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Two problems why you are not selling Internationally

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time2 min

My name is Paul Karol and I work as a director in a Russian IT company that mostly sells their products in the international market.

I have been deeply involved in a project and I haven’t had time to write here lately.  

But out of this work came an understanding of two very large Mistakes that are being made that prevent your pre-sales from succeeding. 

I’m going to go into deeper detail on each one of these issues in the next articles, but I will introduce them here now.

Let me make you a promise….. if you correct these two issues, your software and development projects will sell.  

**I have a proven track record. If these areas are fixed the company begins to sell 150 % more than they’ve ever sold in the past. 

150% more profits! 

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Customer feedback: The ultimate guide

Reading time19 min


It was 1989 when 2 editors of Inc. magazine, George Gendron and Bo Burlingham made the nervous drive to Palo Alto, California. Not long beforehand they’d decided on who to name as Inc.’s Entrepreneur of the Decade, and finally, they would get a chance to interview him.

As they entered the offices of NeXT, their interviewee approached them. In his trademark jeans and turtleneck sweater, Steve Jobs led them up the stairs to his office and the interview commenced.

Securing an interview with Steve Jobs was rare, even in 1989. And, wanting to make the most of their time, the editors got straight to the point with their very first question:

“Where do great products come from?”

After a slight pause, and a shuffle in his chair, Jobs replied:

“I think really great products come from melding two points of view; the technology point of view and the customer point of view. You need both. You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new.”

Silence overshadowed the room. Three decades later, and this powerful answer Jobs gave is something that still isn’t often internalized in companies. 

Collecting user feedback is incredibly important. As you’ll see examples of later in this article, launching surveys, asking onboarding questions, and conducting customer interviews are all vital tools for improving your product. 

But the true lesson that Steve Jobs gave all this time ago was that user feedback isn’t as simple as asking what users want, or what they think about your product, and making those changes. You have to dive much deeper.

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Free CRM with PBX

Reading time3 min
Why do you need a CRM system? Well, it’s at least more convenient than keeping your client database in Excel. Why do you need CRM with VoIP? If you have ever interacted offline, you know you cannot do it without telephony (orders, delivery, support etc.).

But what prevents 80% of companies from trying out a CRM tool? If prices is the matter, we are offering a free CRM system integrated with the phone system and free PBX.

To anticipate questions about installation difficulty, CRM setup and contact import doesn’t take more than 5 minutes.

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Key factors of a Successful Team Enablement

Reading time11 min

The enablement team plays a key role in the initial and ongoing success of employees. When training is set up properly, the company starts receiving value from the new employee much sooner.

So what are the key factors that have directly affect how quickly and efficiently new team members get onboarded? For a first-person account, we decided to speak with Adler Chan, the head of the Customer Enablement team at Wrike.


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