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29 сентября вышла новая версия JavaScript фреймворка Prototype.
Всем кто пользуется веткой 1.6, разработчики рекоммендуют обновиться.
Это, преимущественно, починка ошибок — закрыто 30 багов, плюс 25 различных улучшений.

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Пост Prototype is out на «Prototype & script.aculo.us» Google Groups

Предыдущая версия вышла 9 месяцев назад — 25 января 2008.

Список изменений
* Add support for the Chrome browser in jstest.rb. (Andrew Dupont)
* Workaround a JavaScript exception in Opera. (Thomas Fuchs)
* Improve NodeList detection for Safari's $A function. (Garrett Smith, jddalton)
* Use different tactic to sniff for Opera in order to avoid false positives in IE. (Tobie Langel, jddalton)
* Rename variable in Form.Element.Serializers.select. (jddalton)
* Coerce Opera's version string into a number whenever we need to sniff. (Sam Holman, jddalton)
* Ensure Object.isElement handles «falsy» values properly. (kangax)
* Fix exiting test task on INT signal. (Samuel Lebeau)
* Fix unit test freeze in IE. (Tobie Langel)
* Ensure Hash does not return keys from the prototype chain (e.g., constructor, valueOf, toString). (kangax)
* Fix toString/valueOf sharing same method reference via closure in Class#addMethods. Use plain property assignment, since Object.extend fails to enumerate over toString/valueOf. (kangax)
* Stop Form.Element.disable from stealing focus. (jddalton)
* Ensure Element.hide and Element.show return an element, even if you pass an element ID. (Andrew Dupont)
* Fix an issue where Element#getStyle('height') returns null if the height is set to «auto.» (kangax, jddalton)
* Add unit tests for Element#descendantOf. (jddalton)
* Form#serializeElements should not serialize file inputs. (kangax, Lonesome Boy)
* Fix an issue with calling Event.pointer before the DOM is loaded. (kangax, jddalton) [#4 state:resolved]
* Element#down on an input element should not raise error. (humeniuc, kangax)
* More unit tests for Object.isHash. (Tobie Langel)
* Allow Function#argumentNames to handle line breaks between arguments. (Geoff M. Granum, Tobie Langel) [#63 state:resolved]
* For consistency, add additional optional parameter «context» to Number.prototype.times. (Samuel Lebeau)
* Replace all instances of foo.__proto__ by foo['__proto__'] for Caja-compliance. (Tobie Langel)
* Speed up Function#argumentNames. Avoid Enum dependency. (Samuel Lebeau, Tobie Langel)
* Fix Event#element accessing inexistent tagName property (e.g. when element is a document). (kangax)
* Amended failing Element#identify test.
* Refactor unit tests. Unit tests are now dynamically generated from a JavaScript test file and optional HTML, JS and CSS fixtures. [Tobie Langel]
* Fix issue where Safari improperly reports an element as a descendant of itself.
* Greatly simplify IE's implementation of Element#descendantOf.
* Prevent exception when using Selector to search for an attribute that is not present. [gryn, Andrew Dupont]
* Fix issues where Firefox improperly returns the wrong node from a call to Event.element. Also fixes possible exception in Event.element in IE. [jdalton, Andrew Dupont]
* Fix issue where Safari 3 deletes custom properties from the document object when the page is returned to via the back button. [mzsanford, kangax, Andrew Dupont]
* Integrate support for the W3C Selectors API into the Selector class. Will now use the API when possible (browser supports the API *and* recognizes the given selector). Means minor changes to the semantics of :enabled, :disabled, and :empty in order to comply with CSS spec.
* Avoid re-extending element in Element#getDimensions. [kangax]
* Prevent Hash#toQueryString from serializing objets. [kangax, Tobie Langel]
* Fix Event#pointer in IE standard mode. Closes #9920. [kangax, Tobie Langel]
* Instanciate Test.Unit.Logger on window load. [Tobie Langel]
* Unit tests clean-up. [Tobie Langel]
* Refactor String#escapeHTML to avoid using the `with` statement. [Tobie Langel]
* Remove usage of the `with` statement from unit tests. [Tobie Langel]
* Complete rewrite of the deprecation helper, now renamed UpdateHelper and useable by third-party libs. [Tobie Langel]
* Make Element#writeAttribute handle frameborder attribute in IE. Closes #11068. [staaky, Tobie Langel]
* Minor clean-up of selector.js. Closes #10844. [RQuadling]
* Make String#unescapeHTML strip tags in IE. Closes #10173. [kangax]
* Stop form observers in unit tests. Closes #10938. [kangax]
* Performance improvements for Enumerables. Closes #11264. [Ben, Samuel Lebeau]
* deprecation extension: mark Hash.toJSON() as removed. [Tobie Langel]
* deprecation extension: mark Class.create() used without arguments as deprecated. [Tobie Langel]
* deprecation extension: mark Event.unloadCache as removed rather than deprecated. [Tobie Langel]
* deprecation extension: log everything *but* deprecations with console.error. [Tobie Langel]
* Change deprecation extension to use Firebug's console.warn and console.error. [Andrew Dupont, Tobie Langel]
* Make tagName comparisons XHTML-compliant. Closes #11012, #11013, #11014. [cfis, Tobie Langel]
* Avoid breaking Element.prototype in browsers which support it. Closes #11004. [cfis, Tobie Langel]
* Prevent Element#cumulativeOffset, Element#getOffsetParent, Element#positionedOffset, Element#viewportOffset and Element#clonePosition from throwing an error in IE when called on a parent-less element. Closes #9416, #10192, #10248. [ronstoney, psiborg, kangax]
* Prevent Enumerable#eachSlice from entering into an endless loop if passed an argument smaller than 1. Closes #10665. [kangax, Tobie Langel]
* Allow Selector to correctly detect the presence of namespaced attributes. Closes #10987. [Samuel Lebeau, Tobie Langel]
* Make Element#absolutize and Element#relativize always return element. Closes #10983. [kangax]
* Add deprecation extension. [Tobie Langel]
Total votes 22: ↑14 and ↓8+6
