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Отобрать у ФСКН и Роспотребнадзора красную кнопку — отлично
Передать не силовой структуре красную кнопку — шикарно
Переделать механизм фильтрации на более адекватный — замечательно

Другой вопрос: кто это всё будет делать.
Чекер этой дряни


import os
import sys
import _winreg

windir = os.environ['WINDIR'];
sysdir = windir + "\\system32\\"
tmpdir = windir + "\\temp\\"
catalog = []
find = []
reg = 0

def isInfected():
def checkRegKey():
	global reg
	regkey = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Lsa\\"
	value_name = "Authentication Packages"
	key = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regkey)
	key_value = _winreg.QueryValueEx(key, value_name)[0]
	regvalues = ["mssecmgr.ocx", "authpack.ocx"]
	for regvalue in regvalues:
		if regvalue in key_value: reg = 1
def checkCatalogs():
	progfiles = os.environ['PROGRAMFILES'];
	path = progfiles + "\\Common Files\\Microsoft Shared\\"
	catalogs = ["MSSecurityMgr", "MSAudio", "MSAuthCtrl", "MSSndMix"]
	for cname in catalogs:
		cpath = path + cname;
		exists = os.path.isdir(cpath)
		if exists : catalog.append(cpath)

def checkAllFiles():
	global find
	exists = os.path.isfile(windir + "\\Ef_trace.log")
	if exists : find.append(fpath)
	sysfiles = ["mssecmgr.ocx", "wavsup3.drv","~zff042.ocx","msdclr64.ocx","ccalc32.sys",
	tmpfiles = ["~DEB93D.tmp","~8C5FF6C.tmp","~DF05AC8.tmp","~DFD85D3.tmp","~DFL*.tmp",
	for sysfile in sysfiles:
		spath = sysdir + sysfile
		exists = os.path.isfile(spath)
		if exists : find.append(spath)
	for tmpfile in tmpfiles:
		tpath = tmpdir + tmpfile
		exists = os.path.isfile(tpath)
		if exists : find.append(tpath)

def printResults():	
	if reg == 1 or len(find) > 0 or len(catalog) > 0 :
		print "You are infected!"
		if (reg):
			print "Modified registry key found:"
			print "  HKLM_SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\ -> Authentication Packages"
		if (len(find) > 0):
			print "Malicious files found:"
			for fpath in find:
				print "  " + fpath
		if (len(catalog) > 0):
			print "Malicious catalogs found:"
			for cpath in catalog:
				print "  " + cpath
	else :
		print "You are not infected :)"
def printHelp():
	print "\nflame detector 1.0 (http://www.ldelgado.es/?flamedetector)\n"
	print "Usage: python flame_detector.py OPTIONS\n"
	print "Options:"
	print "--check      Checks if your system is infected by Flame/SkyWiper searching"
	print "             for some special files, catalogs and registry keys"
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
	param = sys.argv[1].lower()
	if param == "--check": 
	else: printHelp()
else: printHelp()


Does not participate
Москва, Москва и Московская обл., Россия
Date of birth