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Список из 100 полезных фраз для IT на английском языке с примерами употребления

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Источник изображения: https://ru.freepik.com/

Насколько ваш английский хорош, чтобы комфортно общаться в профессиональной среде? Или просто воспринимать информацию по нужной вам теме из первоисточника?

Чтобы иметь обоснованное представление об этом, предлагаю воспользоваться гайдом из 100 слов наиболее часто встречающихся в теме IT. Этот список наработан мною за 2 года работы с видео и статьями из таких изданий, как MIT, TechLife News, Bloomberg, Science Today, Harvard Business Review. 

Слова разделены по рубрикам и к каждому слову добавлены описание на английском, перевод и пример употребления. В отдельных случаях указана транскрипция, чтобы вы обратили внимание на правильное произношение.

Можно ли выучить английский по списку слов? Нет, конечно. Но по нему можно оценить в процентном соотношении, сколько из 100 вам уже известно. 

Важно: не воспринимайте перевод слишком буквально и попробуйте предложить свой, исходя из описания на английском.

Tech Phrases Guide: 100 useful phrases in English with examples

Career in Tech

  1. Tech - short for technical, relating to the knowledge, machines, or methods used in science and industry. Tech is a whole industry, which includes IT (Всё, что входит в сферу IT).
    “As a DevOps engineer I have been working in Tech since 2020.”

  2. career path - the series of jobs or roles that constitute a person's career, especially one in a particular field (карьерный путь).
    Technology is an evolving field with a variety of available career paths.” 

  3. pursue a career - actively work towards advancing and developing in a particular profession or field of work (строить карьеру).“He is pursuing his career in tech.”

  4. stakeholder - an employee, investor, customer, etc. who is involved in or buys from a business and has an interest in its success (заинтересованная сторона, совладелец).
    “The interested stakeholders need to attend the meeting.”

  5. higher-up - a person in a company or organization who has a more important position than you have (начальник, босс).
    “They're still waiting for a decision about the extra money from the higher-ups.

  6. big shot - a person or an organization with a lot of power or influence (большая шишка).
    He is trying to become a big shot in NVIDIA.”

  7. newbie / novice / newcomer - beginner, a person who has recently started a particular activity (новичок).
    “The guide helps newbies understand the latest social networking sites and apps.”

  8. learn the ropes - to learn how to do a particular job or task (разобраться, освоить азы).
    “They have three weeks to learn the ropes before they start.”

  9. show/teach the ropes - to show someone how to do a job or activity (ввести в курс дела).
    “I spent an afternoon showing the newcomer the ropes.”

  10. turning point in one’s career - a time at which an important change takes place which affects the future of a person or thing (поворотный момент).
    The turning point in her career was when she joined this company.”

  11. milestone -  a significant event or stage in one’s life (важный этап).
    “Taking on the new responsibilities of a CTO was a milestone for John.”

  12. the ins and outs - the details about how something works or is done (тонкости, вся подноготная).
    “She knows the ins and outs of the platform.”

  13. embark on/upon something - to start something new or important (начинать что-то, приступать к чему-то).
    “We’ve embarked on an exciting new project.”

  14. backer - a person who gives support to someone or something with money or words (попечитель, спонсор).
    “We need financial backers for the project.”

  15. side hustle - a job or occupation that brings in extra money beyond one's regular job and main source of income (подработка).
    “It’s relatively easy to find a side hustle for a developer.”

  16. pet project - a personal or small-scale project that someone works on for their own enjoyment or to learn new skills (детище, собственный проект)
    “If you have a pet project connected with your profession, you should definitely add it to your CV.”

  17. gig /ɡɪɡ/ - a job, especially one that is temporary or freelance and performed on an informal or on-demand basis (проект).
    “Now his gig for a startup in Amsterdam is on hold.”

Being a specialist

  1. expertise in something or to do something   /ˌek.spɝːˈtiːz/ - a high level of skill or knowledge (экспертиза в чем-то).
    “I have no expertise in cybersecurity.”

  2. to specialize in - to study or work on a particular subject or skill more than any others, so that you become an expert in it (специализироваться в чем-либо).
    “The company specializes in customized computer systems.”

  3. to compete with/against somebody for something - to try to be more successful than someone or something else (конкурировать с кем-либо за что-либо).
    “Thousands of applicants are competing for the same job.”

  4. hands-on experience - knowledge or skill that someone gets from doing something rather than just reading about it or seeing it being done (реальный, практический опыт).
    “He always said he learned more about coding from hands-on experience than he did in the classroom.”

  5. solid knowledge/understanding of something - a deep and comprehensive knowledge on a particular subject (глубокие познания).
    "This course has given me a solid understanding of the principles of Python programming.”

  6. from scratch - completely from the beginning (с нуля, с самого начала).
    “Tech is considered to be the easiest career to start from scratch but I wouldn’t agree with that.”

  7. to pivot - to change direction, opinions, statements, decisions (поворачивать, разворачивать).
    “One day I’ll share how to make a successful career pivot.”

  8. to be in charge of something or something - to be responsible for something or someone (быть ответственным).
    “Who’s in charge here?”

  1. jack-of-all-trades - someone who can do many different jobs (мастер на все руки).
    “She became a jack-of-all-trades who could actually create new innovative products in the highly technical industry of scuba equipment.”

  2. code in programming language - to write computer programs (писать код на языке программирования).
    “Can you code in JS? I need some help here.”

  3. stand out from - to attract attention, either for the way you look or behave, or because you perform better at something than other people do (выделяться из).
    “We had lots of good applicants for the job, but one stood out from the rest.”

  4. set apart from - If a quality or characteristic sets someone or something apart, it shows him, her, or it to be different from, and usually better than, others of the same type (отличаться от).
    “What set her apart from the other candidates for the job was that she had a lot of original ideas.”

  1. versatile -  able to do many different things or to adjust to new conditions, or (of things) able to be used for many different purposes (легко приспосабливаемый, переменчивый)
    “He is a versatile specialist: he can code in many programming languages.”

  2. to be on call - to be ready to go to work or start working online at any time if needed, especially if there is an emergency (дежурный, работа по требованию).
    “Many Tech-engineers have to be on call even during vacation”.

  3. like the back of my hand - to know something completely (как свои пять пальцев).
    “I know this system like the back of my hand.

  4. to know one's stuff - to be an expert at something (знать свое дело).
    “When it comes to coding, she really knows her stuff.”

  5. tech-savvy - having a good knowledge and understanding of modern technology, especially computers (сведущий в технике, на “ты” с техникой).
    “The city needs more tech-savvy workers for its hi-tech industries.”

  6. lose one’s edge - to no longer have all the advantages and special skills that you had in the past (терять хватку).
    “It’s obvious that if you don’t practice coding you might lose your edge.”

  7. non-techie - (of a person, job) not having or needing special knowledge about the machines, methods, etc. used in science and industry (не сведущий в технике).
    “He is absolutely good at explaining complicated things to non-techies.

  1. geekspeak - slang jargon used by geeks, esp computer enthusiasts (разговор помешанного на чем-либо).
    Geek speak can be used to describe anything from a computer network or system to the latest tech gadgets and software.”

Using technologies and tech trends

  1. to be in use - it is used regularly by people (применяться, употребляться)
    "The new software update is currently in use by several departments, significantly improving their workflow."

  2. go out of use - to stop being used by people (устаревший, вышедший из употребления).
    "The older version of the application has been deemed out of use, as all users have migrated to the latest release."

  3. gain traction - to begin to have success (набирать обороты, играть все большую роль).
    “This trend in Tech is gaining traction.”

  1. take advantage of something - to make good use of something (воспользоваться преимуществом чего-то, в своих интересах)
    “In this article you’ll learn 10 Ways to take advantage of technology in your business.

  2. capitalize on - to get an advantage from something, such as an event or situation (извлечь выгоду, использовать с выгодой для себя).
    “They were able to capitalize on our mistakes.”

  3. tap into - to manage to use something in a way that brings good results; to gain access to; become friendly with (воспользоваться).
    “If only we could tap into all that energy and creativity to launch the project”.

  4. brand new - completely new and unused (принципиально новый, нового поколения).
    “We use a brand new approach.”

  1. godsend -a desirable or needed thing or event that comes unexpectedly (спасение, подарок небес).
    “Zoom's been a godsend during the pandemic.”

  2. benchmark - something that serves as a standard by which others may be measured or judged (эталон, ориентир).
    “In the article you’ll find out how to benchmark your Tech brand against competitors with 3 strategies”.

  3. showcase - to show (something or someone) in an attractive or favorable way (продемонстрировать, показать с наиболее выигрышной стороны).
    “The team also hopes the project will showcase the positive side of artificial intelligence.”

  4. launch /lɔːn(t)ʃ/  - to begin something such as a plan or introduce something new such as a product (запустить).
    The programme was launched a year ago.”

  5. deployment (to deploy) - the mechanism through which applications, modules, updates, and patches are delivered from developers to users (развертывание, запуск).
    How well the technology is deployed and adapted to the client is vital.

  6. ahead of the curve - faster about doing something than other people, companies, etc (быть на шаг впереди).
    “The company has been ahead of the curve in adopting new technologies”

  7. behind the curve - slower about doing something than other people, companies, etc. (вне тренда, отстающий).
    “We are behind the curve when it comes to advances in medicine.”

  8. the cutting-edge - the newest and most advanced area of activity in art, science, etc. (самый современный, передовой)
    “Can you name a company at the cutting edge of mobile communications technology today?”

  9. early adopter - someone who is one of the first people to start using a new product, especially a new piece of technology (первый разработчик, впервые применивший).
    “You really have to be an early adopter to appreciate Apple's Vision Pro.”

  10. go-to - used to describe the best person, thing, or place for a particular purpose or need (проверенный).
    He was the company's go-to guy for new ideas.”

  11. strike gold - If you strike gold, you find, do, or produce something that brings you a lot of money or success (найти золотую жилу).
    “A few lucky people have struck gold by investing in this company.”

  12. sophisticated/ advanced technology - technology that  is more advanced or complex than others (передовые, усложненные технологии).
    “Check out the 7 most advanced/sophisticated technologies of 2024.”

  13. scalable - able to be made larger in size, such as business, system (масштабируемый).
    “These deals would make Amazon's business scalable and efficient”.

  14. boost - to increase or improve something (увеличивать, улучшать, форсировать).
    “More money is needed to boost this start-up.”

  15. profound - having or showing great knowledge or insight (глубокий).
    “You’re touching on a very profound question.”

  16. groundbreaking - innovative; pioneering, showing a new way of doing or thinking about things (передовой, прорывной).
    "The team recently launched a groundbreaking AI feature that can understand natural language more accurately than ever before."

  17. setup - connecting and preparing a program, hardware device, or computer to function properly (установка, подготовка).
    "Before we can start testing the new system, we need to complete the initial setup and configure the database."

  18. deliverables -  the tangible outputs of a project, such as software, hardware, or network components. In telecommunications, these deliverables must meet specific performance requirements, such as speed, reliability, security, and scalability (результаты работы).
    "The project manager outlined the key deliverables for the upcoming quarter, including software enhancements and user training sessions."

Tech problems

  1. tackle - to try to deal with something or someone (проработать, браться за)
    “There are many ways of tackling this problem.”

  2. pain point - a part of a process or system that causes problems (уязвимое место, болевая точка).
    “The faster you react to customers' pain points that they have while using your app, the better your reputation”.

  3. vulnerability - the quality of being vulnerable (= able to be easily hurt, influenced, or attacked), or something that is vulnerable (уязвимость, незащищенность).
    “In the article you’ll find out about the 9 most common types of cybersecurity vulnerabilities”.

  4. to be compromised - made vulnerable (as to attack or misuse) by unauthorized access, revelation, or exposure (скомпрометированный с точки зрения безопасности, поставленный под угрозу).
    “It’s crucial that you immediately take action to secure your compromised passwords”.

  5. setback - something that happens that delays or prevents a process from developing (задержка, заминка)
    “There has been a slight/temporary setback in our plans.”

  6. pitfall - a likely mistake or problem in a situation (подводный камень, опасное место).
    “There’s a video that shows how not to fall into the pitfalls of launching this system”

  7. bottleneck - a problem that delays progress (узкое место, проблемный участок)
    “Is there any way of getting around this bureaucratic bottleneck?”

  8. at stake - at risk (на кону)
    “Privacy in the Digital Age: What’s At Stake and How to Protect Yourself?”

  9. up-and-running - operating normally. (в рабочем состоянии)
    “The web-site is up-and-running now, you can log in.”

  10. red tape - official rules and processes that seem unnecessary and delay results, excessive bureaucracy (бюрократия, канцелярщина)
    “It was really hard to tackle all the red tape but we did it!”

  11. strive to do something -to try very hard to do something or to make something happen, especially for a long time or against difficulties (преследовать цель, стремиться).
    “Apple strives to bring the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals, and consumers around the world.”

  12. crunch mode/ crunch time -  working extra hours for extended periods of time in order to finish a project or meet a deadline (сверхурочная работа, кранч).
    “Coffee was a godsend for me during crunch time”.

  13. backlog - a large number of things you have to do or deal with that has increased over a period of time. (Завал, неразрешенные задачи)
    "She has a three-week backlog of work."

  14. constraint - a limitation or restriction (ограничение).
    "One major
    constraint we face is the limited bandwidth available for our cloud services, which affects our deployment speed."

    Meetings and communication

  15. rule of thumb - a method of procedure based on experience and common sense (универсальное правило)
    "Arrive early" is a good rule of thumb for most appointments.”

  1. Keep me in the loop - to keep someone informed or updated (держать в курсе)
    “You can tell she's in the loop. She always knows about stakeholders’ decisions before the rest of us.”

  2. kick something off - If you kick off a discussion or an activity, you start it (запускать, дать отмашку)
    “I'd like to kick off the discussion with a few statistics.”

  3. come on board - used to describe someone joining a group and typically used when trying to encourage someone to join them (включиться в процесс).
    "We could really use your help - come on board and join the team!".

  4. onboard - the process of introducing a newly hired employee into an organization (процесс адаптации на новом рабочем месте).
    “We offer a full training and onboarding program within a dynamic international team”.

  5. call it a day -decide or agree to stop doing something (закончить работу на сегодня, поставить точку).
    “Let’s call it a day and continue discussing it tomorrow.”

  6. build/have a rapport - to have a good understanding with someone and an ability to communicate well (выстроить/иметь хорошие взаимоотношения)
    “She has an excellent rapport with her staff.”

  7. on the fence - not able to decide something (в нерешительности)
    “He is on the fence about which job offer to accept”

  8. up in the air - (of a plan or issue) still to be settled; unresolved ( под вопросом, в подвешенном состоянии)
    “The whole future of the project is still up in the air.”

  9. give the green light to something - to give permission for someone to do something or for something to happen (дать зеленый свет).
    “The company is giving the green light to new online platforms”.

  10. give the go-ahead - give someone permission to start to do something (дать отмашку на что-либо).
    “The stakeholders have given the go-ahead for a cutting-edge online project”.

  11. keep track of something - to make certain that you know what is happening or has happened to someone or something (следить, держать на контроле).
    “My sister has had so many different projects, I don’t understand how she is keeping track of all of them.”

  12. to ping - to send a usually brief message (such as a text message) or notification to (a person, a person's phone, etc.) (пинговать, написать кому-то конкретно)
    "If you need assistance with the code review, you should ping Sarah; she's the best person to help with that."

  13. all-hands meeting - a meeting that gathers everyone in the organization and ensures leaders and employees from different departments can share their experiences, talk through roadblocks, and keep up-to-date with company progress (всеобщее собрание).
    "We scheduled an all-hands meeting next week to discuss the company’s vision and major projects for the upcoming year."

  14. heads-up - a message that alerts or prepares, warning (заблаговременное предупреждение).
    "Just a heads-up, we will be rolling out the new security protocols on Friday, so make sure your team is prepared for the changes."

Phrasal verbs and prepositions for Tech

  1. on the Internet/ on YouTube channel/ on Twitter etc.
    “I found a lot of useful information on the Internet”.

  2. to keep up with - move or progress at the same rate as someone or something else (идти в ногу, успевать)
    “It’s really important for all the up-to-date companies to keep up with the latest Tech trends.”

  3. take on - to accept a particular job or responsibility (взять на себя, нагружать)
    “She took on too many projects”

  4. Chase down a bug (debug) - to follow and catch someone or something (выявить причину, отыскать)
    "After several hours of debugging, we finally managed to chase down a bug that was causing the application to crash unexpectedly."

  5. come across someone/something - meet or find someone or something by chance, encounter (случайно встретиться с чем-либо, кем-то).
    “You can't get far in the tech sphere without coming across some challenges.”

  6. Break something down - to divide something into smaller parts (разложить на составляющие, разбить на части).
    “It’s easier to handle the job if you break it down into several specific assignments.”

  7. come up with something - to suggest or think of an idea or plan (придумать, предложить)
    They’ve come up with an idea on how to make the app faster.”

  8. reach out to someone - to communicate with someone, especially by using a phone, sending them an email, etc. (связаться)
    “Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about blockchain technology.”

  1. back up - 1) to make an extra copy of computer information (скопировать) ; 2) to support or help someone (прикрыть кого-то, поддержать).“We should definitely have a backup plan.”

* Гайд собран, в том числе, благодаря словарям Cambridge Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Collins Dictionary. Примеры употребления взяты из статей, моего личного опыта или созданы в ChatGPT4.

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