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Strongly typed, multi-paradigm programming language

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AngouriMath 1.3 update

Reading time5 min

Four months of awesome work together with a few new contributors finally result in a new major release, which I'm happy to announce about.

Now we get completely new matrices, improved parser, a lot of new functions, almost rewritten interactive package (for working in Jupyter) and many more.

This article about a big update in a FOSS symbolic algebra library for .NET, I hope it may be interesting for someone!

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Total votes 5: ↑5 and ↓0+5

Jupyter for .NET. «Like Python»

Reading time2 min
A few months ago Microsoft announced about the creation of Jupyter for .NET. However, people are barely interested in it despite how attractive the topic is. I decided to make a LaTeX wrapper for the Entity class from a symbolic algebra library:

Looks awesome. Is simple. Very enjoyable. Let's see more!
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Total votes 2: ↑2 and ↓0+2

Fighting complexity in software development

Reading time31 min

What's this about

After working on different projects, I've noticed that every one of them had some common problems, regardless of domain, architecture, code convention and so on. Those problems weren't challenging, just a tedious routine: making sure you didn't miss anything stupid and obvious. Instead of doing this routine on a daily basis I became obsessed with seeking solution: some development approach or code convention or whatever that will help me to design a project in a way that will prevent those problems from happening, so I can focus on interesting stuff. That's the goal of this article: to describe those problems and show you that mix of tools and approaches that I found to solve them.

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Total votes 21: ↑20 and ↓1+19

I lost faith in the industry, burned out, but the cult of the tool saved me

Reading time6 min

I often rail at technologies I find inadequate, and in response I receive (along with arguments) sheer anger and pain. Sometimes physical.

Developers take critique of their favorite technologies very personally for some reason. This “cult of the tool” is such a strange phenomenon I can’t explain it logically. Some say everyone’s prone to it, because a coder’s thinking processes intertwine very deeply with his programming language. Some say it’s a junior’s fallacy — you write something for the first time, it works, and you start treating your language like something divine.

Whatever it is, I never understood it.

I always considered cultists as imbeciles. But I always try to understand why imbeciles became them, why I’ve avoided that fate. I start thinking and bam! — it turned out I’m also an imbecile. I’m a cultist who worships F#. And, of course, there’s a story behind it.
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Total votes 28: ↑26 and ↓2+24

Submit to the Applied F# Challenge

Reading time2 min

This post was written by Lena Hall, a Senior Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft.

F# Software Foundation has recently announced their new initiative — Applied F# Challenge! We encourage you to participate and send your submissions about F# on Azure through the participation form.

Applied F# Challenge is a new initiative to encourage in-depth educational submissions to reveal more of the interesting, unique, and advanced applications of F#.

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Total votes 18: ↑17 and ↓1+16

Announcing F# 4.6 Preview

Reading time10 min

We’re excited to announce that Visual Studio 2019 will ship a new version of F# when it releases: F# 4.6!

F# 4.6 is a smaller update to the F# language, making it a “true” point-release. As with previous versions of F#, F# 4.6 was developed entirely via an open RFC (requests for comments) process. The F# community has offered very detailed feedback in discussions for this version of the language. You can view all RFCs that correspond with this release here:

This post will detail the feature set and how to get started.

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Total votes 16: ↑14 and ↓2+12

Why anyone would bother to learn out-of-demand languages. A case study of the F# community

Reading time9 min

We all hear of iconic movies, games, books or musical compositions that get vehemently praised by the community of sophisticados, professionals and critics, yet never seem to attract tangible commercial success or the attention of the wider audience. Such situations leave me deeply frustrated.

When it comes to development, good tech also sometimes never gets into the limelight. Take F# for example. All I know about it is that it is a super-cool, yet totally unpopular language which makes it hard for developers – upon getting to know it – to get back to the languages they’re used to.

I tried to find out what is the story behind this. In fact, who are the people who use it and why are they doing this if the language is out of demand in business? To find answers, I joined the Russian-speaking F# community on Telegram – our round table for the discussion.
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Total votes 22: ↑22 and ↓0+22