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Top 7 Technology Trends to Look out for in 2021

Время на прочтение4 мин
Количество просмотров3.5K

Technology is as adaptable and compatible as mankind; it finds its way through problems and situations. 2020 was one such package of uncertain events that forced businesses to adapt to digital transformation, even to an extent where many companies started to consider the remote work culture to be a beneficiary long-term model. Technological advancements like Hyper automation, AI Security, and Distributed cloud showed how any people-centric idea could rule the digital era. The past year clearly showed the boundless possibilities through which technology can survive or reinvent itself. With all those learnings let's deep-dive and focus on some of the top technology trends to watch out for in 2021.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is no new term for us. Its presence has been evident in many modern advancements and its scope for expansion is massive. With the usage of smartphones, TVs, and many other smart domestic devices, the need for the utilization and exploration of machine learning has immensely increased in the personal and public space.

Apart from personalized inventions like speech recognition and personal assistance, Artificial Intelligence applied on a larger scale can save lives and boost the overall economy. AI with the help of data analytics can guide the Healthcare sector in the right direction – from monitoring patients, drug development, diagnosis to even prevention of unforeseen infections is possible with the coupling of AI and machine learning algorithms.

AI and machine learning bypasses manpower and facilitates human connection. It demands a huge skillset across industries with varied new developments from automated transportation to quantum physics.

5G & Enhanced Connectivity

Communication plays a crucial role in connecting people with information. 5G is expected to take connectivity to the next level and aid in the growth of IoT and Edge computing. The technological advancements that 5G puts on the table would benefit a wide range of industries, public & private sectors and even the common man.

5G facilitates faster and responsive wireless connections with a bandwidth of hundreds of thousands of connections in parallel. Such reliable and high data rates with the lowest latency can even make the dreams of autonomous transportation and traffic management a reality.
5G’s speed and low latency would virtually transform almost every industry globally from simple human connection to complex medical experiments.

Extended Reality (XR)

The illusion attained with the combination of real and virtual simulations using human-machine interactions via wearable devices is called Extended Reality. Virtual Reality (VR) is one of the popular innovations in the gaming and entertainment industry where users experience gameplay in a virtually simulated environment using any device that connects to computer technology. Mixed Reality (MR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are also gaining popularity in the gaming, education, and infotainment industries in recent times.

The urge to seek this immersive experience is rapidly growing in a way that the XR industry value is expected to rise more than $1,005.9 billion by 2030. Apart from the already booming gaming & entertainment industry, XR will also play a major role in Retail, where buyers can try out the products like spectacles and jewelry virtually. XR can also be applied in various other fields like training modules, scientific researches, flight simulations, medical experiments, virtual meetings and many more. Human creativity sees no limit.

IoT and Edge

IoT slowly and steadily reshapes the way we do things physically. By not just reducing the human effort but also replacing humans with its automated approach, it redefines life experiences. IoT edge devices solve a fundamental problem associated with the centralization of cloud architecture. By bringing cloud computing capabilities to local devices, IoT edge computing can process data faster, preventing delays, security breaches and other concerns.

IoT reduces human load at the individual and organizational levels. From the remote operation of Fans, Heater to automated traffic signals, surveillance and smart cities, IoT’s contribution is widespread.

Intelligent Network

Virtual has become the new Real. Last year demanded a massive increase in remote work culture thus helping the businesses to sustain and survive. Over a period, the new normal also had its advantages in terms of increased productivity and reduced infrastructural cost. This change also puts pressure on the organizations to maintain a reliable and secure network structure; that’s where Intelligent Network comes into existence.

Intelligent Network offers new and advanced facilities and also retains the human connection value intact. It offers a stable platform with personalization and flexibility of services that manage the inventions or the creations of the new telecom standards.

Cyber Security

Security is of the highest importance for any organization to retain its trust with its customers. With the rapid increase in cyber threats, the Cybersecurity industry is expected to reach USD 352.25 billion by 2026. Medical services, retailers and public entities experienced the most breaches, with malicious criminals extracting personal, medical and financial data.

Cybersecurity also called information technology security refers to the body of technologies, processes, and practices designed to protect networks, devices, programs, and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access. With the right mix of process and technology, cybersecurity best practices must evolve to accommodate the increasingly sophisticated attacks carried out by attackers.

Internet of Behaviors (IoB)

IoB is the next-generation approach to focused business needs. 'Internet of Behaviors' is the process of reading, analyzing and studying the user behavior using inter-connected devices and data fetched through them. IoB not just helps to understand individual user behavior but also helps in personalizing and forecasting the individual needs to offer a better service. Making sure of a solid security platform in place, IoB can convert data into quality information with the right blend of technology, data analytics and behavioral science.


Though the above technology trends have already seen the light in the earlier years, the last year has set a whole new expectation on the digital market and strengthened the need for these technologies. Irrespective of what new challenges 2021 may offer, these technology trends could still bring in a whole new value to your business if used the right way.





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