Как стать автором

У Steam проблемы с кешированием, из-за которой пользователи видят информацию о чужих аккаунтах

Время на прочтение10 мин
Количество просмотров17K
Steam сегодня испытывает большие проблемы с кешированием страниц.

Началось все при старте 4го дня новогодней распродажи в Steam. Многие пользователи получили доступ к инструментам администратора в Steam.

Хотя нажатия кнопок эффекта не вызывают, но можно увидеть лог:
Если интересно, вот сохраненный лог
Stats for default/
	Tracked requests: 24,758
	Average Time: 2.05
	Average PHP Time: 0.73
	Average WG Time: 1.32
	Average WG Bytes: 22,255.30
	Average WG Calls: 2.40
	(View All Controller Stats)

The following asserts fired while rendering this page:

----------------- FAILURE -----------------
PHP Notice: Memcache::get() [<a href='memcache.get'>memcache.get</a>]: Server (tcp 11211) failed with: Connection timed out (110)
Occurred at: /valve/www/store.steampowered.com/bld3202303/common/memcached/objectcache.php : 208

0: get( a:1:{i:0;s:35:"betasub_1629313_2940_russian_public";} ) called at /valve/www/store.steampowered.com/bld3202303/common/memcached/objectcache.php : 208
1: GetMultipleObjects( a:1:{i:0;s:35:"betasub_1629313_2940_russian_public";} ) called at /valve/www/store.steampowered.com/bld3202303/store/includes/subscription.php : 1425
2: LoadSubsFromMemcachedIfNeeded( a:1:{i:0;i:2940;}, O:18:"CSharedObjectCache":6:{s:31:"?CSharedObjectCache?m_rgS ... , O:12:"CObjectCache":5:{s:13:"?*?m_Memcache";O:8:"Memcache":1 ...  ) called at /valve/www/store.steampowered.com/bld3202303/store/includes/subscription.php : 1460
3: PreloadMultipleSubs( a:1:{i:0;i:2940;} ) called at /valve/www/store.steampowered.com/bld3202303/store/includes/application.php : 3368
4: OnWGDataReady( ) called at /valve/www/store.steampowered.com/bld3202303/store/includes/application.php : 3354
5: {closure}( {unserializable}, {unserializable} ) called at unknown location...
6: call_user_func( {unserializable}, {unserializable}, {unserializable} ) called at /valve/www/store.steampowered.com/bld3202303/common/cwg.php : 9985

----------------- FAILURE -----------------
PHP Notice: Memcache::set() [<a href='memcache.set'>memcache.set</a>]: Server (tcp 11211) failed with: Connection timed out (110)
Occurred at: /valve/www/store.steampowered.com/bld3202303/common/memcached/objectcache.php : 145

0: set( s:31:"betaapp_28_29900_russian_public";, O:12:"CApplication":130:{s:33:"?CApplication?m_strLoadedLang ... , i:0;, i:3956; ) called at /valve/www/store.steampowered.com/bld3202303/common/memcached/objectcache.php : 145
1: StoreObject( s:31:"betaapp_28_29900_russian_public";, O:12:"CApplication":130:{s:33:"?CApplication?m_strLoadedLang ... , i:3956; ) called at /valve/www/store.steampowered.com/bld3202303/store/includes/application.php : 3485
2: ConstructCApplication( s:5:"29900";, s:7:"russian";, b:1; ) called at /valve/www/store.steampowered.com/bld3202303/store/includes/application.php : 3663
3: PreloadMultipleApps( a:5:{i:0;s:5:"35140";i:1;s:5:"19680";i:2;s:5:"10150";i:3;s:5 ... , b:1;, b:1; ) called at /valve/www/store.steampowered.com/bld3202303/store/includes/application.php : 3868
4: PreloadMultipleAppLinks( a:5:{i:0;s:5:"35140";i:1;s:5:"19680";i:2;s:5:"10150";i:3;s:5 ...  ) called at /valve/www/store.steampowered.com/bld3202303/store/controllers/default.php : 1074
5: LoadComplete( ) called at /valve/www/store.steampowered.com/bld3202303/store/controllers/default.php : 1050
6: EnsureLoaded( ) called at /valve/www/store.steampowered.com/bld3202303/store/controllers/default.php : 1111

Performance Data
Memcached get called 157 times (50.20 milliseconds)
Memcached set called 217 times (2699.43 milliseconds)
Shared memcached server status 2
Shared memcached server status 0
Shared memcached server status 2
Shared memcached server status 0
Shared memcached get called 170 times (1454.42 milliseconds)
Shared memcached set called 91 times (1512.70 milliseconds)
Execution Time: 14058.346987 milliseconds

Memory Usage: 42,729,472 bytes

MySQL queries run against : 0
MySQL queries run against : 0
Application factory loaded 53 apps, 101 applinks
Subscription factory loaded 380 subs

Time spent in WG calls: 7.82 seconds
	Request BatchedRequest #0          1 calls, 0.12 seconds,       456 bytes 
	Trigger: ValidateUserToken
	  Batch: IPToLocation(0.01), **ValidateUserToken**(0.05)
	Request BatchedRequest #1          1 calls, 0.38 seconds,    12,626 bytes 
	  Batch: GetWalletDetails(0.14), GetPlayerLinkDetails(0.14), GetWishlistItemCount(0.14),
		 Player.GetOwnedApps(0.14), Store.GetDiscoveryQueue(0.14), GetWishlist(0.14), QuerySolr[DLC
		 on sale](0.30), GetPendingNotificationCounts(0.14)
	Request ExperimentService.ReportProductImpression  1 calls, 0.00 seconds,         1 bytes 
	Request BatchedRequest #2          1 calls, 1.21 seconds,    43,456 bytes 
	Trigger: StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision
	  Batch: QuerySolr[CUserWishlistOnSaleLoader::OnWishlistReady](0.96), StoreCatalog.GetApp(0.12),
		 StoreCatalog.GetAppRevision(0.16), StoreCatalog.GetPackage(0.13),
		 **StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision**(0.14), StoreCatalog.GetPackage(0.12),
		 StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision(0.16), StoreCatalog.GetPackage(0.12),
	Request BatchedRequest #3          1 calls, 0.51 seconds,     1,366 bytes 
	Trigger: StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision
	  Batch: StoreCatalog.GetPackage(0.25), **StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision**(0.28)
	Request BatchedRequest #4          1 calls, 0.43 seconds,     2,711 bytes 
	Trigger: Store.GetAppTags
	  Batch: **Store.GetAppTags**(0.08)
	Request BatchedRequest #5          1 calls, 0.54 seconds,    33,329 bytes 
	Trigger: StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision
	  Batch: StoreCatalog.GetPackage(0.26), **StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision**(0.27),
		 StoreCatalog.GetPackage(0.26), StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision(0.28),
		 StoreCatalog.GetPackage(0.26), StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision(0.28),
		 StoreCatalog.GetPackage(0.26), StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision(0.28),
		 StoreCatalog.GetPackage(0.26), StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision(0.27),
		 StoreCatalog.GetPackage(0.26), StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision(0.27),
		 StoreCatalog.GetPackage(0.26), StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision(0.28),
		 StoreCatalog.GetPackage(0.26), StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision(0.28),
		 StoreCatalog.GetPackage(0.26), StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision(0.27),
		 StoreCatalog.GetPackage(0.26), StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision(0.28),
		 StoreCatalog.GetPackage(0.26), StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision(0.28),
		 StoreCatalog.GetPackage(0.26), StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision(0.27)
	Request BatchedRequest #6          1 calls, 0.34 seconds,    96,188 bytes 
	Trigger: StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision
	  Batch: StoreCatalog.GetApp(0.06), StoreCatalog.GetAppRevision(0.26),
		 StoreCatalog.GetPackage(0.06), **StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision**(0.26),
		 StoreCatalog.GetPackage(0.06), StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision(0.26)
	Request BatchedRequest #7          1 calls, 0.83 seconds,    72,521 bytes 
	Trigger: StoreCatalog.GetAppRevision
	  Batch: StoreCatalog.GetApp(0.06), **StoreCatalog.GetAppRevision**(0.43), Store.GetAppTags(0.06),
		 StoreCatalog.GetApp(0.06), StoreCatalog.GetAppRevision(0.43), Store.GetAppTags(0.06)
	Request BatchedRequest #8          1 calls, 1.63 seconds,     2,932 bytes 
	Trigger: StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision
	  Batch: StoreCatalog.GetPackage(0.63), **StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision**(1.01),
		 StoreCatalog.GetPackage(0.54), StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision(1.00)
	Request BatchedRequest #9          1 calls, 0.23 seconds,     1,256 bytes 
	Trigger: StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision
	  Batch: StoreCatalog.GetPackage(0.09), **StoreCatalog.GetPackageRevision**(0.13)
	Request BatchedRequest #10         1 calls, 0.29 seconds,    10,773 bytes 
	Trigger: QuerySolr
	  Batch: **QuerySolr**[tab:TopSellers][cache: hit,up-to-date], QuerySolr[tab:Discounts][cache:
		 hit,up-to-date], QuerySolr[tab:ComingSoon][cache: hit,up-to-date],
		 QuerySolr[tab:PopularNewReleasesHome][cache: hit,up-to-date],
		 QuerySolr[tab:top_games_under_30000min15000][cache: hit,up-to-date],
		 QuerySolr[tab:top_games_under_15000min0][cache: hit,up-to-date]
	Request BatchedRequest #11         1 calls, 0.54 seconds,   133,255 bytes 
	Trigger: StoreCatalog.GetAppRevision
	  Batch: StoreCatalog.GetApp(0.29), **StoreCatalog.GetAppRevision**(0.30)
	Request BatchedRequest #12         1 calls, 0.77 seconds,     7,236 bytes 
	Trigger: Store.GetAppTags
	  Batch: **Store.GetAppTags**(0.38), Store.GetAppTags(0.49), Store.GetAppTags(0.49),
Total calls: 14 [WG: 14, Memcache: 0]

CPackageInfo status: Not Fetched
Localization version is 20.
Using native localization extension.

Host: sfweb-029.cde.rack
	Init: 0.000s
	End controller time: 2.987s
	Template templates/partials/header_admin_options.php render time: 0.000s
	End controller time: 0.001s
	End controller time: 0.003s
	Template templates/partials/menu_store.php render time: 0.003s
	Template templates/partials/home_header_winter2014.php render time: 6.133s
	End controller time: 0.598s
	Template templates/default_winter_2014.php render time: 4.302s
	Total: 14.037s

	Cache key: "homepage_sale_3202303_1451068605_win_menu_RU_beta_russian__store.steampowered.com_6fb30244387417fb0a8b3dc0_Europe/Moscow"
	Homepage rendered without cache.
	Next homepage cluster/spotlight/dailydeal update: 26 дек в 10:00 ( 40,965 seconds from now )
	Homepage cache lifetime: 300 seconds
Build: 3202303 2015-12-24 21:45:42 MSK
Disable Log (Refreshes page!)
0.000s  WG: BatchedRequest  Making request. Expect response: 1. Use SSL: 0. Max retries:
0.121s  WG: BatchedRequest  Succeeded. Read 456 bytes in 0.121s
0.126s  WG: BatchedRequest  Making request. Expect response: 1. Use SSL: 0. Max retries:
0.505s  WG: BatchedRequest  Succeeded. Read 12626 bytes in 0.379s
0.514s  WG: ExperimentService.ReportProductImpression  Making request. Expect response: 0. Use SSL: 0. Max retries:
0.516s  WG: ExperimentService.ReportProductImpression  Failed, but was not expecting response. Read 1 bytes in 0.002s
0.678s  WG: BatchedRequest  Making request. Expect response: 1. Use SSL: 0. Max retries:
1.890s  WG: BatchedRequest  Succeeded. Read 43456 bytes in 1.212s
1.941s  WG: BatchedRequest  Making request. Expect response: 1. Use SSL: 0. Max retries:
2.450s  WG: BatchedRequest  Succeeded. Read 1366 bytes in 0.509s
2.539s  WG: BatchedRequest  Making request. Expect response: 1. Use SSL: 0. Max retries:
2.966s  WG: BatchedRequest  Succeeded. Read 2711 bytes in 0.427s
3.019s  WG: BatchedRequest  Making request. Expect response: 1. Use SSL: 0. Max retries:
3.555s  WG: BatchedRequest  Succeeded. Read 33329 bytes in 0.536s
3.672s  WG: BatchedRequest  Making request. Expect response: 1. Use SSL: 0. Max retries:
4.011s  WG: BatchedRequest  Succeeded. Read 96188 bytes in 0.339s
4.069s  WG: BatchedRequest  Making request. Expect response: 1. Use SSL: 0. Max retries:
4.901s  WG: BatchedRequest  Succeeded. Read 72521 bytes in 0.832s
4.947s  WG: BatchedRequest  Making request. Expect response: 1. Use SSL: 0. Max retries:
6.575s  WG: BatchedRequest  Succeeded. Read 2932 bytes in 1.628s
7.630s  WG: BatchedRequest  Making request. Expect response: 1. Use SSL: 0. Max retries:
7.856s  WG: BatchedRequest  Succeeded. Read 1256 bytes in 0.226s
9.742s  WG: BatchedRequest  Making request. Expect response: 1. Use SSL: 0. Max retries:
10.036s  WG: BatchedRequest  Succeeded. Read 10773 bytes in 0.295s
10.227s  WG: BatchedRequest  Making request. Expect response: 1. Use SSL: 0. Max retries:
10.770s  WG: BatchedRequest  Succeeded. Read 133255 bytes in 0.543s
12.500s  WG: BatchedRequest  Making request. Expect response: 1. Use SSL: 0. Max retries:
13.270s  WG: BatchedRequest  Succeeded. Read 7236 bytes in 0.770s

При переходе по страницам магазина пользователя кидает в рандомные чужие профили.
По ссылкам вашего аккаунта отображаются чужие данные, например по этим:
В Account Details находится наиболее важная информация, включая список последних транзакций, сумму денег на электронном счете, адрес электронной почты, номер телефона (последние четыре цифры), домашний адрес и номер кредитной карты (последние четыре цифры).
При желании можно составить базу E-mail пользователей Steam.
В магазине можно добавить товары в чужую корзину. Но покупку совершить не выйдет.

В коде страницы можно увидеть комментарий:
<!-- note this javascript file is intentionally served locally instead of over CDN because it is valveip-only -->

и рядом ссылку на скрипт для администраторов:
Код скрипта

function FlushHomepage()
	HideMenu( 'admin_pulldown', 'admin_dropdown' );
	var $CurrentStatus = $J('<div/>');
	var $Message = $J('<div/>').text('Please wait, flushing homepage...' );
	var Modal = ShowBlockingWaitDialog( 'Flush Homepage', $Message.append( $CurrentStatus ) );

	var fnFail = function() { Modal.Dismiss(); ShowAlertDialog( 'Flush Homepage', 'Something went wrong' ); };
	$J.post('http://store.steampowered.com/api/prepareupdateglobalcacheversion' )
		.done( function( data ) {
			var global_cache_version = data.global_cache_version;
			var rgLocales = data.rgLocales;
			var fnDoLocale = function ( rgLocale )
				return $J.post( 'http://store.steampowered.com/api/primehomepage', {
					global_cache_version: global_cache_version,
					l: rgLocale[0],
					cc: rgLocale[1]
			var fnFinalize = function()
				$CurrentStatus.text( 'Finalizing...' );
				$J.post( 'http://store.steampowered.com/api/updateglobalcacheversion', {
					global_cache_version: global_cache_version
				}).done( function() {
					$CurrentStatus.text( 'Reloading...' );
				}).fail( fnFail );

			if ( !data.allow_simultaneous )
				var iLocale = 0;
				var fnDoNextLocale = function()
					if ( iLocale < rgLocales.length )
						var rgLocale = rgLocales[iLocale];
						$CurrentStatus.text( 'Priming homepage for ' + rgLocale[0] + ' language in ' + rgLocale[1] + '...');
						fnDoLocale( rgLocale ).always( fnDoNextLocale );
						// finish
				$CurrentStatus.text( 'Priming homepage for ' + rgLocales.length + ' common locales...' );
				var rgDeferred = [];
				for ( var iLocale = 0; iLocale < rgLocales.length; iLocale++ )
					rgDeferred.push( fnDoLocale( rgLocales[iLocale] ) );
				// jQuery.when() does not accept an array, because that would be too easy
				//	so we use apply to pass the arguments in
				$J.when.apply( window, rgDeferred ).always( fnFinalize );
		} )
		.fail( fnFail );

function FlushApp(appid)
	HideMenu( 'admin_pulldown', 'admin_dropdown' );
	var Modal = ShowBlockingWaitDialog( 'Flush App', 'Please wait, flushing app information and updating search index...' );
	$J.post('http://store.steampowered.com/api/flushcluster', { 'apps[]': appid } )
		.done( function( data ) { window.location.reload(); } )
		.fail( function() { Modal.Dismiss(); ShowAlertDialog( 'Flush App', 'Something went wrong.' ); } )

function FlushSub(subscriptionid)
	HideMenu( 'admin_pulldown', 'admin_dropdown' );
	var Modal = ShowBlockingWaitDialog( 'Flush Package', 'Please wait, flushing package information and updating search index...' );
	$J.post('http://store.steampowered.com/api/flushcluster', { 'subs[]': subscriptionid } )
		.done( function( data ) { window.location.reload(); } )
		.fail( function() { Modal.Dismiss(); ShowAlertDialog( 'Flush Package', 'Something went wrong.' ); } )

Пока никаких комментариев от Valve по поводу этого инцидента не поступило.

Ранее хакерская группировка Phantom Squad грозилась в Twitter на праздники вывести из строя PlayStation Network и Xbox Live.
Так же группа SkidNP обещала утроить атаку на сервера Valve:

У некоторых пользователей увели крупные суммы денег в привязанной кредитки:

UPD (00:20 MSK): В данный момент Valve уже отключили магазин, он успел проработать (с багом) около 4 часов.
UPD2 (02:00 MSK): Спустя полтора часа после отключения Valve снова включили магазин.
Всего голосов 12: ↑12 и ↓0+12



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