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VS Code Extensions You Need in 2024: My Top Picks

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time2 min

Welcome to my latest article. If you haven't caught my previous ones, I highly recommend checking them out for some really useful content. Today, I'm excited to dive into something special: my top 10 favorite VS Code extensions. These tools are incredibly popular among developers globally, and I believe they're essential for anyone serious about coding.

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Total votes 3: ↑1 and ↓2+1

Possible solution to the problem of references in programming languages

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time4 min

Every programmer is familiar with the concept of "reference." This term usually refers to a small object whose main task is to provide access to another object physically located elsewhere. Because of this, references are convenient to use, they are easily copied, and they make it very easy to access the object to which the reference points, allowing access to the same data from different parts of the program.

Unfortunately, manual memory management, or more precisely, manual memory control, is the most common cause of various errors and vulnerabilities in software. All attempts at automatic memory management through various managers are hampered by the need to control the creation and deletion of objects, as well as periodically run garbage collection, which negatively affects application performance.

However, references in one form or another are supported in all programming languages, although the term often implies not completely equivalent terms. For example, the word "reference" can be understood as a reference as an address in memory (as in C++) and a reference as a pointer to an object (as in Python or Java).

Although there are programming languages that try to solve these problems through the concept of "ownership" (Rust, Argentum, or NewLang). The possible solution to these and other existing problems with references will be discussed further.

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Total votes 2: ↑2 and ↓0+3

Could async/await magic create thread, or it is always: “There is no thread”?

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time4 min

When we are told “There is no thread” we can easily come to an opinion that it is impossible at ALL that asynchronous operation could create thread, but it would be wrong opinion. Simple code example proves the opposite.

Those who are easy to treat the sentence as the universal rule are easy to understand. They would like to simplify the subject and to cut amount of theory they should study and remember. Besides to many it is new level of knowledge to discover there is other layer of classes to manage async-operations behavior beside the Tasks and and SynchronizationContext is only one among them.

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Total votes 3: ↑1 and ↓2+1

When It's Important to Stop Your Team's Engineers from Writing Code

Reading time5 min

Launching a startup often means navigating through stringent constraints, particularly in the early stages where resources are limited. For technical founders, who usually possess deep expertise in certain technical domains, the inclination might be to hire a team of senior engineers—considering you often end up with only one expert in each domain, it might be risky to delegate entire segments to junior specialists.

This situation typically leads to a small team where each member is more skilled than the founder in their respective field. This raises an important question for the technical lead: what role should you play in this team? 

While the apparent answer might be task setting and quality control, prompting engineers to do what they love (coding), a less obvious but crucial role emerges. As a leader, your primary responsibility could be to prevent your team from engaging in unnecessary or potentially detrimental tasks, a concept known as "overengineering."

In this article, I will explore the critical role of a technical lead in steering a team away from overengineering and ensuring that their efforts align effectively with the startup's goals and resources.

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Review of mini-book «60 terrible tips for a C++ developer»

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time6 min

I wrote a small e-book about terrible tips for C++ developers. Actually, it describes bad programming practices and explains why it's better to avoid them. However, every chapter of this mini-book starts with a terrible tip — just for fun.

60 terrible tips for a C++ developer

By the way, these tips may seem artificial but believe me, they are based on the real experience. In other words, the described terrible tips occur in developers' lives — that's why it's worth discussing them. First of all, this book will be useful for junior developers. But more skilled C++ developers can also find interesting and useful tips.

Even though it's a mini-book, it clearly does not fit into the Habr format. Too many words. So, I decided to write here the review. Here is the link to find the full version of the mini-book: 60 terrible tips for a C++ developer.

If you still hesitate whether to read it or not, below you will find a list of terrible tips that will be discussed in the mini-book.

View the terrible tips:

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Total votes 8: ↑5 and ↓3+4

DSL (domain-specific language) implementation with macros

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time8 min

This is a translation of my own article

The release of NewLang language with a brand new "feature" is coming, a remodeled version of the preprocessor that allows you to extend the language syntax to create different DSL dialects using macros.

What is it about?

DSL (Subject Oriented Language) is a programming language specialized for a specific application area. It is believed that the use of DSL significantly increases the level of abstractness of the code, and this allows to develop more quickly and efficiently and greatly simplifies the solution of many problems.

Conditionally, we can distinguish two approaches to DSL implementation:

  • Development of independent syntax translators using lexer and parser generators to define the grammar of the target language through BNF (Backus–Naur form) and regular expressions (Lex, Yacc, ANTLR, etc.) and then compiling the resulting grammar into machine code.
  • Development or integration of the DSL dialect into a general-purpose language (metalanguage), including the use of various libraries or special parsers / preprocessors.

We will talk about the second option, namely the implementation of DSL on the basis of general-purpose languages (metalanguages) and the new implementation of macros in NewLang as the basis for DSL development.

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Total votes 2: ↑2 and ↓0+2

Systematic coding and digital signature

Reading time10 min

Once the Teacher asked the Author:

Are there methods of redundancy introducing at an informational level, other than those that are studied by the theory of error-correcting codes? Emphasizing that he is talking about information redundancy, the Teacher thus made it clear that the question does not imply various ways of energy redundancy introducing, which are well studied in communication theory. After all, the noise immunity of information transmission is traditionally assessed by means of a threshold value that is calculated as the ratio of signal energy to noise energy. It is known that the methods of the theory of error-correcting codes offer an alternative solution, allowing energy saving.

After a cogitative pause, the Author answered in the affirmative, following intuition rather than rational knowledge. Upon hearing the answer, the Teacher noticed that this is a wrong conclusion and there are no such methods.

However, over time, the Author began to suspect that the immutability of the paradigm formulated above could be questioned.

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Example of How New Diagnostics Appear in PVS-Studio

Reading time4 min

PVS-Studio new C++ rule

Users sometimes ask how new diagnostics appear in the PVS-Studio static analyzer. We answer that we draw inspiration from a variety of sources: books, coding standards, our own mistakes, our users' emails, and others. Recently we came up with an interesting idea of a new diagnostic. Today we decided to tell the story of how it happened.

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COVID-19 Research and Uninitialized Variable

Reading time2 min

There is an open project COVID-19 CovidSim Model, written in C++. There is also a PVS-Studio static code analyzer that detects errors very well. One day they met. Embrace the fragility of mathematical modeling algorithms and why you need to make every effort to enhance the code quality.

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Total votes 2: ↑2 and ↓0+2

Finding Typos in the GTK 4 Project by PVS-Studio

Reading time16 min


You may have already read a recent article about the first PVS-Studio run and filtration of warnings. We used the GTK 4 project as an example. It's about time we worked with the received report in more detail. Our regular readers may have already guessed that this article will be a description of errors found in the code.

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Total votes 3: ↑2 and ↓1+4

Why PVS-Studio Doesn't Offer Automatic Fixes

Reading time4 min
Why PVS-Studio Doesn't Offer Automatic Fixes

Static analyzer PVS-Studio can detect bugs in pretty complex and intricate parts of code, and coming up with appropriate fixes for such bugs may be a tough task even for human developers. That's exactly the reason why we should avoid offering any options for automatic fixing at all. Here are a couple of examples.
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Total votes 3: ↑1 and ↓20

Part 2: Upsetting Opinions about Static Analyzers

Reading time4 min
Единорог грустит

By writing the article "Upsetting Opinions about Static Analyzers" we were supposed to get it off our chest and peacefully let it all go. However, the article unexpectedly triggered robust feedback. Unfortunately, the discussion went in the wrong direction, and now we will make a second attempt to explain our view of this situation.
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Total votes 3: ↑2 and ↓1+5

Why it is important to apply static analysis for open libraries that you add to your project

Reading time7 min
PVS-Studio and Awesome header-only C++ libraries

Modern applications are built from third-party libraries like a wall from bricks. Their usage is the only option to complete the project in a reasonable time, spending a sensible budget, so it's a usual practice. However, taking all the bricks indiscriminately may not be such a good idea. If there are several options, it is useful to take time to analyze open libraries in order to choose the best one.
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Total votes 1: ↑0 and ↓1-1

Dark code-style academy: line breaks, spacing, and indentation

Reading time4 min

Hey guys! Let me walk you through the next part of our dark-style code academy. In this post, we will discover some other ways how to slow down the reading speed of your code. The next approaches will help you to decrease maintenance and increase a chance to get a bug in your code. Ready? Let's get started.

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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

Dark code-style academy: spoil if statement

Reading time3 min


Do you want to raise your salary? Do you want always to be in demand? Do you want to have your job as long as you want? It is absolutely real! You just need to change the way you write your code. Basically, you need to increase your job security. You have to write code which will be almost impossible to maintain for everyone except you. And in these series of articles, I will tell you how to achieve it. Welcome under the cut.

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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

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