Web development frameworks are built to guide the developers for creating high-quality web apps using a single programming language. Web application frameworks are essential for the developers in examining the components of a rich web application. There has been a high rise in the frontend frameworks focusing on web development. The common goal of these frameworks is to facilitate development. And what sets them apart from everyone is how they deal with this goal.
There are numerous frameworks exists for building a web app. Selecting a framework is an easy task, but implementing it over a whole app is a bit difficult. So don't be in a hurry while choosing a framework; each one has its pros and cons. Make sure the framework you're continuing with, meets your need and project requirements.

Angular is an open-source JS framework which is used for creating single page applications for mobile and web development. It can be adopted by both frontends as well as backend developers. There is a whole large community of Angular developers; You can find a lot of places on the internet like Reddit, LinkedIn groups, and so on… The reason why Angular became so popular and high in demand was because of its feature and concepts which were unique from others in building a great app.
Developed by Facebook, ReactJS is an open-source front-end library, specially build to create User Interfaces for mobile and web applications. React introduced the concept of virtual DOM, which is regarded as one of the most significant advantages of ReactJS.
Developed by Evan You an ex-Google-employee, Vue is a most swiftly growing JavaScript framework. It is described as a “perceptive, quick MVVM (Model–View–ViewModel) for creating interactive interfaces.
It is an open-source JavaScript web framework based on the MVVM pattern. It permits developers to build Single Page web applications by merging common idioms & best practices into the framework. Prefer EmberJS if you want to be able very productive and not think much about your dev environment.
NodeJS is an open-source JS cross-platform runtime environment which is assembled on Chrome's V8 engine. It delivers blazing fast speed with high performance. It has become an excellent choice for real-time web applications as it is written in JavaScript. Not only startups but NodeJS has also allotted its slot in giant enterprises. Some of the top companies using NodeJS development Services are Netflix, PayPal, LinkedIn, etc.
Metero.JS is the JS platform that guides developers to build ingenious apps for your mobile and web with real-time updates. Meteor works well with NPM, Cordova, and React.
• A website may run slowly.
• Only syncs with MongoDB database
Ruby on Rails is an open-source web application framework which comes under MIT license. There are already more than thousands of apps build via Ruby On Rails services. Both big companies and startups have already adopted this platform due to its robust building tools and features. The latest version of Ruby of Rails is 6.0.0. However, it is in release candidate (RC) mode.
Hope the above article is helpful in describing about the best web development frameworks with its pros and cons.
There are numerous frameworks exists for building a web app. Selecting a framework is an easy task, but implementing it over a whole app is a bit difficult. So don't be in a hurry while choosing a framework; each one has its pros and cons. Make sure the framework you're continuing with, meets your need and project requirements.

Angular is an open-source JS framework which is used for creating single page applications for mobile and web development. It can be adopted by both frontends as well as backend developers. There is a whole large community of Angular developers; You can find a lot of places on the internet like Reddit, LinkedIn groups, and so on… The reason why Angular became so popular and high in demand was because of its feature and concepts which were unique from others in building a great app.
Pros of Angular
- Two-way data-binding helps developers from writing much code.
- With the use of directives, it becomes more comfortable to share build custom HTML tags which act as a custom widget.
- By updating and translating the components of the DOM, the time and efforts of the developers are saved.
- Follows a Structural Dynamic framework for developing applications.
- All objects used in Angular are Plain Old JavaScript Object(POJO), a function is used for ignoring those extra getter and setter functions.
Cons of Angular
- It can be extremely time-consuming if you aren't familiar with MVC
- For applying design changes, you will have to rewrite lots of mark up
- It is challenging to use for isomorphic applications
Developed by Facebook, ReactJS is an open-source front-end library, specially build to create User Interfaces for mobile and web applications. React introduced the concept of virtual DOM, which is regarded as one of the most significant advantages of ReactJS.
Pros of ReactJS
- For making the applications run faster, Virtual DOM was brought into existence.
- For maintaining a better speed, accuracy, and efficiency of the developing process, ReactJS provides services of partial update from Android applications.
- You can use Browserify, RequireJS, ECMAScript 6 modules via ReactJS-di to inject dependencies naturally.
- Large Industries which uses ReactJS are AirBnB, Instagram, Netflix.
- Redux: convenient state container
Cons of ReactJS
- View-orientedness is one of the drawback of ReactJS. It should be found 'Model' & 'Controller' to resolve 'View' issue.
- There is a need for more code in some cases.
Developed by Evan You an ex-Google-employee, Vue is a most swiftly growing JavaScript framework. It is described as a “perceptive, quick MVVM (Model–View–ViewModel) for creating interactive interfaces.
Pros of VueJS
- Smooth Integration among applications.
- It doesn't intake more space and tends to give flawless performance over other frameworks.
- It grants a secure learning method through the detailed documentation and lacks in gaining no specialized knowledge about HTML and JavaScript.
- Detailed documentation
Cons of VueJS
- A closed community development.
- Most of the Vue users are non-English speaking, which can be the most significant barrier. Most of the coding is written in Chinese.
It is an open-source JavaScript web framework based on the MVVM pattern. It permits developers to build Single Page web applications by merging common idioms & best practices into the framework. Prefer EmberJS if you want to be able very productive and not think much about your dev environment.
Pros of Ember
- In-built testing Tools
- Active community & support
- With a single terminal command, numerous extensions can be installed quickly to your application.
Cons of Ember
- Due to the helper function, two-way data binding is more complicated
- Lack of server-side rendering
NodeJS is an open-source JS cross-platform runtime environment which is assembled on Chrome's V8 engine. It delivers blazing fast speed with high performance. It has become an excellent choice for real-time web applications as it is written in JavaScript. Not only startups but NodeJS has also allotted its slot in giant enterprises. Some of the top companies using NodeJS development Services are Netflix, PayPal, LinkedIn, etc.
Pros of NodeJS
- It is a lightweight and faster platform compared to other frameworks
- Very few guidelines and dependencies with no strict rules
- Adopts Single language, which will result in improvement of your app functionality
Cons of NodeJS
- If you're using Node, working with a relational database is pain
- Isn't suitable for CPU-intensive tasks
Metero.JS is the JS platform that guides developers to build ingenious apps for your mobile and web with real-time updates. Meteor works well with NPM, Cordova, and React.
Pros of MeteorJS
- Turn your Meteor application into Android or iOS app.
- Seamless communication between client and server
- In-built support of Progressive web apps.
Cons of MeteorJS
• A website may run slowly.
• Only syncs with MongoDB database
Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails is an open-source web application framework which comes under MIT license. There are already more than thousands of apps build via Ruby On Rails services. Both big companies and startups have already adopted this platform due to its robust building tools and features. The latest version of Ruby of Rails is 6.0.0. However, it is in release candidate (RC) mode.
Pros of Ruby on Rails
- Provides advanced array class
- It can be easily connected to Oracle and MySQL
- Availability of maximum tools and libraries
- The team of Ruby On Rails developers can build apps 30-40% faster than developers who are using other languages. The reason is Ruby on Rails consists of ready-made plugins and modules which eventually boost their app development speed and lowers down their efforts.
Cons of Ruby on Rails
- Poor documentation
- Hosting issues; Many host servers are supporting Ruby-like EnginesYard and Amazon EC2. However, resources in Rails could be much better than PHP-based sites due to which not all of the web hosts support Rails.
Hope the above article is helpful in describing about the best web development frameworks with its pros and cons.