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A Guide to Understand the Concept of Modern Web App Development

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Количество просмотров6.4K

Millions of businesses exchange information on the internet and to interact with their target audience. This helps them make fast and secure transactions over the web. However, business goals can be achieved when the businesses are able to store all this data for the means of presenting quality output to the end users.

Simply put, in the development industry a web application (or “web app”) is more like a program that uses a web browser to handle the storage and retrieval of the information to present information to the users. This allows a user to interact with the company using the online forms, e-shopping carts, CMS, etc. Some more examples of web applications are online banking, online polls, online forums, online reservations, shopping cart, and interactive games.

Learning about web development is kind of like having too many things on a plate. This guide serves as a way to get your acquainted with the world of web app development.

Modern Web App Development

In this guide, I’ll cover the concept of modern web app development, best programming languages to use, and additional resources for businesses who want to know more about custom web application development for business benefit.

Keep reading to dive into web app development. Also check here the list of top software development companies for startups and SMEs.

Kotlin Ktor for Web App Development

Most of the developers now use Kotlin to build web apps. Kotlin is concise, clear, and has a friendly syntax to learn. In addition, Kotlin offers a myriad of useful features that ease everyday development tasks that is something not offered by any other language. This will speed up development time while keeping your codebase easier to execute and more maintainable. Besides the mentioned advantages, there’s also Kotlin Ktor a library for building creative web applications.

Ktor provides a tool for quickly creating web applications with Kotlin. Whatever type of hosting you choose, Ktor will make heavy use of Kotlin coroutines, so that it’s implemented 100% asynchronously and mainly non-blocking. Ktor library is pretty light-weight and can be extensible through a plugin mechanism.

One of the greatest advantages associated with Kotlin Ktor is its ability to provide type-safe builders known as Domain-Specific Languages (DSL). Ktor also makes use of such DSLs that allow a user to define the web app’s endpoints in a very precise way.

Modern Web Application Frameworks

Frameworks like Ruby on Rails, Angular, Django, Ember.js, Express, MeteorJS allow developers to build and maintain complex web applications following a fast and efficient approach. It is good to hire dedicated web app programmers to edit the app interface and make design without facing technical issues. Web application frameworks are designed to streamline the programming process and promote codes by setting up libraries, app structure, documentation, and guidelines.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on rails is a broadly popular web application framework that is based on the push-based MVC engineering. The Ruby on Rails system is open-source, allowed to utilize the Linux platform.


Released by Google, Angular is one of the best JavaScript frameworks for web application development. It is a front-end system that is popular among the web app developers as it allows broadening the vocabulary of HTML for web application development.


Django is based on the MVT model. For most cases, complex and information-based websites and web apps are made utilizing Django structure. The framework gives better performance and safety efforts when it comes to passwords and client accounts.


Ember.js is the best platform for structuring business web applications. Web app programmers attempt their hands with Ember.js for creating single-page web applications.


Express is based on Node.js web application server system. This is sufficiently perfect to fabricate multi-page apps, websites, and web applications.


Meteor is also one of the best full-stack JavaScript frameworks to develop single-page web applications. It is an open-source system that is isomorphic in nature. It allows JavaScript to run both on the server-side and the customer side.

Latest Web Application Technologies

Developing a web application or a website typically needs 3 to 5 main technologies: JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Ajax, JQuery, and Dojo Toolkit. It sounds quite complex, but once you have the understanding of these web technologies and the way they work it becomes significantly easier for you. Presenting here with an introduction to the latest web technologies list hoping it will make things a bit easier for you. Let’s take a look.


JavaScript is a front end programming language used for developing websites, web apps, and games. JavaScript runs on all browsers and supports both functional and object-oriented programming. It is basically best to go for making excellent quality user interfaces, websites, and web apps that look super nice.


JavaScript is CSS and HTML together they create a group of three front end web development tools. HTML (HyperText Mark-Up Language) is the language of web browsers used to make websites. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) make your website and web app look cool than those awful apps from the early days of the web.


Web app developers use JQuery to add required functionality to web applications they create. JQuery is a useful tool that offers a great level of flexibility and power to web application developers.

This is one of the popular most technologies among web developers because of its simplicity and ease of use. One of the main benefits of using JQuery is the fact it deals with cross-browser issues and bugs that you would face while developing the process of web application development.


AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX is not a programming language or a tool, it is a client-side script that communicates to and from a server/database without the need to follow the process of submitting a web page to the server for processing or a complete page refresh. Ajax is the method of exchanging data with a server and updating parts of a web app without reloading the entire pages of a web app.

Dojo Toolkit

The most popular JavaScript utility is the Dojo Toolkit. While nearly every JavaScript toolkit promises to make things easier for you, the Dojo Toolkit make it true for you. Its modularity will be the key to keeping your web application development fast, maintainable, and prominent.

Dojo Toolkit offers fantastic layouts that include a range of incredible features. The Digit UI also comes with the advanced quality widgets for better layout functionality. Dojo also offers high-performance implementations of a range of popular utilities and offers a simple and lightweight toolkit that is extremely fast and streamlined.

New Web Application Development Models

Multiple teams are engaged in the development process of web applications. Each organization may set its own unique style of the development process. Some companies follow a standard model SDLC (System Development Lifecycle) and some follow Agile Software Development Model. Let’s know about both the processes in detail:

SDLC Model

SDLC is the process of developing software or web applications including the steps to identify and define the application requirements, architectural design, analysis of information, programming, and testing.

Agile Model

The process of agile web application development is a type of iterative development process that focuses on the collaboration of teams or people involved in the process of web app development. It provides a better way to allow checking, revision, and analysis of web application requirements. The agile methodology includes the following steps — research, analysis, project management, design, programming, implementation, testing, adaptation, and maintenance.

Final Words

Today web applications have a substantial impact on the way companies work. Businesses need to reinvent and implement new technologies before the development of web applications.

Companies need to take advantage of the new technologies to have flexibility and versatility in their process of custom web application development. Or, you can contact Syncrasy Tech a PIM solution provider or hire web app developers to take app development work in a new direction in order to compete in the new market, new trends, and global marketplace.




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