ShifaMartin 20 мар 2020 в 18:02The Worst Mistakes In Mobile App DevelopmentВремя на прочтение7 минКоличество просмотров2.6KБизнес-модели*Разработка мобильных приложений*Разработка под Android*Разработка под iOS*СофтВсего голосов 1: ↑1 и ↓0+1Добавить в закладки2Комментарии2
Kkhan 10 апр 2020 в 16:37I hope someday vast majority of marketing directors will understand that downloads of apps is not their first of all goal. Thanks for the read.
ShifaMartin 17 апр 2020 в 13:53Exactly, converting those users into potential customers should be the basic focus by offering the user what they are actually looking for.
The Worst Mistakes In Mobile App Development