Недавно (21.28 по МСК) пришло письмо от RS Components, с сообщением что они начали продажи Raspberry Pi.
Первым семистам покупателям в очереди были высланы приглашения в интернет-магазин, где они заказали свои компьютеры и сейчас они уже должны были получить свои заказы (R-Pi и кое-какие необходимые аксессуары).

Также в интернете начали появляться первые обзоры (ссылки в оригинальном тексте ниже).
Вторая партия находится в процессе сборки и должна поступить на следующей неделе. Скоро следующим 4000 будут высланы приглашения, чтобы они могли сделать заказы.
Объемы производства растут (и будут расти еще на протяжении нескольких недель), а это не может не радовать.

Само письмо:

Another week of great progress on Raspberry Pi!

Our initial batch of 700 Raspberry Pi’s has been shipped out to the first people in our queue (those who registered up to 6:01 am!) We invited these customers onto our special Raspberry Pi online store, and they've now received their order (including some of the essential accessories required) and are busy testing the capability of their Pi.

We're also seeing first user reviews of Raspberry Pi being posted on DesignSpark. Raspberry Pi and Custard looks at whether the Pi lives up to the hype, and our series of Pi Perspectives considers the wider impact of the Raspberry Pi phenomenon. Go to DesignSpark and see the reaction the first shipment of Raspberry Pi has created.

Our second batch of Raspberry Pi's is currently being put together, and we're expecting it in next week. We'll be inviting the next 4,000 people in our queue to come into the Raspberry Pi store and place their order very soon. Volume production is also progressing well, and we have secured chipset supplies to support the huge demand for Raspberry Pi. We really appreciate your patience while we fine-tune the manufacturing process. It's important we get the quality and reliability right, as we want everyone to enjoy their Pi’s.

The really good news is that, within a few weeks, the batch volumes will substantially increase, allowing us to serve Raspberry Pi's to many more people. We'll keep you informed on progress, and hope to be contacting all of you shortly with news on when you can get your Raspberry Pi.

RS Components Ltd