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CAD/CAM systems

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Android for electronics design engineers

Reading time5 min

There is a list of well-known electronics design tools for Android which can be found in every review for the last 10 years: “Electrodoc”, “Every Circuit”, “Droid Tesla”, “Electronics Toolbox”, “RF & Microwave Toolbox” and so on. Also, there is a lot of trash on the market that turns finding a good tool into a quest.

This short review is about an unknown but cool tool “Circuit Calculator” working on Android devices and intended for professional electronics designers.

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A note on small-signal modeling of SEPIC CM CCM

Reading time6 min

Knowing parameters of small-signal control-to-output transfer functions makes it easier for engineers to design compensation networks of DC/DC converters. The equations for SEPIC can be found in different works and Application Notes, but there are differences. A work has been done to solve this problem.

Simplified design equations for SEPIC with Current Mode control (CM) in Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) suitable for practical design of compensation networks are shown.

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Polygonal Mesh to B-Rep Solid Conversion: Algorithm Details and C++ Code Samples

Reading time7 min
Boundary representation (B-rep) is the primary method of representing modeled objects in most geometric kernels, including our C3D Modeler kernel. The core algorithms that edit models, such as applying fillet operations, performing cutting operations, and obtaining flat projections require the precision of B-rep representations. The rapidly growing variety of 3D data in polygonal formats makes the task of model transformations from polygons into boundary representation increasingly relevant. As a result, we developed a new SDK, C3D B-Shaper, which is part of our C3D Toolkit.


The Fall and Recovery of a Mold

Reading time4 min
Software component developers tend to be far removed from the end users of the products in which their components are employed. Recently, however, we connected directly with a KOMPAS-3D MCAD user to solve an issue involving mold design. It seems that 3D models were being exported incorrectly to data exchange formats like STP, X_T, and SAT. The cause, unhappily for us, turned out to be in our С3D Modeler geometric modeling kernel. Here is how we solved the problem, quickly.

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