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Песни от OpenBSD

Время на прочтение3 мин
Количество просмотров8.2K
Сегодня я узнал что с каждым релизом OpenBSD выпускает песню. Что удивительно так то, что они действительно высокого качества с интересными текстами. Так вот подборка нескольких:

OpenBSD 4.5: Games

I love to hate my PC
But now it's not so easy
Just wanna get this job done
But these A.M.L. games are dumb

You wanna know the truth?
Intel's controlling you
And Microsoft is too
But this is nothing new

With A.C.P.I.
This endless mess so corporate
Tangles and angles
In what could be straight forward

Lost connections
Lost my mind
It's such a waste of time


Now on the motherboard
Where all my life is stored
Playing with garbage there
With rules so unfair

Ruled by A.C.P.I.
Whose heart is so corrupted
Forcing us all to play
Our progress interrupted

Lost connections
Lost my mind
It's such a waste of time


Yes I'm a user
And I'm not the only one
I'm not a loser
With help from Puffy Tron

And we will find it
The pin in all this heartache
Map our devices
And we know what it'll take

Lost connections
Lost my mind
Oh Ooh Woah end of line

On and on
Can we all be wrong?
All and all
We are one
Clean the dream
Gone wrong
We are Tron
On and on and on

Instrumental CHORUS (guitar solo)

Instrumental pre-chorus

dumb dumb dumb

OpenBSD 4.5: Trial of the BSD Knights

Not so very long ago
and not so far away
AT&T made system code
and gave some bits away

Some Berkeley geeks rebuilt it
better, faster, more diverse
This open thing was wonderful
for everyone on Earth

And then the roaring 90's came
The Empire changed its mind
And good old greed was back again
The geeks were in a legal bind

The Empire's Unix Lab
sued BSDi from above
The code is free but
only we can sell it bub!

The University came calling
in full protective mode
and proved the source in Net/2
didn't use the Empire's code

Then Bostic brought the Empire's books
n' slammed them dandys down
And showed the giant chunks
of BSD code all around

They didn't even give an ounce
of credit front to back
This broke the license USL
was using to attack

The case was thrown out by the judge
and «settled» out of court
And UCB was big enough
to take it like a sport

And to this day the geekfolk say
Now did we win or lose?
They shoulda made 'em reprint
every book with proper dues

And take out ads in major rags
And maybe now it wouldn't be
the same monopoly

The Empire might have tumbled
down if everybody saw
How greed became so big
they couldn't see that glaring flaw

But only one community
the one that makes it tick
Is there to fight for everyone
exposing hypocrites

And OpenBSD is here
to tell the story right
Once again the fight is fought
and kept in shining light

And may the source be with you
May the Empire fall apart
Ya like that's gonna happen!
But we gotta keep heart!

OpenBSD 5.4: Our favorite hacks

PF divert-to and async resolver
Function call tracing to show how you got there
BGE changes to speed up the stack
These are a few of our favorite hacks

Closing the kernel thread races that hang you
Updating ports from the versions that pain you
Kernel mode setting and elf comes to vax
These are a few of our favorite hacks

Buffer queue limits and locale additions
Man-page updates to relate the traditions
Make DHCPD better with acks
These are a few of our favorite hacks


When my programs crash, when the kernel hangs
When I'm feeling mad
I update to get more of our favorite hacks
And then I don't feel so bad



When the build stops, when the panic hits,
When I'm feeling mad
I update to get more of our favorite hacks
And then I don't feel so bad

OpenBSD 5.1: Bug Busters

If you've got a bug
That you just can't shove
Who ya gonna install?

Buffer overflow?
Don't know where to go
Who ya gonna install?

I ain't afraid of no holes
I ain't afraid of no holes

And you're off by one
And it ain't no fun
Who ya gonna install?

If your system's down
And it makes you frown
Who ya gonna install?

I ain't afraid of no holes
I ain't afraid of no holes

If you need a trace
Gonna win that race
Who ya gonna install?

If you got a crash
And you got no cash
Who ya gonna install?

OpenBSD makes me feel good!

Больше можно найти тут: http://www.openbsd.org/lyrics.html
Всего голосов 36: ↑35 и ↓1+34




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