Тарас Филатов @qbtarzan
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- by invitation from UFO
- About
- Основатель и CEO Dappros (web3, Solidity, blockchain-as-a-service, app development).
Dappros позволяет легко добавить блокчейн технологии в ваше приложение / бизнес.
Также мы делаем Web3 social платформу Ethora: ethora.com/wiki/Main_Page
В прошлом основатель и CEO QuickBlox, платформы cloud communication Backend as a Service.
- Contact info
- web3 blockchain software development – DapprosEthora iOS & Android ERC-20 & NFT tokenized community platformGitHub - dappros/ethora: A 'super app' engine for your project. React Native (iOS, Android) and React.js (Web, desktop). Social Sign In 🄵, Messaging 💬 (chat, voice, push notifications), Web3 Wallet 🪪 (profile QR, documents, coins, NFT), DLT 🔐 (provenance,https://twitter.com/tarasfilatov
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- Location
- London, England - London, Великобритания
- Date of birth
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