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How we test the backend

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time13 min

We are a brokerage platform operating in a dynamic and complex domain. This specificity comes with a set of challenges. On the one hand, it entails a high variability of scenarios and potentially significant risks associated with errors. On the other hand, it has short development iterations with frequent delivery cycles. 

In this article, we will share how we maintain the quality of our numerous backend services, which provide essential information to our trading terminals.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Obsidian: Master Your Notes and Ideas

Reading time3 min

If you're like me, you’ve probably tried countless apps to organize your thoughts, notes, and ideas. Then, I discovered Obsidian, which completely changed how I work. In this article, I’ll give you an easy-to-follow Obsidian tutorial to help you get started. We’ll talk about how to use Obsidian, its key features, and why it’s one of the best tools for note-taking.

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DAO: Creativity in the Liquid State

Reading time2 min

The photograph accompanying this article captures a moment I once witnessed on a beach in Silicon Valley, California. The endless waves of the Pacific Ocean stretch into the distance, fading and dissolving into the sand. All three states of matter are present here: the solid, unmoving sand; the liquid, flowing water; and the wind — invisible yet tangible chaos of air. This landscape seems to symbolize the transitions and boundaries between order and freedom, between stability and change.

This very scene inspired me to reflect on how DAOs, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, transform into a "third state" for communities. They combine the chaotic freedom of scattered individuals and the structured order of centralized organizations, creating something new — fluid and adaptive.

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How I Use ChatGPT Prompts to Simplify My Life in 2025

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time3 min

Today, I want to share something that has genuinely changed the way I approach learning, working, and even managing my day-to-day life. If you’ve ever felt stuck, overwhelmed, or in need of a fresh perspective, then this video is for you. Let me introduce you to AI prompts that can transform your life. Each one has a specific role and is designed to help you tackle challenges in different areas.

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Kill the Troll. Engineering Tale

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time19 min

Have you ever struggled to turn business ideas into a product? Or tried to understand the way another team works?

If you have, you know how exhausting it can be. Different ways of thinking –business, analysis, and engineering – don’t always fit together easily.

This article blends a simple story with engineering tools to show how creativity and structure can work together. Using characters like The King, The Troll, and The Prince, it explores how storytelling can help solve tough problems and make complex ideas clearer.

If you’ve ever faced a "troll" at work, this story might help you see things differently – and maybe even make the process a bit more fun.

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Заголовок: Я переписал react-query | Легковесный хук для асинхронного получения данных и кэширования в React

Привет всем!

Я разработал легковесный React-хук, аналогичный React Query, с основными функциями: получение данных, кэширование, повторные попытки и др. Он компактнее и проще в настройке. Полный код доступен на GitHub и в npm как api-refetch.

Зачем создавать собственный хук?

  1. Легковесность: React Query и SWR мощные, но крупные. Мой хук идеален, когда важен размер пакета, особенно для зависимостей вроде Intlayer.

  2. Настройка и оптимизация: Возможность хранения данных в локальном хранилище и управления параллельными запросами. Копируя или клонируя код, можно удалить ненужные функции, уменьшив размер бандла и повысив производительность.

  3. Без провайдера: Избегаю использования Context Provider для глобального доступа, предлагая версию на базе Zustand.

  4. Учебное упражнение: Понимание внутренностей кэширования и управления состоянием.

Создание собственного хука позволило сосредоточиться на нужных функциях, сохраняя библиотеку маленькой и понятной.


  • Получение данных и управление состоянием: Загрузка, ошибки, успешные данные.

  • Кэширование и хранение: Через React или Zustand, поддержка локального хранилища.

  • Повторные попытки и валидация: Настраиваемые лимиты и интервалы.

  • Активация и инвалидизация: Управление запросами в зависимости от других данных.

  • Параллельные запросы: Предотвращение дублирования запросов при монтировании нескольких компонентов.

Пример использования


Клонируйте репозиторий или установите через npm:

npm install api-refetch

Быстрый пример

import { AsyncStateProvider, useAsync } from "api-refetch";

function App() {
  return (
      <UserDetails />

const fetchUserData = async () => {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      resolve({ name: "John Doe" });
    }, 1000);

const UserDetails = () => {
  const { isLoading, data, error, revalidate } = useAsync(
      enable: true,
      cache: true,
      store: true,
      retryLimit: 3,
      retryTime: 10000,
      autoFetch: true,
      revalidation: true,
      revalidateTime: 300000,
      onSuccess: (data) => console.log("Данные получены:", data),
      onError: (error) => console.error("Ошибка:", error),

  if (isLoading) return <div>Загрузка...</div>;
  if (error) return <div>Ошибка: {error}</div>;
  return (
      <button onClick={revalidate}>Обновить</button>

Попробуйте api-refetch, сообщите об ошибках или внесите вклад. Обратная связь приветствуется!

GitHub: api-refetch

Счастливого кодинга!


Intelligent Systems at Phystech: 2024 Year in Review

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time24 min

The goal of the Intelligent Systems Department is to facilitate the road to high-quality professional life. The Ph.D. degree requires three publications in peer-reviewed journals. They are the core of the student’s thesis. This year each of our bachelor students delivered at least one publication. It means they pave the road to their Ph.D. To facilitate this, the Department provides state-of-the-art research topics, scientific advisors with excellence in science, and fine-tuned educational courses. Below, we are proud to recognize our students for their outstanding achievements.

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10 Books Every Developer Should Read in 2025 to Level Up

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time4 min

Are you ready to level up your skills as a developer in 2025? In this article, I show 10 books that will help you become a better programmer, enhance your coding practices, and improve your overall software engineering skills. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, these books cover essential topics like clean coding, debugging, system design, productivity, and more.

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Best Wireless Earbuds of 2024 — Early 2025 by sound quality: Sound Review, Tests and Comparison of Top TWS on the Market

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time25 min

Hello, friends

I decided to start this year with an article in the field of HIFI sound / audiophilia and this article is about sharing the results of my wireless earbud tests, which I’ve been conducting for several years since the emergence of TWS on the market. 
Sound testing is my hobby, which can be useful for others, because in everyone’s life are important bright pleasant emotions, relaxation and mental comfort, which is not always enough in the flow of turbulent events of life. And music is just the thing to bring it all in, if only for moments, or even hours, and choosing the right headphones is crucial to getting the right effect.

Testing sound is a hobby with benefits that extend beyond personal enjoyment, as its results can be valuable to others. After all, life is made brighter and more fulfilling by positive emotions, moments of relaxation, and peace of mind — things that often feel scarce in the whirlwind of modern life. Music is one of those rare things that can bring these experiences into our lives, even if just for a moment or hours at a time. Choosing the right headphones is essential to achieving that effect.

By the end of 2024, I completed testing the best wireless in-ear headphones (commonly referred to as “earbuds”) available on the market — or at least those I could find. “Best” here doesn’t necessarily mean the most expensive. It refers to the top performers in terms of sound quality. We’ve all encountered situations where lower-priced items turned out to be just as good, if not better, than their costly counterparts. That’s why my sound-quality ranking includes headphones from various price categories — from ultra-premium TWS models to more budget-friendly options.

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Как разводят венчурных капиталистов на бабки по поводу процессоров

Когда в СМИ публикуют статью про новый революционный процессор, но в статье нет бенчмарок, тут все понятно: статью можно игнорировать, это просто мусорный набор символов на экране. А если бенчмарки есть? Тут тоже не все так просто. Лет 10 назад был стартап, который показывал венчурным капиталистам слайды, что их революционно гибкий процессор (который динамически выделял потоки) по тактам в 3 раза быстрее чем старшее ядро ARM. Измерение было с помощью симуляции на уровне регистровых передач и в качестве бенчмарки была то ли Dhrystone, то ли CoreMark/MHz. Но они "забыли" указать на слайдах, что если синтезировать их процессорное ядро c библиотекой ASIC на том же техпроцессе, на котором и ядро ARM, против которого они конкурируют - то статический анализ тайминга покажет, что максимальная тактовая частота, которую они могут использовать - втрое меньше, чем у ARM. То есть втрое лучше по тактам умножаем на втрое хуже по частоте = никакого улучшения. Об этом факте я случайно услышал на парти - человек сказал цифру и я сложил два плюс два, то бишь умножил 3 на 1/3.

Также замечу что развод на бабки VC ничуть не менее аморален, чем развод на бабки пенсионеров по телефону, так как в фонды VC вкладывают в том числе и частные пенсионные фонды.


The Collatz conjecture as a fail of world math

Reading time4 min

/Sandbox 23.12.2024/

On 17.10.2024, the article “A new inherent approach to solving the Collatz 3n+1 problem and its analogues” was published on the Academia.edu website [1]. The second link is for those who find it easier to read in Russian “Новый внутренне присущий подход к решению проблемы Коллатца 3n+1 и ее аналогов” [2].

The English version was originally intended for the arXiv preprint platform, but they suggested first publishing in a peer-reviewed mathematical journal. Attempts to access other platforms HAL, Qeios, and ResearchGate were met with the requirement for affiliation, which an independent researcher does not have.

The process took almost two months — more than the research itself from idea to text. As a result, the article ended up on the Academia site, which is free from “face control”. I think it will be useful for anyone interested in the Collatz conjecture to read it. Exclusively for Habr, this short text summarizing the content and meaning of the publication.

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Google Keyword Scraping: A Detailed Guide to Building a Free Google Scraper

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time8 min

Any SEO expert knows the pain of collecting Google keyword data. It’s one thing if you can count all the queries on one hand, but what if they number in the thousands? How do you check the search volume in Google for each keyword? Frankly, once you hit tens of thousands of keywords, it’s enough to make your head spin. You’ll be tempted to reach for outdated, familiar tools, only to find modern reality throwing a curveball: the old formula of Key Collector + Google Ads + a few proxies simply doesn’t cut it anymore. We’re entering a new era, and without direct access to the official API, things get grim and complicated fast.

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Rabbit Testing: A Multifaceted Approach to Quality Assurance

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time4 min

In the fast-paced world of software development, ensuring the quality and reliability of applications is crucial. With the ever-increasing complexity of software systems, it becomes essential to adopt a comprehensive and structured approach to testing. One such approach can be encapsulated in the acronym "RABBIT," where each letter stands for a distinct branch of testing. This multifaceted strategy covers various testing methodologies that together create a robust framework for quality assurance. This article explores each branch of RABBIT testing in detail, providing insights into their significance, implementation, and appropriate use cases.

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Я сохраняю историческое наследние на Wikimedia Commons, например газеты 19 века, но их очень много - буду рад если вы присоединитесь, научу как там делать.

Вот например страница одной старой газеты https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Minskie_eparhialnye_vedomosti

Исторические данные важно сохранять - многое мы уже потеряли. Где-то библиотеки выкладывают на своих сайтиках отсканированное, где-то генеалоги за свои деньги заказывают сканы и потом публикуют в Google Drive, что-то берется с archive.org. Может у вас дома есть газеты 19 века?

Вот тут всё что я загрузил.

Например, одна из текущих задач - Могилевские Губернские Ведомости. В идеале их нужно не только загрузить, с правильным проставлением категорий по годам, но и вынуть тексты для другого сервиса ru.wikisource.org

Авторское право для газет 19 века уже истекло, так что это все легально.

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Пишите кто тоже хочет загружать на Коммонс и спасать историю, делать её доступнее для анализа людьми и машинами.

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Electronic Arts поделился технологиями, а Google разработал умные очки (опять) и чип на 105 кубитов: дайджест новостей

Reading time3 min

Apple представила новые патенты в сфере виртуальной реальности Vision Pro, самый быстрый чип от Google вызвал вопросы, а у индийских фермеров возникли проблемы с CRISPR. Рассказываем в нашем дайджесте про эти и другие наиболее важные новости в сфере интеллектуальной собственности.

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Grok AI 2: How to Get Started with This AI Tool

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time3 min

Grok AI is a new and exciting artificial intelligence created by xAI, a company founded by Elon Musk in 2023. It works closely with X (formerly Twitter), offering cutting-edge tools for chatting, image creation, and more. In this article, we’ll break down what Grok AI is, how to use it, and what it can do.

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How to bypass CAPTCHA the smart way: hybrid strategies for success

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time14 min

Automation can be an exhilarating, albeit exhausting, journey‑especially for those just dipping their toes into it. The tasks are often labeled as “interesting” or “non‑standard,” which, let”s be honest, often translates to “challenging” or even “impossible.” Among these challenges, one question halts around 50% of novice automators in their tracks: How to bypass CAPTCHA!

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How AI is Shaping the Future of Robotics and Workplace Safety

Reading time2 min

The robotics industry is undergoing a significant transformation, moving beyond static systems and rigid programming to dynamic, adaptive solutions powered by artificial intelligence (AI). With these advancements, robots are increasingly capable of real-time decision-making and learning, opening up new opportunities to enhance workplace safety and efficiency.

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