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Frontend Weekly Digest (11 – 17 Mar 2019)

Время на прочтение2 мин
Количество просмотров1.4K
This week we issue a really huge selection of all the essential news you might have missed on Front-end development. Make sure to check the latest updates on CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.


A JavaScript-Free Frontend
Planning for Responsive Images
30 years ago the world changed forever
KV Storage: the Web's First Built-in Module
Accessibility insights is a new #a11y testing tool that gives you fast and actionable information about accessibility problems in your products
Add first-class support for differential script loading


WebP in CSS — PostCSS plugin and tiny JS script (128 bytes) to use WebP in CSS background
How You Can Get Started with CSS Grid
Designing An Aspect Ratio Unit For CSS
CSS debugging is hard
if statements and for loops in CSS
How to manipulate CSS colors with JavaScript
Redesigning Our Docs – Part 4 – Building a Scalable CSS Architecture
Why can’t I set the font size of a visited link?
Web Standards Meet User-Land: Using CSS-in-JS to Style Custom Elements
Getting started with PostCSS in 2019
Moving Underline Nav Menu


Node.js Foundation and JS Foundation Merge to Form OpenJS Foundation
Update on Experimental Features in Node.js
GraphQL in Depth: What, Why, and How
How I ruined my JavaScript code and still won the Coding Challenge
JavaScript in 14 minutes

Thanks for reading! Feel free to send us your articles or fresh useful content you want to see in the next digest.
Всего голосов 10: ↑9 и ↓1+8




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