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Contextual advertising from A to Z

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Navigating the Digital Dilemma: Why Marketers Boosted Digital Spending in 2020 Despite Obstacles

Reading time4 min
This article is based on the Nielsen annual marketing report, highlighting that marketing is continuously transforming, with a significant shift towards digital media. In fact, over half of all advertising budgets in the US are now allocated to digital marketing. However, the efficiency of these new channels often remains uncertain.

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SEO vs. PPC — What's better for your business?

Reading time8 min
What's better for your business?

At a certain point, any website owner wonders what's better: SEO or PPC? Which promotion strategy will be the most rational to use in this particular situation? Or maybe it's best to combine both?

Before you decide between SEO and PPC, you need to consider the differences between them…

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Total votes 2: ↑0 and ↓2-2

The effectiveness of the marketing funnel AARRR

Reading time5 min
AARRR stand for:

• Acquisition.
• Activation.
• Retention.
• Revenue.
• Referral.

AARRR (also called the Pirate Metrics) describes the sales funnel. At the top of the funnel are visitors who only saw your application, or just downloaded it and still do not know how they will interact with it. Next, visitors are registered — of course, if it is provided by the functionality of the application.

Now they (you can start calling them users) reach the moment when they have to understand the value of the product and decide to remain its user, i.e. start buying some services, recommend the application to your friends and, in general, constantly return to the application for any purpose, or delete it from mobile device.

You will not have another chance to impress the user!

The AARRR framework forces developers to measure their sales funnel numerically. At every stage.
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Total votes 12: ↑11 and ↓1+10

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