровнем сжатия 9, что позволяет сохранить права и выдаёт хорошую компрессию на выходе (у меня снэпшот системы сжимается 4 раза). Результатом остался доволен, думаю для малого бизнеса, да и для личных целей многим пригодиться.
Возможности скрипта:
Тем, кому пригодился и есть желание доработать или сделать более элегантным, прошу на GitHub.
Возможности скрипта:
- гибкая настройка
- проверка на доступность ресурсов (источник, директория назначения, рабочая директория)
- проверка на файл блокировки (предотвращает выполнение если источник еще создаётся)
- вывод информации о сжатии (размер источника, размер архива, соотношение этих размеров)
- логирование и дебагинг (вывод дополнительной информации о процессе выполнения)
- возможность менять вывод (как в консоль и лог-файл, так и только в лог-файл)
- сохраняет и ротирует предыдущие архивы
- возможность форматирования текста вывода
- отправка e-mail-а в случае успешного и/или неуспешного завершения
Собственно сам скрипт (версия 3.0)
## Bash script for file or directory compression ##
## 1. Configuration variables
## $srcName - Source, file or directory to compress.
## $srcDir - Directory where the source resides.
## $runDir - Runtime directory. Lock and log files reside here.
## $outDir - Directory where the archive will be placed.
## $archDir - Directory where the previous archives will be placed.
## $archName - Archive file name.
## [ example: "archive_$(date +"[%Y.%m.%d - %H:%M:%S]")" ]
## $logName - Log file name.
## $lockCheck - Check for lock file or not.
## If you have condition(s) in which creation of an archive is not
## recommended or fatal (e.g. while creating snapshot, directory must not
## be tempered with in any way) and the process which is running prior to
## archivation (rsnapshot, rsync, rdiff etc.), can create a lock file,
## you must switch this check ON and fill out a name for a lock file,
## to prevent integrity violation.
## [ default: true ]
## $lockName - Lock file name.
## $lockSleep - How much time to wait until next try (in milliseconds).
## [ default: 600 ] - 10 minutes.
## $lockWait - How many tries before script stop.
## [ default: 12 ] - Retry for 2 hours if $lockSleep = 600
## oldArchDaysBack - How much time (in days) into the past, search must look
## for old archive files inside the vault ($archDir) for deleting the oldest.
## [ default: 30 ] - One month.
## @WARNING! If you set $maxOldArch to say 10 and you run archivation process
## say every 24 hours, but your $oldArchDaysBack is set to 7, script will
## not be able to account for 3 oldest archive files, so your vault can
## grow more than 10!
## maxOldArch - How much old archive files must be kept inside the vault.
## [ default: 30 ]
## @WARNING! Do not set higher than $oldArchDaysBack if you run this script
## daily!
## $mailSendSucc - Enable mail sending on success.
## $mailSendFail - Enable mail sending on fail.
## $mailFileName - Mail file name.
## $mailTo - To which e-mail messages must be sent.
## $mailSubject - Subject of the message.
## $stdType - Sets output to console and or log file.
## [ default: "cl" ] { "cl" = console & log, "l" = log only }
## $txtFormat - Allow text formating (bold and colored text).
## [ default: true ]
## $debug - Enable debugging or not.
## [ default: true ]
## $timeStamp - Timestamp format.
## [ default: "[%Y.%m.%d - %H:%M:%S]" ]
## $compressor - Compressor and it's params.
## [ default: "xz -T 4 -9 -c" ]
## $archExt - Archive extension, depending on $compressor setting.
## [ default: ".tar.xz" ]
## 2. Helper functions
## msg() - Prints messages.
## [ example: msg "Archive file name is: %s\n" "$arcname" ]
## tf() - Formats text.
## tStamp() - Prints timestamp.
## [ example: "$(tStamp "[%Y.%m.%d - %H:%M:%S]")" ]
## [ fallback: "${timeStamp}" ]
## secToTime() - Turns seconds into readable time (e.g. 3h 45m 21s).
## sendMail() - Sends e-mails.
## ifDebug() - Checks if debuging is enabled.
## ifLock() - Checks if lock file check is enabled.
## succ() - Process success output.
## fail() - Process fail output.
## 3. Functions
## checkConf() - Validates configuration.
## checkLock() - Checks for lock file.
## checkForOldArch() - Checks old archive files.
## execComp() - Executes compression and assigns execution time to $execTime.
## size() - Gets object size values.
## @Takes two parameters, object and presentation format
## (h - human readable, b - bytes)!
## [ example: "$(size "$src" "b")" ]
## compRatio() - Gets compression ratio.
## @Takes two parameters, source and archive!
## [ example: "$(compRatio "$src" "$archive")" ]
## compInf() - Outputs compression info.
## [ example: compInf $src $archive ]
## =========================== ##
## Set configuration variables ##
## =========================== ##
mailSubjectSucc="$0 says: Process has finished successfuly!"
mailSubjectFail="$0 says: Warning! Process has failed!"
## Do not change this variables if you don't know how!
timeStamp="[%Y.%m.%d - %T]"
compressor="xz -T 4 -9 -c"
## ======================================= ##
## WARNING! Do not modify past this point! ##
## ======================================= ##
## ---------------- ##
## Global variables ##
## ---------------- ##
export TERM=xterm
runDir=${runDir%/} ; srcDir=${srcDir%/} ; srcName=${srcName%/} ## Deslashify.
outDir=${outDir%/} ; archDir=${archDir%/} ## Deslashify.
src="$srcDir/$srcName" ## Full path to source.
archiveFN="$archName$archExt" ## Archive file name and extension.
archive="$outDir/$archiveFN" ## Full path to archive.
logFile="$runDir/$logName.log" ## Full path to log file.
logFileF="$runDir/$logName.f.log" ## Full path to log file.
lockFile="$runDir/$lockName.lock" ## Full path to lock file.
mailFile="$runDir/$mailFileName.mail" ## Full path to mail file.
execute=0 ## Allow execution.
execTime="" ## Compression execution time.
## ------------- ##
## Initial setup ##
## ------------- ##
exec 3>&1 1>>$logFile 2>&1 ## Modifies std output.
## ---------------- ##
## Helper functions ##
## ---------------- ##
## Prints messages.
msg() { [[ $stdType == "cl" ]] && printf "$@" | tee /dev/fd/3 || printf "$@" ; }
## Text formating.
tf() {
if [[ $txtFormat == true ]] ; then
for ((i=2; i<=$#; i++)) ; do
case "${!i}" in
"bold" ) res="$res\e[1m" ;;
"underline" ) res="$res\e[4m" ;;
"reverse" ) res="$res\e[7m" ;;
"red" ) res="$res\e[91m" ;;
"green" ) res="$res\e[92m" ;;
"yellow" ) res="$res\e[93m" ;;
echo -e "$res$1\e[0m"
echo "$1"
## Sets timestamp.
tStamp() {
if [[ -n ${1} ]] && [[ ! -n ${2} ]] ; then
date +"${1}"
elif [[ -n ${1} ]] && [[ -n ${2} ]] ; then
date -d "${2}" +"${1}"
date +"${timeStamp}"
## Seconds to readable time.
secToTime() {
if [[ $timeInSec -ge 0 ]] && [[ $timeInSec -le 59 ]]; then
echo "${timeInSec}s"
elif [[ $timeInSec -ge 60 ]] && [[ $timeInSec -le 3599 ]]; then
m=$(( timeInSec / 60 ))
s=$(( timeInSec % 60 ))
echo "${m}m ${s}s"
elif [[ $timeInSec -ge 3600 ]] && [[ $timeInSec -le 86399 ]]; then
h=$(( timeInSec / 3600 ))
m=$(( (timeInSec % 3600) / 60 ))
s=$(( (timeInSec % 3600) % 60 ))
echo "${h}h ${m}m ${s}s"
## Sends e-mail.
sendMail() {
if [[ ! -n $1 ]] && [[ $mailSendSucc == true ]] ; then
echo "Process finished, no errors found!" > $mailFile
mail -s "$mailSubjectSucc" $mailTo < $mailFile
if [[ -n $1 ]] && [[ $mailSendFail == true ]] ; then
echo "Process has failed at step: $1" > $mailFile
mail -s "$mailSubjectFail" $mailTo < $mailFile
## Checks debug status.
ifDebug() { [[ $debug == true ]] ; }
## Checks lock status.
ifLock() { [[ $lockCheck == true ]] ; }
## Outputs process success.
succ() { msg "%s %s!\n\n" "$(tStamp)" "$(tf "SUCCESS" "bold" "green")" \
; sendMail ; exit 0 ; }
## Outputs process fail.
fail() { msg "%s %s at %s!\n\n" "$(tStamp)" "$(tf "FAIL" "bold" "red")" \
"$(tf "$1" "bold" "underline" "yellow")" ; sendMail "$1" ; exit 1 ; }
## --------- ##
## Functions ##
## --------- ##
## Checks configuration.
checkConf() {
## Check file/directory permissions.
checkPerm() {
if [[ ! -n ${2} ]] ; then
[[ -r ${1} ]] && [[ -w ${1} ]] && echo 1 || echo 0 ;
case "$2" in
"f" ) [[ -f ${1} ]] && [[ -r ${1} ]] && [[ -w ${1} ]] && \
echo 1 || echo 0 ;;
"d" ) [[ -d ${1} ]] && [[ -r ${1} ]] && [[ -w ${1} ]] && \
echo 1 || echo 0 ;;
"fd" ) [[ -d ${1} ]] || [[ -f ${1} ]] && [[ -r ${1} ]] && \
[[ -w ${1} ]] && echo 1 || echo 0 ;;
## Output file/directory status.
status() { [[ $1 == 1 ]] && tf "OK" "bold" "green" || \
tf "NOT OK" "bold" "red" ; }
## Check source.
pass=$(( pass + $(checkPerm "$src" "fd") ))
ifDebug && msg " -> Source\t\t%s\tis set to: %s\n" \
"$(status "$(checkPerm "$src" "fd")")" "$(tf $src "bold")"
## Check runtime directory.
pass=$(( pass + $(checkPerm "$runDir" "d") ))
ifDebug && msg " -> Runtime directory %s\tis set to: %s\n" \
"$(status "$(checkPerm "$runDir" "d")")" "$(tf $runDir "bold")"
## Check output directory.
pass=$(( pass + $(checkPerm "$outDir" "d") ))
ifDebug && msg " -> Output directory %s\tis set to: %s\n" \
"$(status "$(checkPerm "$outDir" "d")")" "$(tf $outDir "bold")"
## Check archive directory.
pass=$(( pass + $(checkPerm "$archDir" "d") ))
ifDebug && msg " -> Archive directory %s\tis set to: %s\n" \
"$(status "$(checkPerm "$archDir" "d")")" "$(tf $archDir "bold")"
## Display rest of the config.
ifDebug && msg " -> Archive\t\t\tis set to: %s\n" \
"$(tf $archiveFN "bold")"
ifDebug && msg " -> Log file\t\t\tis set to: %s\n" \
"$(tf $logName "bold")"
ifDebug && ifLock && msg " -> Lock file\t\t\tis set to: %s\n" \
"$(tf $lockName "bold")"
ifDebug && msg " -> Timestamp\t\t\tis set to: %s\n" \
"$(tf "$timeStamp" "bold")"
ifDebug && msg " -> Compressor\t\t\tis set to: %s\n" \
"$(tf "$compressor" "bold")"
## Validate config
if [[ $pass == 4 ]] ; then
ifDebug && msg " -> Configuration is %s\n" "$(status 1)"
msg " -> Configuration is %s, exiting...\n" "$(status 0)"
fail "configuration check"
## Checks for lock file.
checkLock() {
[[ -f ${lockFile} ]] && ifDebug && msg \
" -> Lock file %s, waiting iterations are set to: %s\n" \
"$(tf "is in place" "bold")" "$(tf "$lockWait" "bold")"
for ((i=1; i<=lockWait; i++)) ; do
if [[ -f ${lockFile} ]] ; then
ifDebug && msg " -> waiting for %s (%s)\n" \
"$(tf "$(secToTime "$lockSleep")" "bold")" \
"$(tf "$i" "bold" "yellow")" ; sleep $lockSleep
if [[ $i == "$lockWait" ]] ; then
msg " -> Lock file %s, exiting...\n" "$(tf "still in place" "bold")"
fail "lock file check"
## Checks if the old archive exists, if it does, deletes it.
checkForOldArch() {
if [[ -f ${archive} ]] ; then
oldArchCount() {
res=$(printf "%s" "$(ls -afq $archDir | wc -l)")
echo $(( res - 2 ))
oldestArch() {
find $archDir -type f -mtime -$oldArchDaysBack -print0 \
| xargs -0 ls -tr | head -n 1
## Move previous archive to the vault and rename it.
ifDebug && msg \
" -> Previous archive file %s, created on %s in %s, moving...\n" \
"$(tf "exists" "bold" "yellow")" \
"$(tf "$(date -r $archive +"%Y.%m.%d")" "bold")" \
"$(tf "$(date -r $archive +"%R")" "bold")"
prevArch="$archDir/$archName$(date -r $archive +"_%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")$archExt"
mv -f "$archive" "$prevArch" || fail "moving archive to the vault"
## Check if previous archive were moved to the vault.
if [[ -f ${prevArch} ]] && [[ ! -f ${archive} ]] ; then
ifDebug && msg \
" -> Previous archive %s to the vault as: %s, proceeding...\n" \
"$(tf "moved" "bold" "green")" "$(tf "$prevArch" "bold")"
execute=$(( execute + 1 ))
msg " -> %s %s previous archive to the vault, exiting...\n" \
"$(tf "WARNING!" "bold" "yellow")" "$(tf "Can't move" "bold")"
fail "moving archive to the vault"
## Count old archive files inside the vault and delete the oldest.
if [[ $oldArchCount -gt $maxOldArch ]] ; then
ifDebug && msg " -> Number of old archives inside the vault is: %s\n" \
"$(tf "$(oldArchCount)" "bold")"
for ((i=oldArchCount; i>maxOldArch; i--)) ; do
rm -f "$oldestArch" || fail "delete oldest archive"
if [[ ! -f ${oldestArch} ]] ; then
ifDebug && msg " -> Oldest file (%s) %s, proceeding...\n" \
"$(tf "$oldestArch" "bold")" "$(tf "was deleted" "bold" "yellow")"
msg " -> %s %s the oldest archive (%s), exiting...\n" \
"$(tf "WARNING!" "bold" "yellow")" "$(tf "Can't delete" "bold")" \
"$(tf "$oldestArch" "bold")" ; fail "delete oldest archive"
## Check if old archives were indeed deleted.
ifDebug && msg " -> Number of old archives inside the vault is: %s\n" \
"$(tf "$(oldArchCount)" "bold")"
if [[ $oldArchCount -gt 10 ]] ; then
msg " -> %s %s the oldest archive(s), exiting...\n" \
"$(tf "WARNING!" "bold" "yellow")" "$(tf "Can't delete" "bold")"
fail "delete oldest archive(s)"
execute=$(( execute + 1 ))
ifDebug && msg " -> Old archive %s, proceeding...\n" \
"$(tf "does not exist" "bold" "green")" ; execute=2
## Executes compression.
execComp() {
## Go to source directory.
cd $srcDir || fail "cd to source directory"
if [[ ${PWD} != "$srcDir" ]] ; then
msg " -> %s Can't cd to source directory, exiting...\n%s" \
"$(tf "WARNING!" "bold" "yellow")" ; fail "cd to source directory"
execTime=$( { time tar cf - $srcName | $compressor - > $archive ; } 2>&1 )
## Gets object size values.
size() {
[[ $2 == "b" ]] && du -bs "$1" | awk '{ print $1 }'
[[ $2 == "h" ]] && du -hs "$1" | awk '{ print $1 }'
## Rounds floating numbers.
round() { printf %."$2"f "$(echo "(((10^$2)*$1)+0.5)/(10^$2)" | bc)" ; }
## Gets compression ratio.
compRatio() { printf "%.*f" 2 "$(let res="$1/$2"; printf "%s" "$res")" ; }
## Outputs compression info.
compInf() {
msg "\t-> Source size: %s (%s bytes)\n" \
"$(tf "$(size "$1" "h")" "bold")" "$(tf "$(size "$1" "b")" "bold")"
msg "\t-> Archive size: %s (%s bytes)\n" \
"$(tf "$(size "$2" "h")" "bold")" "$(tf "$(size "$2" "b")" "bold")"
msg "\t-> Compression ratio: %s\n" \
"$(tf "$(compRatio "$(size "$1" "b")" "$(size "$2" "b")")" "bold")"
## Begins compression process.
compress() {
if [[ $execute == 2 ]] ; then
ifDebug && msg " -> Flag %s set, executing...\n" "$(tf "is" "bold" "green")"
execTime=$(round "$execTime" 0)
execTime=$(secToTime "$execTime")
## Check if archive file created.
if [[ -f ${archive} ]] ; then
msg " -> Archive %s created in %s!\n" "$(tf $archive "bold")" \
"$(tf "$execTime" "bold")" ; compInf $src $archive ; succ
msg " -> %s Archive file was %s created, exiting...\n" \
"$(tf "WARNING!" "bold" "yellow")" "$(tf "not" "bold" "red")"
fail "archive file creation"
msg " -> Flag %s set, exiting...\n" "$(tf "is not" "bold" "red")"
fail "execution flag check"
## ---------- ##
## Initialize ##
## ---------- ##
msg "%s Initializing...\n" "$(tStamp)"
checkConf ## Check configuration.
ifLock && checkLock ## Check for lock file.
checkForOldArch ## Check for old archive file.
compress ## Begin compression.
Тем, кому пригодился и есть желание доработать или сделать более элегантным, прошу на GitHub.