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Holographic Principle, new type gyroscope, information without light speed limit, teleportation of physical objects…

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First, all the objects and theories described in this article have the status of hypothetical at the moment. That is, the holographic hypothesis and string theories have not been experimentally confirmed many.

Second, a fundamentally new type of mechanical gyroscope with six degrees of freedom is proposed for experimental verification (base) of hypotheses. Of the two and three degrees of freedom mechanical gyroscopes known to science, this is the last of the possible types with the maximum number of degrees of freedom in the holonomic system (GYRO_6DoF).

Third, with the advent of the experimental base — the tops of the physical pyramid, string theories, and the holographic hypothesis, which is actually the foundation of the future Theory of Everything, are temporarily removed from criticism until the moment of practical implementation of the experiment and measurements.


Even people far from physics know that the maximum possible data transmission rate of any signal is equal to the speed of light in a vacuum. It is denoted by the letter «c», and this is about 300 thousand kilometers per second. The speed of light in a vacuum is one of the fundamental physical constants. The impossibility of achieving speeds exceeding the speed of light in three-dimensional space is a deduction from Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity (SRT). Usually, when it is argued that SRT prohibits the transmission of the information above the speed of light, an implicit assumption is made that there is no other way other than to «bind information» to a photon and transmit it. However, there is another way. The well-known physical hypothesis — the Holographic Principle (a modern and widely used tool in theoretical physics) points to an interesting phenomenon: “Phenomena taking place in three-dimensional space can be projected onto a remote screen without losing information” — Leonard Susskind “The World as a Hologram ”[p. 3].


“Without loss of information” means that a speculative projection operation is not required if we understand that our informational Universe really exists on two halves of one spherical 2D surface — on a holographic horizon (screen) with a single coordinate of time. The fundamental laws of physics are natural a way of encoding information with losses. The idea that we all live inside a giant hologram of the universe is by no means generally accepted. But there is no doubt about and another fact: this seemingly strange hypothesis is gaining more and more supporters among serious theoretical physicists over the years. The constantly growing number of theoretical studies in various fields of physics confirms that the holographic idea leads to very rich and interesting theoretical and practical results. For this reason, with a high degree of probability, the Holographic Principle can be considered the foundation of future physics.


For example, we postulated the extremely simple holographic code of the Universe that generates a mechanism for encoding and moving bits of information on the screen, then one of the new possibilities may appear — we can discover a new breakthrough direction. For example, on the basis of the Holographic Principle, we can observe the outlines of the Theory of Everything (known as TOE), the mechanisms of the emergence of all four known forces and interactions, the mechanism of emerging mass for elementary particles, and on an ordinary computer simulator, in dynamics, we can see visualize the invisible — Quantum Mechanics. If, according to the Holographic Principle, no bit of information cannot disappear, then in our three-dimensional world there is fundamentally no place for random processes and quantum measurements. Such an information mechanism allows information to accumulate, move, and evolve, as a result of the action of global negative and positive feedbacks. If we accept the superdeterminism of the Holographic Principle, then the Universe will represent two naturally formed and closely connected generators of a pseudo-random sequence obtained by a pair of spiral one-dimensional intersecting cosmic strings. Suppose that initially information appeared as two truly random numbers P and Q in two stopped random number generators (GRN), which we designated as the initial parameters of the Universe or the so-called. «fine-tuning of the Universe». Two random numbers P and Q is a fine structure constant that has two groups of the bits P and Q. It is a sheer number that amazingly shapes the universe — “a magic number that comes to us without understanding,” as Richard Feynman described it. Paul Dirac considered the origin of the number «the most fundamental unsolved problem in physics.» The difference in the number in GRN is reflected in the anisotropy of the Universe. Right after the GRN was stopped, the angle between the strings was 90 degrees. A pseudo-random and naturally organized mechanism is based on these two random numbers, which can be represented by two closely related generators but already pseudo-random numbers (GPRN). The inputs of generators receive the result of the calculation of the previous iteration. Each tick of such is a Planck time. This hypothesis explains very well all the arrows of time. The result of calculating such a function depends on its input — the present depends on the past, but not vice versa. Over time, the amount of information in the two shift registers will grow, which means that the entropy will also grow, inflation of the two halves of the screen will develop simultaneously, and, accordingly, the number of cells will increase. And most importantly, this hypothesis is in very good agreement with the fractality of our holographic Universe, because a fractal is a result of calculating a recurrent function.

As will be seen below (from the postulated coherent law of oscillations of a pair of one-dimensional cosmic strings), the holographic code of the Universe is a qubit — two eigenstates (they are represented by the phases of oscillations of two one-dimensional spirally twisted cosmic strings closed at an angle of 90 degrees): | 0> and | 1> takes two values, and can be simultaneously fixed on two halves of one spherical holographic screen, i.e., they can be in superposition depending on the previous information recorded earlier on the screen in a natural way. In such a nonlinear system, the emerging positive and negative feedback demonstrates the mechanism of information evolution from the quantum level, continuing at the level of «apples» and ending at the cosmological level. This assumption demonstrates the threshold nature of information processes (in digital technology, it is similar to rigid logic), excludes measurement (completely deterministic), and shows the dependence of positive and negative feedback mechanisms on the control parameter (previously recorded information). Complex information capable of self-organization, when it moves along two halves of one spherical holographic screen, should have a set of mechanisms, some of which play the role of negative, others — positive feedback. The former is responsible for stability, sustainability, the latter — for development, growth of complexity. However, positive feedback can also be involved in establishing a steady state. Negative and positive feedback means a complex form of causation when the result of the previous action is recorded on each of the halves of the spherical screen. Feedback influences the further course of a closed process. If with such self-action the entropy increases, then the feedback becomes negative, if the entropy of the local system decreases, then positive. Thus, negative feedback reduces the deviation of the system from the steady state. In this case, it is responsible for the growth of entropy, the stability of the classical system, elimination of deviations, suppression of violations, and is responsible for the generation of fractals (properties of holograms). In the three-dimensional world, fractals naturally arise when modeling nonlinear processes, such as turbulent fluid flow, complex diffusion-adsorption processes, flames, clouds, etc.


The diagram shows the GPRN pseudo-random number generator created by a pair of tightly coupled shift registers. Parallel outputs of each shift register are connected to one adder modulo with direct and reverse output — an analog of two spiral one-dimensional cosmic strings closed at an angle of 90 degrees. The value of the output bit depends on the information previously written in two registers with an accuracy of one bit. Not a single bit of information in such a GPRN scheme can be lost. The source of informational entropy is the initial conditions in the Universe — different Unruh temperature on its two halves as an equivalent of two different numbers P b Q, previously entered in two registers. Filling the screen leads to its asymmetric filling and, which is the same, to a synchronous increase in the cells in the two shift registers. The information entropy grows anisotropically against the background of the global temperature gradient; therefore, entropic force is created in the center of the intersection of pairs of projections, the direction of is encoded by the second additional emerged carry bit, which is absent in the modulus adder.


We can say that GRN = GPRN + entropy source. Since the numbers on the two halves of the same inflationary sphere differ significantly (the Unruh temperature on the two halves of the spherical screen may differ by more than 30% — an experimentally confirmed fact). Then the entropic force during coherent oscillations of projections and their interactions on the two halves of the screen is the mass of particles, and the result of interactions of coherent oscillations of projections is a superposition of entropic forces — the known three forces. The fourth gravitational force (in the classical world as a result of decoherence) is the entropic force arising against the background of Unruh temperature gradients, applied to the center of the projections. Thus, from two coherently oscillating one-dimensional spirally twisted cosmic strings, closed on themselves at an angle of 90 degrees, the Entropic Hologram of the Universe (space-time and the illusion of a three-dimensional world) arises. Elapsed time is information previously recorded on two halves of the same spherical screen. There is no loss of even one bit of information, no free will, and no divine intervention. The future tense is a subjective assessment of the likelihood of the process continuing. These mechanisms complement each other and compete with each other.

Computer simulation based on an extremely simple parametric formula of coherent oscillations can demonstrate the dynamics and appearance of two projections moving along two surfaces of a spherical screen that appear simultaneously, and in the center of the projections (like an illusion, inside a sphere), (as a result of the fact that the information on the two halves of the screen is different ) there is an entropic force — the progenitor of all known four forces and interactions. The choice of the direction of movement of projections on two halves of the screen depends entirely on the information recorded earlier on each half of the screen. Our Universe is superdeterministic and with the collapse of the Schrödinger wave function, the result of a quantum exit from the superposition is physically predictable — the bits at the output of two generators of a pseudorandom sequence are written on each of the two halves of the holographic screen, on one half of the screen, the superposition goes into one state, and into the other into the opposite one. The concept of time is concretized. Time is not the same thing as described in Einstein's general theory of relativity. Present time — absolutely it is the real only coordinate of the current time on the screen — one tick, followed by one completely predictable result (of course, if you know the exact value of P and Q and the total number of ticks).

Thus, when crossing the threshold value determined by the previously recorded information on the two halves of the holographic screen, the phenomenon of its self-organization occurs. The evolution of information arises. If we follow the rigid logic of the holographic principle, then a huge variety of practical applications should open before us, and this possibility can only be demonstrated by a breakthrough direction.


As for the generation of the holographic code of the Universe, the idea of ​​finding it is to use the main property of holograms: each minimal section of the hologram contains information about the entire object. Based on this fact, we postulate an extremely simple formula for coherent vibrations of any point in empty space. Coherent oscillations of any point in three-dimensional space are performed by its successive angular displacements in equal and extremely small time intervals around each of the fixed axes of Cartesian coordinates, triads according to the laws of sine and/or cosine:


Where angles: N-number of cycles; θx — roll; θy — pitch; θz — yaw. Parameters θ = πt and -1 ≤ t ≤ 1 ; where θ is a geometrical angle measured, starting from an arbitrary direction of the clockwise hand, from the corresponding semiaxis, and the parameter t specifies the accuracy of the angular movement of the point. According to the laws of combinatorics, the total number of possible apex trajectories or directions of coherent oscillations of a point is 64 (60 + 4 with zero phase shift).

We load the formula of coherent oscillations of a point into an ordinary computer simulator of dynamics (even a program such as 3D MAX is suitable) and on the screen of an ordinary computer in an isometric projection in two halves of one emerging spherical surface, can observe the dynamics of projections and numerous properties of elementary particles of the Standard Model.… One parametric formula generates two halves of one spherical horizon and pairs of projections moving on it — the attributes of the Holographic Principle and, at the same time, we see the dynamics of projections of three generations — the whole zoo of elementary particles: 48 fermions and 12 bosons. The method of visualizing scientific data allows you to see the invisible on an ordinary computer — one cycle of coherent oscillations of one point, which is identified with its radius vector.

From the equator, one can clearly see the dynamics of three generations of Standard Model particles, represented by projections on the emerging holographic screen:

Against this fundamentally promising «holographic background», the appearance of an electromechatronic device — a fundamentally new type of mechanical gyroscope with rigid parameters — looks natural, since it uses all the same basic properties of holograms: coherence, interference, fractality, and, importantly, very important: the same formula for coherent oscillations of the rotor points. A photograph of an electron cloud isolated from the external environment in outlines (like a fractal) exactly coincides with one of 64 trajectories of the pole of the rotor of an (unusual) gyroscope with six degrees of freedom.


If the hypothesis of the holographic Universe is ever transformed into a working theory, then only if its predictions are repeatedly confirmed in experiments, and better, in its practical applications.


If we use holographically the code of the Universe as the law of change in the angular rotation of a solid-state rotor around three axes per cycle (Qi), we will discover the possibility of creating a new, missing the third type of mechanical gyroscope with the maximum — six of degrees of freedom.
It has been 200 years since Johann Gottlieb Friedrich von Bonenberger invented the first mechanical gyroscope and published a description of his invention in 1817. We have a huge variety of applications today. The main part of Bonenberger's gyroscope was a rotating massive ball in a gimbal. If we place such a ball in a vacuum and make it levitate and rotate inside a stationary stator around three axes per cycle, then it turns out that the rotor ball will perform coherent oscillations, a stationary interference pattern will appear from the accelerations of the elements of mass (for each element of the mass of the rotor, protons, electrons, according to Newton's Second Law, a constantly directed force will act, forcing each element to synchronize, to a consistent behavior «quantum coherence on a macroscopic scale leads to new phenomena, the so-called macroscopic quantum phenomena»), and we can control the dynamics of the rotor using the onboard computer. In physics, the types of mechanical gyroscopes differ not in the concept of construction — «a sphere inside another sphere», but in the number of degrees of freedom and the actual dynamics of the rotor. The six-degree of freedom gyroscope has indicated the ability of a physical body to perform geometric movements in three-dimensional space, namely: move forward / backward, up / down, left / right (in a Cartesian three-dimensional coordinate system), as well as perform Euler Rotations around each of three mutually perpendicular axes (yaw, pitch, roll).

The six-degree of freedom gyroscope is the third and last of the possible types of mechanical gyroscopes, previously unknown to science, it belongs to a mechanical system with the maximum possible number of mechanical links that can be reduced to geometric (that is, to holonomic).

Consider any point on the rotor that we can associate with its mass element.

Geometric relationships impose restrictions only on the possible positions of the rotor points at different times, but not on their speed, and are expressed mathematically by equations of the form:
fj(xi,yi,zi,t)=0 (j=1,2,..., k)

where xi,yi,zi coordinates, t — time, k -number of superimposed links.

A point mass in a solid spherical rotor is rigidly connected with its constant radius R. Then the constraint equation can be written: (х²+y²+z²)½ — R =0 where (x,y,z) — point mass coordinates, R — rotor radius. The constraint equation can be integrated, and as can be seen, it does not depend on the derivatives of the coordinates x,y,z therefore, this system is holonomic.

A fundamentally new type of mechanical gyroscope has unique properties: monochromaticity of non-electromagnetic oscillations of the rotor mass elements and, most importantly, coherence. This is what allows you to convert part of the vacuum energy into electrical energy. One of the holographic properties of such a gyroscope is the ability to support rotation itself if we support the emerging direction of rotation of the rotor.

The design of a six-degree of freedom gyroscope looks like this: a spherical rotor with magnets levitates inside an evacuated spherical stator cavity with electromagnets. The rotor can be forcibly rotated in any of 64 directions under the control of a computer system around one fixed point of the center of mass and simultaneously around three axes per cycle. As a result, there always emerges one more — the fourth axis of rotation.


If in an ordinary astatic gyroscope the rotor makes one revolution around one axis in one cycle, then in a six-degree of freedom gyroscope the rotor makes a full revolution in the same time around three fixed axes of Cartesian coordinates associated with the accelerated observer. The elements of the rotor mass (with this rotation algorithm) produce coherent oscillations, and the accelerations themselves are associated with the direction of the semi-axes. The antinodes and nodes of the accelerations of each point of the rotor form a stationary interference pattern of six identical and diametrically directed groups.


Mach concluded that inertial mass exists only because the universe contains many objects. When the gyroscope rotates, it resists pushing because it interacts with the Earth, stars, and distant galaxies. If these objects did not exist, the gyroscope would not have inertia. My groundbreaking six DOF mechanical gyroscope exploits this property of mechanical gyroscopes. It is known that acceleration and temperature, as shown by the Unruh effect, are closely related and have a difference in the direction in the two halves of the sky, reaching 30%. These new theoretical and experimental data are of fundamental importance not only for cosmology but for physics in general. The difference in temperature on the two halves of a holographic screen (hereinafter, simply a screen) is a fundamental discovery that demonstrates the emergence of an entropic force in the center of projections, which participates in the mechanism of the appearance of a mass in elementary particles and is the progenitor of all four known forces and interactions. The concrete implementation of the Mach Principle is confirmed, which states that:
  1. The existence of space and time is inextricably linked with the existence of physical bodies.
  2. Removal of all physical bodies ceases to exist in space and time.
  3. The reason for the existence of inertial reference systems is the presence of distant cosmic masses.

The inert properties of each physical body are determined by all other physical bodies in the Universe and depend on their location. In classical mechanics and the theory of relativity, on the contrary, it is believed that the inert properties of a body, for example, its mass, do not depend on the presence or absence of other bodies. However, in the general theory of relativity (GR), the properties of locally inertial frames of reference depend on the surrounding matter, with respect to which the inert properties of bodies are determined, which can also be considered a specific implementation of the Mach principle. According to Mach's principle, the source of inertia is acceleration not relative to absolute space, but relative to a frame of reference associated with distant masses, which are the source of inertia.


The emergence of an entropic force acting at a distance can be demonstrated in a device — in a six-degree of freedom gyroscope.

Controlled and steady-state coherent oscillations of a solid rotor of a six-degree gyroscope in a vacuum lead to the emergence of a coherent state in a solid and are manifested in the form of macroscopic quantum effects and have the character of a phase transition. As a result, six groups of rotational accelerations arise, which, according to the holographic principle, can be projected on six diametrically opposite sides of a spherical 2D screen without loss of information. We conventionally show these groups of accelerations in the photo with six white circles.


With the help of a computer motion control system, we make a directed jerk of the rotor (we swap two of the three axes of rotation), which is similar to the movement of fixed projections in pairs (the change in the position of the projections will touch four of the six fixed projections before the jerk). A long-range entropic force should appear at the center of the projections(Fentr). Changes in the coordinates of projections on the screen are represented by the information itself, which, according to the holographic principle, moves across the screen with a single time coordinate and without limitation by distance and speed of light.

The holographic principle connects bits of information with entropy and temperature on two halves of a single spherical screen.
Therefore, it becomes possible to simultaneously receive information and transmit it on the screen, and for this, it is enough to measure the entropic force that will be applied to the center of mass of the rotor relative to the stationary stator and to change its value (modulate) for transmission. If the rotor of a mechanical gyroscope with six degrees of freedom is made of a crystal with a constant equal wavelength, then the reception and transmission of information can be organized at a specific frequency. I dare to suggest that the reception of information for the search for extraterrestrial civilizations (problem SETI) should be carried out in a small wavelength range: 50-150 nm. This is exactly the wavelength of non-electromagnetic oscillations that allows resonant oscillations to destroy the spherical envelopes of all types of the virus and can be successfully used to prevent the occurrence of a pandemic. Below is the text, we will consider a radical way to combat all types of viruses using a device — a gyroscope with six degrees of freedom. In fact, the frequency of non-electromagnetic oscillations of thousands of terahertz can be an entry point (beacon) for receiving instructions from other civilizations to implement a full-fledged exchange of information without being limited by distance and speed of light. Let's return from assumptions to theory and we will see how the entropy force arises as a result of the interaction of temperature gradients on the two halves of a spherical holographic screen and entropy gradients caused by a controlled directed jerk of a massive rotor (the first derivative of the acceleration of matter).

Fentr = ΔTΔS;

where Fentr – entropic force ∆T —Unruh temperature gradient on the screen, ∆S — entropy gradient associated with a controlled jerk of the mass elements.

3.Controlling gravity does not require the use of exotic masses and the speed of light.

The holographic principle implies that a fundamental particle is a little (1 or 0) information. Particle location information is stored in discrete bits on two halves of a spherical screen — one bit in Planck regions -, but already two Planck regions contain three bits of information as additional information about the coordinates of each of the bits on the screen and are generated automatically. In other words, two bits contain exactly one bit of mutual information. Whatever information they contain, they contain it together. All information on two halves of the spherical screen is the closed surface of area A can be divided by a fixed number associated with screen coordinates N for a massive rotor, the number of fixed bits on the screen is set by coherent oscillations of its mass elements, more precisely, we are talking about the amount of information associated with matter and its distribution, regardless of the type of a particular microscopic theory, measured in terms of entropyS under S → 0. There is movable information represented by the screen temperature T. suppose the system has total energy E. Suppose this is energy distributed between the two halves of a single spherical screen with bits. N (½kBT as average energy) per bit, где kB — Boltzmann constant). Then we can determine the temperature T and the number of bits on the screen:
E = N ½kBT
N = A / l², где l² — Planck area = hG / c³
where G -universal gravitational constant,c — the speed of light, and h — given Planck's constant. Then:
N = Ac³ / Gh
Taking a holographic screen as a sphere of radiusr, the surface area will be equal to:
А = 4пr²
The effective temperature resulting from the equivalent acceleration in a vacuum field according to the Unruh effect is:
where a is the acceleration which for the mass m the rotor will be attributed to the forceF -according to Newton's Second Law:
F = mа
and use the Law of Universal Gravity:
F = GMm / r²
Now we need another well-known formulaE = Mc² and make a replacement:
E = N ½kBT = N ½kBha / 2пckB = haN / 4пc = aпr²c³ / Gпс = ac²r² / G
we have:
Mc² = ac²r² / G
Considera — the acceleration of the rotor when changing the angular displacements of its mass elements around two of three fixed axes of Cartesian coordinates:
а = GMc² / c²r²
Add the rotor mass of the six-degree of freedom gyroscope to the left and right sides of the equation and we have the ability to control entropic gravity We note that colossal exotic masses and speeds of light are not required.:
Fentr = mа = Fgrav = GMm / r²
— as a result, we have the equality of Newton's Second Law and the Law of Universal Gravitation! That would agree with the well-known principle of equivalence.
The speed of light is eliminated from the equation, as expected. If the stator of a six-degree of freedom gyroscope is rigidly fixed on a solid foundation, it becomes possible to measure the entropic force applied to the center of mass of the rotor, which makes it possible to read the information directly from the holographic screen.

If the expected uncompensated entropic force manifests itself in a closed system (rotor-stator — accelerated observer) on a holographic screen, then the holographic theory is valid, and all observers, receivers, and transmitters of information are on the same surface with a single time, and between them technically can holographic information exchange be realized, which means that we need to think about an immediate practical implementation of a six-degree of freedom gyroscope . Our experimental setup will be able to answer the question: «Is the holographic principle, according to which the physics of our» 3D + 1 "-dimensional space-time is equivalent to physics on a hypersurface with the dimension" 2D + 1 ", is true? in other words, the problem is being solved" demarcation «of the holographic hypothesis.


Using a six-degree of freedom gyroscope, it becomes possible to solve many practically important problems in various fields, which is characterized only by a breakthrough direction.


»Physics first, then chemistry, then organic chemistry, then botany and biology."
I am more than convinced that the problem of radically fighting viruses lies at a fundamental level (not in the field of vaccines).
Many of the most important physical and chemical processes in nature occur at surfaces or interfaces between phases (solid-liquid, liquid-gas, etc.). An interface is a transition layer between two phases or a touching surface between objects. Atoms and molecules at the interfaces exhibit completely different properties (including properties of increased sensitivity to resonant vibrations) than atoms and molecules in the bulk of a phase or material.
A resonant method of fighting viruses, in fact, mechanical, physical destruction of a spherical shell with a diameter of 50 -150 nm, on the interfaces between the shells of the virus and the cell should be a feasible task. Both in theory and in numerous experiments, it turned out to be possible to realize in practice the all-pervading universal entropic forces (decaying only with the square of the distance from the source).


The crystal lattice of a spherical rotor of a six-degree of freedom gyroscope with cell size (constant crystal) equal to the size of the envelope or core of the virus has a stable mass gradient m, which causes modulation of the long-range entropic force acting remotely on the envelope, and the frequency resonance destroys viruses inside the body. The strongest argument in favor of the idea of ​​resonant destruction of viruses is the preserved general system of gene expression (transmission of hereditary information from a gene with the formation of RNA or proteins), which is the same for all living organisms. All known cellular life forms use the same genetic code in 64 codons (units of the genetic code). Exactly the same — 64 directions of coherent oscillations of the rotor arise from the formula for the angular displacements of its points (mass elements). The translation of genetic information in the process of protein synthesis according to a given matrix is ​​performed by ribosomes consisting of three universal RNA molecules, similarly in coding the direction of coherent oscillations of the rotor of a six-degree of freedom gyroscope. The photo shows a mechanical gyroscope with six degrees of freedom, a spherical rotor of which is made of a crystal of artificial opal with a constant of 100 nm.


But the idea of a six-degree gyroscope was realized long before the Covid-19 pandemic. The directions of coherent oscillations are encoded by four harmonic functions, similar to RNA viruses using their own RNA replicase to copy their genomes. This is a manifestation of fractality in holographic formalism.


At the moment of controlled directed short-term decoherence (artificial destruction of the dynamic ordering of the system, at the moment of changing two of the three axes of rotation of the rotor), a long-range and rapidly changing entropic force with a resonant frequency is created. Theoretically and in experiments, the entropic force exhibits long-range interaction and is capable of acting on the envelopes of the virus inside the body and on nearby surfaces. The rotor angular speed of 6000 cycles/min affects only the amplitude of microwave oscillations, while the rotor crystal constant determines the stable resonant frequency. Mechanical interaction decreases in proportion to the square of the distance from the center of the rotor to the object. The remote influence of entropic forces on surrounding bodies has been demonstrated in numerous experiments by the famous Russian scientist V.N.Samokhvalov.


Thus, it can be assumed that, since the cells of the body are much larger and do not participate in resonance, the target will be a spherical viral envelope commensurate with the crystal constant of the rotor. The procedure for treating any viruses without discomfort will resemble a physiotherapy session. The use of a new type of mechanical gyroscope to destroy the envelopes of viruses inside the body, on surfaces, and inside the surrounding objects can radically solve the urgent problem of mechanical destruction of the envelopes of all types of viruses. Today, the technique of creating artificial opals makes it possible to create a spherical rotor of a six-degree of freedom mechanical gyroscope with a given crystal constant.



The universal nature of gravity is also supported by the fact that its basic equations are very similar to the laws of thermodynamics. Gravity affects and is influenced by everything that carries energy. Thus, the six-degree of freedom gyroscope should automatically realize the ability to control gravity and at the same time the ability to convert vacuum energy into electrical energy, and we see this in the rigid algorithm of the device.
The connection between entropy and information is that a change in information ∆I is associated with a negative change in entropy ∆S .

ΔI = — ΔS ».

In addition, “we conclude that the acceleration is related to the entropy gradient. This will be one of our main principles. Thus, we can express the change in entropy through acceleration.

ΔS ~α

Consider the temperature on a holographic screen:

T→∆T∆x, (1)

where Ths is the Unruh temperature on the holographic screen, ∆T is the positive or negative temperature difference at two points per unit distance between them — (∆x) ⃗ is a vector quantity. The minimum distance limit is equal to the Planck length. The maximum limit is the distance between the two central points of the lobes of the global temperature of the dipole anisotropy of the Universe, projected onto a holographic screen.
«Considering that the entropy of the system depends on the distance (∆x) ⃗ , the entropic force Fentr can arise as a result of thermodynamic connection with distance»

Fentr Δx = TΔS; (2)

Fentr — in principle, the fundamental entropic force can be considered as a sign that it is realized on a holographic screen in the range (∆x) ⃗ . Let's replace (1) in (2).

Fentr = ΔTΔS; (3)

where Fentr is the entropy force ∆T is the Unruh temperature gradient on the holographic screen, ∆S is the entropy gradient associated with the acceleration of the projections of phenomena on the holographic screen… Under the influence of the entropic force, the center of projections and the center of acceleration coinciding with it move in three-dimensional space. This is a fundamental entropic force (super force) on a holographic screen, which, as a result of natural coding of information, can be represented by four known forces.
Experimental data on the existence of large-scale anisotropy of the Universe suggests that the pairwise «no time delay» movement of the projections of diametrically opposite gradient centers (antinodes and nodes) of accelerations on a 2D holographic screen with its temperature gradient ΔT (Tu) generates a directional impulse for each of the projections of the phenomena.
The entropic force takes on the guise of a gravitational force in the emerging space-time. Since the gravitational force Fg dominates at large distances but is very weak at small scales, its magnitude depends more on the interaction of entropy gradients caused by the accelerations of matter with the global temperature gradient of the holographic screen.

Fg = ΔTΔS. (4)

Then Fg is the directed gravitational force, ΔT is the global temperature gradient on the cosmological horizon of the Universe, ΔS is the entropy gradient caused by the acceleration of matter. Consequently, the movement of the projections of phenomena, as a result of rotational accelerations on a 2D holographic screen, leads to the appearance of an opposing and long-range directed gravitational force in 3D space. This means that the entropic force produces a shift in the coordinates of the center of acceleration of matter ((coherent) particles during quantum shifts) and takes the form of all known forces and gravitational force, in particular.
A series of controlled, long-range, and directed gravitational (entropic) forces lead us to the possibility, on the basis of a fundamentally new type of mechanical gyroscope, to create devices for the non-reactive movement of physical objects in three-dimensional space.


image habrastorage.org/webt/y2/te/hn/y2tehn-uo5e_kd6xfzheo3tydua.png

The phenomenon of teleportation is based on the holographic principle and is realized with the encouragement of the device — a new type of mechanical gyroscope with six degrees of freedom. This is the last of the three types of mechanical gyroscopes.

Teleportation of physical objects without the use of exotic masses, energies, without the use of physical objects at the level of modern particles, which may become a reality in the near future.
The concept of teleportation was established during the «Golden 20th Century» by science fiction authors needing a form of instant transport technology to support such stories (infamous films), eg Fly (1958), Return of the Fly (1959)., Curse of the Fly (1965), The Fly (1986 remake), and Fly II (1989).

Moving as projections on the screen all isolated groups of bits of information describing physical objects, while maintaining their relative addresses, we can realize teleportation of physical objects without limiting the speed of light. An excellent contender for isolating a thermodynamic system (consisting of a group of bits) from the outside environment is an artificial The phenomenon of teleportation is based on the holographic principle and is realized with the encouragement of the device — a new type of mechanical gyroscope with six degrees of freedom. This is the last of the three types of mechanical gyroscopes.

Teleportation of physical objects without the use of exotic masses, energies, without the use of physical objects at the level of modern particles, which may become a reality in the near future.
The concept of teleportation was established during the «Golden 20th Century» by science fiction authors needing a form of instant transport technology to support such stories (infamous films), eg Fly (1958), Return of the Fly (1959)., Curse of the Fly (1965), The Fly (1986 remake), and Fly II (1989).

Moving as projections on the screen all isolated groups of bits of information describing physical objects, while maintaining their relative addresses, we can realize teleportation of physical objects without limiting the speed of light. An excellent contender for isolating a thermodynamic system (consisting of a group of bits) from the outside environment is an artificial white hole.

The possibility of the existence of white holes was first proposed by the theoretical astrophysicist Igor Novikov in 1964. A white hole is a hypothetical region in spacetime and a potential solution to the laws of general relativity, from which it follows that if black holes exist, then white holes must also exist in the universe. A white hole is the antipode of a black hole. Interestingly, the black hole has a huge mass, the white hole can be small at the level of apples. A black hole has tremendous energy, a white hole does not need such volumes since it draws energy from the energy of the physical vacuum. A black hole absorbs matter and a white hole repels, which is very important for its use as a natural insulating mechanism for a thermodynamic system. The Bekenstein-Hawking entropy should be equally applicable to both white and black holes since the definition of Boltzmann's entropy does not depend on the direction of time. A black hole has maximum entropy — the entropy of a white hole decreases and tends to zero. The entropy of a black hole is a quarter of the area of ​​its event horizon, the black hole evaporates and its horizon gets smaller and smaller. The entropy of the white hole decreases due to the artificial creation of an ordered coherent oscillation of its mass elements. When analyzing the characteristics of black holes, arising from the theory, it was noted that a black hole must rotate very quickly around one axis. And if the entropy of an object decreases, then the white hole must rotate around three axes per cycle, which is confirmed by computer simulations. Most of the processes in classical physics do not depend on the direction of the «arrow of time»: any of them can be reversed, and no laws will be violated. However, temporal symmetry is violated in the second law of thermodynamics, which should and can be considered within the framework of the holographic hypothesis, where there is a single coordinate of time, and which removes contradictions. The entropy of the system can decrease. This can occur in quantum systems of relatively small, but macroscopic sizes “at the level of apples”. The essential difference is that if in classical physics a decrease in entropy is associated with the transfer of thermal energy, then in the quantum world, a decrease in entropy can occur without energy transfer — due to quantum entanglement. It is necessary to look at the problem from this position, and it will become clear that today there are no technical problems for creating a small artificial white hole at the level of «apples» and based on a fundamentally new type of mechanical gyroscope with six degrees of freedom, the rotor of which rotates around three axes in the cycle. Coherent oscillations of the rotor points in a vacuum lead to the appearance of an interference pattern fixed in time and space from the accelerations of the elements of mass, which means that a rotation force will act on each element of the mass of the rotor, forcing them to synchronize and lead to a coherent state, to a phase transition of the second kind, towards a cooperative quantum phenomenon. The entropy of the system will go down, the rotor temperature will go down. Inside the rotor, there is now a stationary container for teleportation of physical objects, and such a white hole can move without restrictions on distance and speed of light under the control of an internal computer system. There is no need to disassemble the object into elementary particles and collect it somewhere else. The artificial white hole as a teleport is a new type of mechanical gyroscope with six degrees of freedom that does not violate the fundamental laws of physics.

Technically, the teleportation device consists of a spherical (thick-walled) solid, coherently oscillating rotor, which is located inside the vacuumized cavity of the external stator, and inside itself (also in the vacuumized cavity) there is an internal stationary stator and a cabin or container for teleport able physical objects structurally connected to it. The design concept of a new type of mechanical gyroscope with six degrees of freedom for teleportation physical objects — «Matryoshka»:


  1. Construction base
  2. Shell of the lower half of the outer stator
  3. External stator base
  4. Coils of the lower half of the outer stator
  5. Sectional Rotor with Magnets
  6. Shell of the lower half of the outer stator
  7. Rotor magnets (poles staggered)
  8. Container for teleportable objects
  9. Teleportable physical object, such as an apple
  10. Inductors of the upper half of the outer stator
  11. Evacuated cavity between rotor and outer stator
  12. Vacuum chamber between rotor and inner stator
  13. Internal stator electromagnets
  14. Device for separating the two halves of the inner stator to release the container 8
  15. Device for separating the two halves of the rotor to release the inner stator and container 8
  16. On-board computer and energy storage (battery) of the internal stator
  17. Thick-walled inner stator shell
  18. Device for separating the two halves of the outer stator to free the rotor, inner stator and container 8
  19. Energy storage (battery) of the external stator
  20. External stator on-board computer

The structure is launched into deep space to isolate the thermodynamic system from the external environment (outer stator — rotor — inner stator with a container for teleporting physical objects). After going into deep space, the system is freed from the outer stator, and the rotor continues to perform high-speed three-dimensional rotation under the control of the on-board computer of the inner stator 16, as in a slow-motion video from a computer simulator (the same formula of three-dimensional coherent oscillations is being used). Coherent oscillations of each point of the rotor leading to the appearance of a stationary interference pattern from the accelerations of the elements of its mass. By analogy with the concept of coherent radiation, the concept of the coherent state of the rotor mass elements means that all microscopic elements that make up a macroscopic rotor are in exactly the same state, including those characterized by wave functions with a constant phase difference. The entropy of the system (a rotor with an internal content), as in a white hole, tends to zero and isolates the physical information of the rotor content from the external environment. In other words, in a vacuum, a coherent state allows the particles of a massive rotor to be significantly isolated from quantum entanglement with particles of the external environment. Two groups of projections of an insulating artificial white hole (the figure shows only one — on one half of the holographic screen) allow information about the rotor and its internal contents, without being limited by distance and speed of light, to move along the surface of the screen and, accordingly, it becomes possible to teleport physical objects in three-dimensional space-time.


When operating a gyroscope with six degrees of freedom for teleportation of physical objects, a complete forced three-dimensional rotation of a spherical rotor with magnets around a relatively fixed spherical surface of the inner stator with inductors around three fixed axes of Cartesian coordinates per cycle occurs. The fourth axis of rotation of the rotor emerged. Multiple slow-motion videos demonstrate rotor dynamics from a computer simulator. This is how one cycle and the device itself for teleporting physical objects in very slow dynamics looks like:

Energy is spent only on maintaining the rotation of the rotor around one axis, around the other two axes the rotor (due to the coherent state of its mass elements) rotates itself and creates a double EMF in the stator coils. Essentially, vacuum energy is effectively converted into electrical energy. The vacuum of spacetime provides a solution that covers the entire cost of teleportation energy. This concept is based on the generally accepted fact that the vacuum is characterized by physical parameters and structure, which constitutes the energy environment and permeates the entire Universe. The inexhaustible energy of the vacuum, part of which is obtained in the double recuperation mode, allows the computer system to control the oscillations of the rotor and create directional jerks (jerks are the first derivative of acceleration). From the standpoint of the holographic principle: in each cycle, we have free energy and all 6 main directions of teleportation of physical objects in an illusory three-dimensional space-time, however, teleportation itself concerns only groups the addresses of actually displaced bits of information. Bits «Living» on a two-dimensional surface of a holographic screen.

The natural development of information processing led to the fact that we began to view the world as three-dimensional. According to the holographic idea, the world is roughly as rich in structure as the theory of a two-dimensional discrete lattice with an interval of the order of the Planck length. However, in reality, for a complete description of nature, instead of a three-dimensional lattice, a two-dimensional lattice is required on two halves of a spherical surface, along which the projections of elementary particles move in pairs, and this is sufficient to describe the spatial boundary of the world. In a certain physical sense, the world is two-dimensional, and not three-dimensional, as previously assumed.

The holographic principle goes back to Gerard 't Hooft, Leonard Susskind, Eric Verlinde, Charles Thorn, Jacob Bekenstein…. Today the holographic principle is a widely used tool in theoretical physics.

And in conclusion, we can assume that the solution to the Fermi paradox lies in the fact that if there are intelligent civilizations in our holographic Universe, they will use the holographic screen not only as a communication channel for transmitting information without being limited by distance and speed of light but also for teleportation physical objects.

The device of rejuvenation

We're working on something new and need your brainpower! What questions do YOU have about the science of longevity? There are no wrong answers.

As you know (sorry), aging is a combination of all mechanisms that change the functions of a living being, prevent the maintenance of physiological balance and ultimately lead to death. The aging process is a deep informational process, since, according to modern scientific concepts, everything consists of bits of information, and against the background of fundamental inflation (spread of bits) leads to natural decoherence at the quantum level or, from the point of view of thermodynamics to an increase in informational entropy. This decoherence process is gradual and depends on many factors of interaction with the environment. Biological research has shown that aging is controlled by genetic factors and biological informational processes inherent in all living things. To slow down this natural process and/or even reverse it, significantly increase life expectancy, the first step is to change the paradigm and understand the underlying causes of aging: how it acts on living organisms in quantum biology (tandem — at the biological level and the fundamental physical quantum — informational level)-, and what factors can affect life expectancy…

1. According to the Holographic Principle, not a single bit of information on two halves of one spherical holographic horizon (screen) can be lost. This means that all the information that your physical body possessed, say, at the age of 33, is not lost and can be replaced by information gained and/or lost in your body later. In other words, you can get significantly younger and get rid of diseases and this in no way contradicts the fundamental laws of physics.
Agree, this is good news.

2. Standard laws of physics, such as quantum theory, general relativity, and even Newton's laws, are formulated in terms of describing the trajectories of objects and what happens to them under certain initial conditions. We know from Newton's law that force leads to non-zero acceleration. It is, of course, well known that acceleration and temperature are closely related. Namely, as Unruh showed, an observer in an accelerated frame of reference experiences temperature: kBT = ha / 2пс: “Within a very large area, the connection surface can be taken as a flat plane at infinity. In a sense, phenomena occurring in three-dimensional space can be projected onto a remote screen without losing information. So, for us the most important assumption is that the information associated with a certain area of three-dimensional space obeys a fundamental conservation law — the basis of the Holographic Principle. Information about the location of particles is stored in discrete bits on two halves of a spherical screen — one bit in the Planck-regions, but already two Planck regions contain three bits of information as additional information about the coordinates of each of the bits on the screen and are generated automatically. In other words, two bits contain exactly one bit of mutual information. This third bit of information complements the fundamental structure of information — a cell up to one qubit. Each qubit of information contains exactly one bit of the neighboring qubit. From the point of view of quantum mechanics, this is the natural mechanism of the well-known quantum entanglement. Thus, each bit of information is somehow connected with all the bits on the screen. One common bit in this cell of information is the reason that, as a result of the decoherence of quantum processes, the nascent holographic mechanism seems to have a three-dimensional world around us. Decoherence underlies the separation of bits on the two halves of the screen and ultimately causes entropy to rise at a deep fundamental quantum level and, at the same time, is the cause of aging at the biological level. We, observers, are like information (bits) blurry on two halves of one spherical screen. To collect the missing bits that we have lost with a specific device and replace the bits that have led to changes in our body — our goal is to solve the fundamental problem of rejuvenation.

Another good news is that it is quite possible, and such a possibility arises automatically if, under conditions of isolation of the thermodynamic system, the operation of reverse decoherence is performed — to act on the whole body with large-scale entropic long-range forces using coherent oscillations. However, acting on each bit and, accordingly, on a particle of our atoms, and replacing the interconnected bits of information in the qubits, in a certain way, we need a long-range force. And such a force also automatically arises, moreover, this force is the progenitor of the known four forces and interactions. It is known that qubits from information bits carry kinetic and potential energy, respectively. Whatever information they contain, they contain it together. Let's see how the entropic force acting at a distance arises. We can divide all information about the two halves of a spherical screen — the closed surface of region A into numbers associated with the coordinates of the screen by the number N, and the information represented by the temperature of the screen T. Suppose that the system has total energy E. Suppose that this energy is evenly distributed between two halves of one spherical screen with the number of bits N (½kBT) as the average energy per bit, where kB is the Boltzmann constant:

E=N ½kBT


N= A/l²,

where is Planck area = hG/c³

Where G is a universal gravitational constant, c is the speed of light, and h — the given Planck’s constant.

Then: N=Ac³/Gh

Taking a holographic screen as the sphere of radius r, the surface area will be equal to:


Now we need another well-known formula E= Mc² and to make a replacement:

E=N ½kBT=N ½kBha/2пckB=haN/4пc=aпr²c³/Gпс=ac²r²/G

then: Mc²=ac²r²/G consider a — the acceleration:


Add the mass to the left and right side of the equation and get the ability to control entropic force without exotic masses and speeds of light:

Fentr=mа= Fgrav = GMm/r²,

— Newton's second law and the law of universal gravitation have a long-range effect. The speed of light in the equation is “defeated”.
The proportionality of gravitational and inert masses has been experimentally established with high accuracy. Is now we can make the device to solve a fundamental problem — rejuvenation.

3. A bit of history.

It all started 20 years ago with the question: is it possible to rotate the spherical rotor of a gyroscope not around one axis, but around three axes per cycle. Cycles are equal periods of time when all points of a spherical rotor perform forced and complete oscillations around three axes and return to their original coordinates at the end of each period (relative to an accelerated observer). To create such a rotation of a massive rotor in a vacuum, we must make angular displacements of its points at the equator and two meridians according to the laws of sine and/or cosine. Much to my surprise, this turned out to be possible.

I wrote an extremely simple parametric formula for such coherent oscillations of the rotor points and almost fell off my chair when I saw how, in an ordinary computer simulator, this formula demonstrates the emergence of the projection dynamics of all elementary particles of the Standard Model. and their properties. Pay attention — one formula generates the dynamics of a whole zoo of elementary particles, their known properties were obtained in a completely different way — by enormous efforts in experiments on accelerators. Simultaneously with the dynamics, the attributes of the Holographic Principle appear — two halves of one spherical screen, pairs of projections, the oscillations of which are coherent, and an interference pattern of antinodes and nodes of acceleration of projections. We can visualize the dynamics invisible on the Planck scale, and we see the mechanism for the appearance of known hidden parameters — a pair of projections of elementary particles interacting on each of the two halves of one spherical surface….

However, let us return to our gyroscope since the formula for the dynamics of its mass elements remains unchanged for it. The third and final possible type of mechanical gyroscope with six degrees of freedom remained empty for 200 years. We see oscillations of the rotor points — coherent. And we can correlate each point of the rotor with its mass element. Coherent vibrations of mass elements in a gyroscope is a cooperative quantum phenomenon that creates new stunning holographic properties of such a device. Name any fundamental problem and we will see how it is solved with a fundamentally new type of mechanical gyroscope with six degrees of freedom. And it is no coincidence that several decades remain until the creation of the Unified Theory of Everything (according to the most pessimistic forecasts), and a whole list of fundamental problems does not even have an approach to solving. Therefore, there must be one device that will solve all fundamental problems at once, and such a device is proposed.


A principal new way of rejuvenation physical body may become a reality in the near future.
As you know the entropy of the system can decrease. This can occur in quantum systems of relatively small, but macroscopic sizes. The essential difference is that if in classical physics a decrease in entropy is associated with the transfer of thermal energy, then in the quantum world, a decrease in entropy can occur without energy transfer — due to quantum entanglement. It is necessary to look at the problem from the position of the Holographic Principle,, and it will become clear that today there are no technical problems for rejuvenation physical body based on a fundamentally new type of mechanical gyroscope with six degrees of freedom. Coherent oscillations of the rotor points in a vacuum lead to the appearance of an interference pattern fixed in time and space from the accelerations of the elements of mass, which means that a rotation force will act on each element of the mass inside the rotor, forcing them to synchronize and lead to a coherent state, to a phase transition of the second kind, towards a cooperative quantum phenomenon. Inside the rotor, there is now a stationary container for the physical body.

Technically, the rejuvenation device consists of a spherical (thick-walled) solid, coherently oscillating rotor, which is located inside the vacuumized cavity of the external stator, and inside itself (also in the vacuumized cavity) there is an internal stationary stator and a cabin for rejuvenation physical body. The design concept of a new type of mechanical gyroscope with six degrees of freedom for rejuvenation physical body — «Matryoshka»:

Quantum computer GYRO_6DoF

A classic processor that controls the dynamics of a spherical rotor levitating in an evacuated spherical stator cavity with electromagnets (there are rotor position sensors and drivers). All points of the rotor are forced, under the control of a classical computer, to move around three fixed Cartesian coordinates (associated with an accelerated observer) in accordance with the laws of sine and/or cosine. Three phases — three degrees of freedom (each cycle can be represented as bits of information — thus, an unimaginable number of basic qubits are synchronized with a qubit imposed by a classical computer). The angular displacements of the points of the rotor (its mass elements) or the direction of rotation (according to the laws of combinatorics) per cycle along the classical triads can be in exactly one of 64 possible states. The elements of the rotor mass (under conditions of vacuum isolation of the thermodynamic system) produce forced full coherent oscillations of large amplitude (much exceeding their natural oscillations, which can be neglected due to their smallness), which leads to forced synchronization. Basic qubits are forcibly tuned according to the classical triad. In other words, a fast-moving classical physical body, controlled in a certain way by a classical computer, generates quantum mechanical behavior. Wave functions take exclusively the values ​​1 or 0. In this case, we no longer deal with probabilities, but only with certainty: ψ = 1 means «yes», and ψ = 0 means «no». As a result of coherent rotors, a set of entropic forces compensated to zero is applied to their common center of mass. This corresponds to the zero states of the computational core of a quantum system. Surprisingly, the calculations on a quantum computer must be done on the holographic horizon. The concept of the holographic horizon originated in the well-known theory — the Holographic Principle. Recent experimental data confirm the anisotropy of the Universe represented by the Unruh temperature, which is located on a spherical holographic screen in the form of a huge logarithm. Scanning the screen with a huge number of rotor qubits allows calculations, and the results are relatively easy to record on a classical computer by measuring the entropic force applied to the rotor's center of mass. To implement a transformation that turns a quantum system into such an unrecognizable form, a mechanical gyroscope of a fundamentally new type with six degrees of freedom, previously unknown to science, is needed. In such a fundamentally new model of a quantum computer, it is possible to implement dual-core and multi-core modifications that implement information processing without losing information. The new descriptions are unlikely to resemble quantum mechanics, as it is commonly called, but they follow the exact rules of quantum mechanics, where probabilities are replaced with certainty, which takes such a model of a quantum computer out of the category of hypothetical. Scanning the logarithm on the holographic horizon is similar to moving an arrow on a regular circular slide rule. As a result: calculations on such a model of a quantum computer are similar to calculations on a slide rule. The result of information processing on the holographic horizon of such a quantum computer does not depend on the speed of light and distance and is recorded by a classical computer. Logarithms are incredibly useful for measuring entropy and thus for measuring entropic forces. The physical property of entropy is that the entropy of two systems after unification is equal to the sum of the entropies of these systems separately. But the number of possible states of the combined system is equal to the product of the numbers of possible states of the two systems. Therefore, Boltzmann concluded that the entropy should be equal to the logarithm of the number of states, and not the number of states itself. Investigating information entropy, Shannon wanted to find a measure of information for which the total information transmitted in two independent messages would be equal to the sum of the amounts of information in each of the messages, and he also resorted to using the logarithm. Thus, the logarithm in general, and on a holographic screen in particular, provides a specific measure of how large the number is, but at the same time it compresses huge numbers of qubits to reasonable sizes, and this property is automatically used in the new model of the GYRO_6DoF quantum computer.

The most common are superconducting qubits, qubits based on ions, and also on photons. Unlike their ionic and superconducting counterparts, which operate at temperatures close to absolute zero, qubits of mass elements (electrons, protons that make up an atom) can operate at room temperature. Quantum computers are still experimental devices. A quantum computer will most likely not compute anything in the usual sense of the word.
The programmer of a classical computer can be asked a question about the different parts of its algorithm: «Why do you think so?» It is enough for a quantum programmer to ask, «Did you model the problem correctly?» If this is so, then the answer will not be obtained by any calculations, but simply due to the operation of the laws of nature. In this sense, most quantum processors do not look like computers, but like the old slide rule, which did not count anything, but simply gave an answer immediately when the slider moved along it… In fact, my model of a Quantum computer is based on a fundamentally new third and last possible type of mechanical gyroscope GYRO_6DoF looks like the photo below. In such a model, many technological problems are solved — physical qubits retain their quantum properties for a long time at high temperatures, noise and radiation are shielded, and most importantly, reliable methods for retrieving information from a quantum processor have been invented — the entropic force applied to the center of mass of the rotor. Today computer simulations of the GYRO_6DoF on conventional classical computers give amazing results. We can see the invisible. One formula generates the dynamics of the GYRO_6DoF rotor, and also demonstrates the emergence of dynamics and multiple properties of elementary particles of the Standard Model and at the same time the emergence of the attributes of the Holographic Principle. However, it will take a lot of time before the completion of work on the creation of a real device; for one engineer, this is a difficult task. If interested, go to the page and you can see out the possibility of multiparticle quantum teleportation (teleportation of a physical object) based on GYRO_6DoF. To say it's cool is to say nothing. We are probably very close to a new scientific breakthrough. We will be able to prove the validity of the Holographic Principle for our Universe.

Vote here, thanks:



I want to please everyone present: all of us, dear friends, who live and grow old in this three-dimensional but seemingly four-dimensional world, are the most natural holograms! And one of the fundamental properties of holograms is the ability to restore all information about an object (for you and me) using just a small fragment of a hologram! Don't believe me? Read about the properties of optical holograms and the principle of holography. Of course, we are dealing with two fundamentally different holograms (artificially and naturally created), but their physical principles and properties are very similar. These two holograms have an information surface with an interference pattern. An external source of coherent light, two beams (for recording and playback), illuminates the interference pattern (for an optical hologram). Two coherently oscillating cosmic one-dimensional spiral strings scan two halves of one holographic surface of one spherical screen in the Planck time (for an entropy hologram). In the center of the projections of these holograms, a three-dimensional object appears — our Universe. The two halves of our brain process the information we receive, and the world seems to us four-dimensional (3D + 1). But only a surface with information is real and a couple of strings closed among themselves — projections that scan and create two halves of one holographic screen (2D + 1). This spherical shell without thickness and with different information on its two halves can be considered as a kind of storage device for storing information.


If the existence of optical holograms is not in doubt, then the Holographic Principle cannot be considered a generally accepted theory. But this is only for now. The validity of the holographic hypothesis can be confirmed by data obtained using one formula — the holographic code of the Universe on a computer simulator. These data correlate with experimentally confirmed and obtained in a completely different way — at particle accelerators. The same holographic code formula can be applied to rotate a spherical solid rotor of a mechanical gyroscope. And it turns out that this third and last type of mechanical gyroscope (with a rigid structure and operation algorithm) and six degrees of freedom (GYRO_6DoF) is able to completely return the lost information in a living object for a selected period of time. It is this device that we will use as a «teleport», but not for moving in space, but for moving in time a living object in order to rejuvenate it (although both options are possible and do not contradict any laws of physics). It is enough to place a living object in a stationary container GYRO_6DoF, inside which universal entropic forces (arising as a result of coherent three-dimensional oscillations of the rotor mass elements) will act on it and he will rejuvenate. If the decoherence of quantum processes leads to the aging of organisms, then the reverse process in a coherent state leads to rejuvenation.


The Holographic Principle replaces the notion of the past time with bits of information naturally stored on a holographic screen. The principle of causality is not violated and not a single bit of information can be lost, therefore information about a living object, in those days when it was still young, does not disappear and can be completely returned back to a living object. «Dead» matter participates in the process only indirectly, not directly. The mechanism of a time machine based on the GYRO_6DoF is similar to the sequential processing of information on the tape of an old tape recorder. We rewind the information closer to the beginning of the tape on the cassette, stop the rewinding process at the selected section and start playback again, but against the background of the current time. The fee for rejuvenation: will be completely forgotten by the rejuvenating object of the information about the time difference. Agree, this is not a high price.

To rejuvenate an organism, we are not interested in its biological features, since all processes automatically occur at the quantum level.
First of all, it is necessary to explain what is the universal long-range «entropic force» that we receive in GYRO_6DoF in order to act on a living object in order to return the lost information.
A simple example of the appearance of such a fundamental force is the behavior of macromolecules. If we take a very long molecule, then it will curl up into a ball, the radius of which is proportional to the root from the number of links.
If you take a molecule by the end and try to «unwind» this ball, then a force will arise that will act on the elongated end and will tend to return the molecule to the «ball» state. Moreover, unlike the forces that form the molecule, this force has nothing to do with interatomic interaction. A purely probabilistic thing: the system, as a result of «trial and error», that is, fluctuations associated with temperature, tends to move from a less probable state to a more probable one.


Approximately the same mechanism arises at the quantum level with the position of elementary particles as pairs of projections of bits, or rather qubits of information on a holographic screen, from which atoms are assembled, from which molecules are assembled, and, finally, from which biological objects are assembled.
So! Time machine for living organisms. Do you want to look 20 years younger, get rid of acquired diseases, return lost limbs? I do not promise, but the probability will appear. You need to join my group and support the project.
Aging is a combination of all mechanisms that change the functions of a living creature, prevent the maintenance of physiological balance and ultimately lead to death. At its most fundamental level, the aging process is a process of deep information. According to modern scientific concepts, everything consists of bits of information and, against the background of fundamental inflation (spread of bits), over time leads to large-scale decoherence. This decoherence process at a deeper informational quantum level is sequential and depends on many factors of interaction with the environment.


Biological studies have shown that aging is controlled by genetic factors and informational processes (biological) inherent in all living things. To slow down this natural process and/or even reverse it, significantly increase life expectancy, the first step is to change the fundamental paradigm of the scientific worldview and understand the root causes of aging. How does aging affect living organisms in quantum biology? And how to connect the fundamental physical quantum information level — and what factors can affect the lifespan?

According to the Holographic Principle, not a single bit of information on two halves of one spherical holographic horizon (screen) can be lost. This means that all the information that your physical body possessed, say at the age of 33, is not lost and can be replaced with information gained and/or lost in your body later. In other words, you can significantly rejuvenate and get rid of diseases, and this in no way contradicts the fundamental laws of physics.

Information about the location of particles is stored in discrete bits on two halves of a spherical screen — one bit in the Planck regions, but already two Planck regions contain three bits of information as additional information about the coordinates of each of the bits on the screen. and are generated automatically. In other words, two bits contain exactly one bit of mutual information. This third bit of information complements the fundamental structure of information — a cell up to one qubit. Each qubit of information contains exactly one bit of the «neighboring» qubit (but on two different halves of the same holographic screen). In terms of quantum mechanics, this is a natural mechanism for the well-known quantum entanglement. On a large scale, this leads to the decoherence of quantum processes. One bit of information is replaced by a new one, which at a deep quantum level ultimately leads to the aging of the body. However, you can, the so-called «pull the string and twist the ball», return the information to its original state (when you were young or until the moment when you got sick or, for example, lost limbs). Thus, each bit of information is somehow associated with all the bits on the screen. One common bit in this cell of information is the reason that, as a result of the decoherence of quantum processes, the nascent holographic mechanism seems to have a three-dimensional world around us. Decoherence underlies the separation of bits on the two halves of the screen and ultimately causes entropy to rise at a deep fundamental quantum level and, at the same time, is the cause of aging at the biological level. Since not a single bit of information can be lost (this is the main conclusion of the Holographic Principle), then we, as observers, do not die. What we call death, in fact, is the loss of the center of a pair of one-dimensional scanning spiral cosmic strings, which are held by information related to the description of the observer, on two halves of one holographic horizon — the screen. If the center of the projections of a pair of one-dimensional strings is balanced within the information describing the organism, then it is alive. At the moment of replacement (as a result of the reverse decoherence state) of the “new” bit acquired in the qubit by the old one due to the return of the “old” bit, the information is restored with an accuracy of one bit.… The body is getting younger as a result of the automatic unraveling of the qubits on the screen.


Everything that is written below is only part of the study of computer simulation. The scientific data visualization method is widely used today to study processes that are fundamentally impossible to observe. Using computer simulation allows you to see the invisible. Moreover, the processing of information in a conventional simulator program, on a conventional computer, is controlled not by an operator or a programmer, but by one extremely simple parametric formula that describes the dynamics of coherent oscillations of points in a pair of one-dimensional spiral closed cosmic strings.
We apply the Holographic Principle and the laws of thermodynamics to describe visible information processes on a holographic screen, where the emergent laws of entropy gravity obtained by the famous physicist E Verlinde contain an additional “dark” entropy force derived as the product of temperature and entropy gradients and changing according to the law of the ratio of the area of ​​a spherical holographic screen to the volume of the study area. This «dark gravitational force» explains the observed phenomena in galaxies and clusters currently attributed to dark matter.
Statistical averaging gives us the usual laws, hence it is necessary to investigate the fluctuations of the entropy force on the screen. Its size depends on the temperature gradients on the screen, which may not be universal and depends on the effective value of the bar constant ℏ.
To accurately measure this entropy «dark gravitational force», a device is needed. And such a device is proposed. In fact, this is a fundamentally new device — a gravitational telescope for reading information from a holographic screen. Such a device can be a new type of mechanical gyroscope, the rotor dynamics of which is described the same extremely simple formula of forced coherent oscillations. With such consistent dynamics, in vacuum conditions, its mass elements of the gyroscope rotor overcome a second-order phase transition, which leads the mass elements of the rotor to cooperative quantum behavior. This will be a new, third and last of the possible types of a mechanical gyroscope — (Gyro_6DoF) with six degrees of freedom, previously not described in theoretical mechanics, but reserved for us by nature itself to study the holographic mechanism of the Universe.
In addition, for the study, we use the equivalent of the holographic mechanism — a block diagram of a double pseudo-random sequence generator for a better understanding of the principles of information processing on a holographic screen.

Holographic mechanism of the Universe

Bits of information are physically represented by phases of coherent oscillations of a pair of cosmic strings. Our main principle, when considering the emerging holographic mechanism, will not be the possibility of losing even one bit of information. We investigate the properties of a pair of closed cosmic strings and explain the observed processes based on the results of the simulator and the principle of conservation (or indestructibility) of information.
For the emergence of the holographic mechanism of the Universe, we have everything we need: a surface with information — two halves of one spherical holographic screen and two sources of coherent vibrations — a pair of strings scanning this surface. On a computer simulator, we can observe how, as a result of repeated cycles of vibrations of a pair of strings and their winding on the screen, information is recorded and reproduced.
The recording of information is discretization (coarse graining) or complete “winding” of strings per cycle on a spherical screen. Reproduction of information is the interaction of scanning strings with temperature gradients on the inflation screen, as a result of which, an entropy force arises in the center of the projections of a pair of strings. Using computer simulation, we can observe the invisible at the quantum level — the dynamics of the projections of elementary particles. We see how one extremely simple formula of angular displacements of points of a pair of identical one-dimensional and coherently vibrating spiral cosmic strings closed to each other generates a zoo of elementary particles of the Standard Model and, at the same time, two halves of one sphere. We can observe this dynamics of pairs of projections in isometry and, at the same time, the emergence of two halves of one spherical holographic horizon (screen) with information.

One cell, the size of a Planck area on a spherical screen, contains one degree of freedom — one bit of information. But already two Planck squares contain the third common bit of information, which determines the address of these bits on the two halves of the screen. In fact, this is the mechanism of universal quantum entanglement. Each particle in 3D+1 is naturally entangled with another particle on two halves of the same spherical screen. Therefore, the holographic screen consists of a “tangle” of sequentially entangled one-dimensional pairs of cosmic strings.

According to the Holographic Principle, not a single bit of information can be lost, so with each cycle, the surface of the screen increases. The number of cells on the screen is growing today, due to the cells of the address space (address cells) that do not contain data on the mass of particles. Moreover, the growth in the number of address cells occurs only in those places where address cells are already present. Cells with information about the mass (hereinafter referred to as massive cells) are forced out of the surrounding areas with address cells during the winding process. As a result of this process, the address space on the screen grows and the space occupied by massive cells decreases relatively. The consequence of this process is inflation of space-time in 3D+1 and we observe the accelerated inflation of the Universe. There is an entropy force (pressure force) on massive cells, as a result of which they are pulled together into groups. In 3D+1, this process leads to the emergence of a gravitational force. As soon as all address cells are forced out between massive cells, the information presented by the interference pattern on the screen can describe the horizon of the black hole. As a result of the displacement of the address cells in the areas of massive cells where a black hole appears, the interference pattern is completely inverted on the two halves of the screen, and in the imaginary center of the projections, the physical information is almost completely reduced to zero. These are areas with the highest possible entropy. One space-time coordinate in 3D+1 (at the center of the projections of a pair of strings) ceases to exist. But on the two halves of the 2D + 1 screen, information about the contents of the black hole is stored with an accuracy of one bit.
Holographic horizon — the screen is out of space-time and for us, observers, informationally “smeared” over two halves of one screen, it is invisible. As a result of the “dense winding” of a pair of strings on the screen, an entropy force arises perpendicular to it, which aligns the entire screen to the surface of the sphere. This entropic force combines areas with massive cells (this process gives rise to gravitational forces in 3D+1). An increase in the number of address cells generates vacuum space-time is 3D+1. As a result of this process, we observe accelerated inflation of the Universe. In such a natural way, on the inflationary spherical holographic horizon of the Universe (screen) in the illusory center of the projections of a pair of strings, two different entropy forces act perpendicular to the screen. One entropy force aligns the screen to a spherical shape and moves the interference pattern with massive cells — gravity arises, the second entropy force appears in the imaginary center of projections and is associated with the interaction of massive cells with screen scanning by a pair of one-dimensional cosmic strings. With such a dynamic holographic formalism, the concept of time is concretized. Past tense is information written on the screen that interacts with a pair of strings that scan the screen. The single coordinate of the current screen time is the time it takes for a pair of strings to produse scanning the entire screen, filling the address space with address cells. The future tense arises as a pure illusion of the continuation of the process. From this point of view, reality is an entropic super hologram in which the past, present, and future exist simultaneously.
As for the dynamics of physical information on the screen, on a large scale, it demonstrates a thermodynamic nature. 2D+1 holographic screen is a closed thermodynamic system. Entropy fluctuations tend to bring the system to a macroscopic state with maximum entropy, where it tends to minimize the energy of the system.
Therefore, any spherical surface has the smallest possible area-to-volume ratio and therefore requires the least energy to maintain the spherical shape. Energy minimization has always been the driving force behind the physical world. The spherical holographic screen with information and the holographic dynamics itself is created by one formula of coherent oscillations of a pair of one-dimensional spiral cosmic strings and is applicable for an arbitrary screen radius.
The result of a computer simulation demonstrates the holographic mechanism of the emergence of space-time and, at the same time, gravity.

1. Two halves of one spherical surface of the holographic screen are scanned by a pair of one-dimensional spiral cosmic strings.
2. The result of scanning with a pair of strings is an increase in the surface area of ​​the holographic screen (its inflation). At the same time, there is an increase in the number of address cells and their dispersion across the entire screen while maintaining information about the relative position or movement of a particular object is 3D+1. This is the reason why Newton's First Law is fulfilled: the continuation of the movement of the physical body or its being at rest, in the absence of the influence of the external environment.
3. The recording of new information as a result of discretization (coarse graining) on ​​the screen by scanning the spherical surface of the screen with a pair of strings) is carried out by the method of “winding with stacking” of string sections — adding new address cells to local address spaces — to groups of address cells. This leads to the growth of the global address space, increases the total area of ​​the screen, and produces a contraction of the interference pattern, or in other words, a grouping of massive cells on the screen. This method of recording new information on two halves of one holographic screen during the plank time and, at the same time, moving information across the screen, explains the reason for the observed increase in entropy and explains the accelerated inflation of the Universe. The evolution and the whole dynamics of the holographic Universe are due to this method of recording information without loss on the holographic horizon — the screen.
4. As a result of recording information, the entropy pressure force acts perpendicular to the screen surface on the entire area of ​​the screen, which evens out its spherical shape.
5. Significantly increases the internal volume V of the spherical screen, but at the same time A — the surface area of ​​the screen, as a result of moving the entire surface of the screen by dx, changes slightly.
As is known, the energy of system E can be changed both by producing mechanical work (in our case, by moving temperature gradients on the screen) and by transferring a certain amount of heat to it (the period of the hot Universe). This circumstance is described by the well-known thermodynamic equation:


where Tis the temperature, dS is the entropy gradient minus the work, that is, the change in the internal energy of the system is equal to the influx of thermal energy made by the body PdV.
Let us now assume that as a result of the natural inflation of the screen, with a change in volume, the surface area A does not change, and with a change in volume V, the boundary of the wall dx, which has moved, is associated with a change. The internal energy of the system during the process will remain unchanged, due to a decrease in the entire temperature of the screen. Then the above equation can be rewritten as:


But the pressure on the screen surface (PA) multiplied by its area is the entropy force F.
Then, given the above equality, we can write:

Fdх = TdSA/V

Entropy and mass are additive — the sum of the parts is equal to the sum of the entropies and masses of these parts, that is, the entropy is proportional to the mass m. On the other hand, the entropy gradient is proportional to the acceleration. To explain the force acting on the center of the projections of a pair of strings, we must define the work that is done by this force and show that it can naturally be represented as a change in entropy times a constant temperature. The difference with respect to the case of spherical symmetry is that the screen temperature is not constant. T/dх– temperature gradient on the screen dT. This means that the screen temperature gradients determine the locations of the bits on the screen. It is well known that temperature is also closely related to acceleration. The product of the change in temperature and the change in entropy and the ratio of the area of ​​the sphere to the volume of the area under study, due to the movement of matter, turns out to be equal to the work produced by the entropy force.

The natural identification of temperature and information density on a holographic screen leads directly to the laws of gravity theory. When the entropy changes due to the movement of bits of information on a spherical screen, or the temperature changes as a result of the inflation of a spherical surface according to the law of the ratio of the screen area A to the volume V limited by it, then this is the action of two different mechanisms on one entropy force acting on one center projections. Therefore, assuming the fulfillment of the Holographic Principle and using Gyro-6DoF in the future to refine the temperature gradients on the screen, we take the temperature as a constant. Then you can write:

ΔS = 2πkBmcdxV/Aℏ

If we know the entropy gradient (it can be found using dS), then knowing the temperature of the screen, we can calculate the entropy force. Let's assume that the total energy of the system is E. We use the Landauer principle: each bit carries energy and the law of equipartition of energy over degrees of freedom.
Then the energy is evenly distributed over all N bits of information on the holographic screen. Temperature is defined as the average energy per bit:


the number of degrees of freedom on a spherical screen, according to the Holographic Principle is:


G is the gravitational constant. Understanding E as the value Mc², where M is the mass concentrated in the center of the region under study, bounded by the holographic screen, we obtain the temperature


Substituting the temperature T into the initial expression for the entropy force F, we reproduce the Law of Universal Gravitation, which takes into account dark matter as an entropy force:


Let's explain the result. The speed of stars in circular orbits far from the center is constant and does not depend on the distance R to the center of mass M: the rotation curve is flat.
Space-time arises at the macroscopic level 3D+1 only after discretization — the recording of information on the screen. Consequently, a finite entropyS will be associated with each configuration of matter. This entropy changes the amount of information on the screen and is invisible to a macroscopic observer. In the general case, this amount of information will depend on the distribution of matter. The additional dependence of the entropy force on the law of the ratio of the area of ​​the spherical screen to the volume that it limits tells us that we must collide with the phantom of mass m in the law of gravity on large scales. Indeed, the totality of a large amount of observed data indicates that the speed of rotation of stars at the periphery of galaxies does not decrease at a large distance from the center of galaxies, as expected in accordance with the predictions of Keplerian dynamics, which take into account only the visible mass. This is currently considered to be evidence for the existence of a dark matter halo in galaxies.

Consider the galaxy rotation curve — a function that describes the kinematic properties of the galaxy and represents the dependence of the orbital velocity of stars and gas in the galaxy on the distance to the center of the galaxy.
On the graph (see photo) — the observed rotation curve of the spiral galaxy NGC 3198 (dashed line). The two lower continuous lines are the rotation curves of the stellar disk of the galaxy and the dark halo. The distance to the center of the galaxy in kiloparsecs is plotted along the horizontal axis, and the rotation speed in km/s is plotted along the vertical axis.
Real rotation speeds on the periphery of most galaxies remain approximately constant, the explanation of this fact is the simple postulation of the presence of an unknown gravitating substance — «dark matter», which makes a large contribution to the total mass of galaxies. The figure shows the contribution of this substance (the “halo” curve) to the final rotation curve. As can be seen in the figure, the “dark matter” halo begins to noticeably manifest itself on the periphery of the stellar disk of the galaxy and beyond. Note that the behavior of the halo curve is aligned with the curve of the ratio of the area of ​​a spherical screen to the volume bounded by this spherical surface. It is this holographic approach that is demonstrated by the transformation from 3D+1 to 2D+1 of the thermodynamic energy formula and is used to explain the long-range universal entropy (gravitational) force that is applicable to entropy gravity. That is, we have a fundamentally new explanation for the manifestation of “dark matter”. Empirically directly observable gravitational phenomena attributed to «dark matter», such as the flattening of helical curves when the surface mass density m falls below the universal value defined by the acceleration scale a_0.
The well-known MOND theory postulates a critical acceleration a_0, after which the introduction of the concept of dark matter by “hands” is not required. Indeed, the abrupt appearance of an additional entropy force can be modeled and studied as a second-order phase transition in Gyro_6DoV. The phase transition always occurs abruptly. This transition to a coherent state of the elements of the mass of the rotor manifests itself as an avalanche-like appearance of a spherical halo around the rotor represented by long-range entropy forces. This has been confirmed in numerous experiments with a rapidly rotating rotor, with coherent oscillations of its mass in a vacuum. The rotation of the mass of the rotor around the center and around one axis jumps into the rotation of the mass around three axes. The energy-mass doubles due to the conversion of a part of the vacuum energy into mechanical energy — due to the energy of the Universe (accelerated screen expansion). The jump-like transition to the coherent state of the star, as it moves away from the center of the galaxy, similarly manifests itself as the emergence of a spherical halo of dark matter. The energy mass of the star doubles and is added to its mass, which is observed in the telescope. This means that for every star with ordinary matter, there must be exactly two stars with dark matter. Obviously, this effect is associated with a decrease in the magnitude of the rotational acceleration as the distance of the star with mass m increases and with a decrease in the influence of the massive center M on its coherent state. In the coherent state of mass elements, rotational accelerations around one axis and around the center of mass abruptly transform into rotation around three axes and around the same center of mass. The mutual influence of the external environment of the star becomes larger and creates clods of ellipsoids around it from entropy forces, and the total halo of the galaxy forms a sphere around the black hole at its center galaxy. This means that a_0 is indeed constant, even if it takes on a slightly different value under different environmental influences. Dark matter, obviously, is a cosmological holographic phenomenon — the natural action of entropic forces on a spherical holographic screen, additionally changing according to the well-known law of the ratio of the surface of the ball to its volume: A/V.

Relativistic effects even at non-relativistic speeds


The Gyro_6DoF technology is a mechanical gyroscope with holographic properties that opens up new horizons in the field of physics. One of the key aspects of this device is its ability to exhibit relativistic effects even at non-relativistic speeds. This claim, already confirmed in experiments, has the potential to change our understanding of time, mass, and energy, and also offers the possibility of creating time machine-like devices.
When the Gyro_6DoF rotor rotates around three axes per cycle in a vacuum, it creates a three-dimensional angular velocity whose magnitude depends on the radius of the holographic horizon. In standard physics, the Lorentz factor describes how relativistic effects such as time dilation and mass increase become significant at speeds approaching the speed of light. However, in Gyro_6DoF, even at non-relativistic angular velocities, we observe that the Lorentz factor tends to 1, which indicates the presence of relativistic effects — the interaction of the total inertial mass of the Gyro_6DoF rotor with distant stars on the torsion balance. Given the impossibility of mass interaction at such distances without limiting the speed of light, it must be recognized that the holographic principle works, since all physical processes occur on the distant holographic horizon, exactly in accordance with Mach's principle.
In the experiment with the torsion balance, Gyro_6DoF demonstrates a connection with distant stars, confirming the validity of Mach's principle, according to which the inertial properties of a body depend on the distribution of mass in the Universe. This connection is manifested through the three-dimensional angular velocity, which naturally depends on the radius of the holographic horizon — the surface on which all information about the contents of the volume is encoded.
This radius is inherently colossal, allowing the three-dimensional angular velocity of the rotor in Gyro_6DoF to reach values ​​comparable to the linear speed of light on the screen. In turn, this means that even at moderate rotation speeds of the Gyro_6DoF gyroscope rotor (6000 cycles per minute), relativistic effects such as time dilation, an increase in inertial mass, and an extension of the radius to the screen occur.
One of the most interesting relativistic effects is time dilation, in which time slows down for objects moving at high-speed relative to the observer. In the context of Gyro_6DoF, this means that for living objects inside the system (inside the rotor), time will slow down compared to the outside world, which can be interpreted as a reversal of the arrow of time. This effect opens the door to the possibility of creating a time machine, as well as the implementation of the twin paradox, in which one twin moving at high-speed ages more slowly than his brother remaining on Earth.
Another important aspect is the conversion of zero-point energy into electrical energy observed in Gyro_6DoF. This is possible because the gyroscope interacts with the holographic horizon during operation, allowing the energy of the horizon's expansion to be extracted. This discovery could lead to new energy sources independent of traditional fuels, and even to the development of antigravity devices that manipulate relativistic effects in non-relativistic conditions.
Gyro_6DoF technology opens up new perspectives in the study of relativistic physics and its applications. Not only can this technology better understand the fundamental laws of the universe, but it can also create devices that previously seemed impossible. The impact of these discoveries could be enormous, affecting both theoretical physics and practical aspects such as energy and transportation. It is important to continue research and experimental verification of these hypotheses in order to uncover the full potential of Gyro_6DoF and its impact on science and technology.


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