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General-purpose, imperative computer programming language, supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope and recursion, while a static type system prevents many unintended operations

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CMake: the Case when the Project's Quality is Unforgivable

Reading time11 min

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CMake is a cross-platform system for automating project builds. This system is much older than the PVS-Studio static code analyzer, but no one has tried to apply the analyzer on its code and review the errors. As it turned out, there are a lot of them. The CMake audience is huge. New projects start on it and old ones are ported. I shudder to think of how many developers could have had any given error.
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Total votes 25: ↑23 and ↓2+21

Getting Started with the PVS-Studio Static Analyzer for C++ Development under Linux

Reading time4 min
PVS-Studio supports analyzing projects developed in C, C++, C#, and Java. You can use the analyzer under Windows, Linux, and macOS. This small article will tell you the basics of analyzing C and C++ code in Linux environment.


There are different ways to install PVS-Studio under Linux, depending on your distro type. The most convenient and preferred method is to use the repository, since it allows auto-updating the analyzer upon releasing new versions. Another option is to use the installation package, which you can get here.
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Total votes 27: ↑24 and ↓3+21

Almost Perfect Libraries by Electronic Arts

Reading time4 min
Our attention was recently attracted by the Electronic Arts repository on GitHub. It's tiny, and of the twenty-three projects available there, only a few C++ libraries seemed interesting: EASTL, EAStdC, EABase, EAThread, EATest, EAMain, and EAAssert. The projects themselves are tiny too (about 10 files each), so bugs were found only in the «largest» project of 20 files :D But we did find them, and they do look interesting! As I was writing this post, we were also having a lively discussion of EA games and the company's policy :D

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Total votes 24: ↑22 and ↓2+20

Best Copy-Paste Algorithms for C and C++. Haiku OS Cookbook

Reading time14 min
Numerous typos and Copy-Paste code became the main topic of the additional article about checking the Haiku code by the PVS-Studio analyzer. Yet this article mostly tells about errors related to thoughtlessness and failed refactoring, rather than to typos. The errors found demonstrate how strong the human factor is in software development.

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Total votes 16: ↑13 and ↓3+10

How to shoot yourself in the foot in C and C++. Haiku OS Cookbook

Reading time20 min
The story of how the PVS-Studio static analyzer and the Haiku OS code met goes back to the year 2015. It was an exciting experiment and useful experience for teams of both projects. Why the experiment? At that moment, we didn't have the analyzer for Linux and we wouldn't have it for another year and a half. Anyway, efforts of enthusiasts from our team have been rewarded: we got acquainted with Haiku developers and increased the code quality, widened our error base with rare bugs made by developers and refined the analyzer. Now you can check the Haiku code for errors easily and quickly.
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Total votes 18: ↑17 and ↓1+16

Errors that static code analysis does not find because it is not used

Reading time5 min
Readers of our articles occasionally note that the PVS-Studio static code analyzer detects a large number of errors that are insignificant and don't affect the application. It is really so. For the most part, important bugs have already been fixed due to manual testing, user feedback, and other expensive methods. At the same time, many of these errors could have been found at the code writing stage and corrected with minimal loss of time, reputation and money. This article will provide several examples of real errors, which could have been immediately fixed, if project authors had used static code analysis.

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Total votes 22: ↑21 and ↓1+20

How to quickly check out interesting warnings given by the PVS-Studio analyzer for C and C++ code?

Reading time5 min

Once in a while, programmers who start getting acquainted with the PVS-Studio code analyzer ask me: «Is there a list of warnings that accurately indicate errors?» There is no such list because uninteresting (false) warnings in one project are very important and useful in another one. However, one can definitely start digging into the analyzer from the most exciting warnings. Let's take a closer look at this topic.
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Total votes 22: ↑22 and ↓0+22

NodeMCU simple driver model (SDM) showcase: dynamic user interface

Reading time8 min


NodeMCU is an interactive firmware, which allows running Lua interpreter on the ESP8266 microcontroller (ESP32 support is in development). Alongside with all the regular hardware interfaces, it has WiFi module and SPIFFS file system.

This article describes the new module for the NodeMCU — sdm. SDM stands for simple driver model and it provides device-driver model abstraction for the system. In the first part of this article we will discuss the model itself and in the second part will be a showcase of dynamically created web user interface using sdm with some commentaries.

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Total votes 18: ↑17 and ↓1+16

Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead: Static Analysis and Roguelike Games

Reading time10 min
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You must have already guessed from the title that today's article will be focusing on bugs in software source code. But not only that. If you are not only interested in C++ and in reading about bugs in other developers' code but also dig unusual video games and wonder what «roguelikes» are and how you play them, then welcome to read on!
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Total votes 25: ↑25 and ↓0+25

Wireshark 3.x: code analysis under macOS and errors review

Reading time9 min

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Wireshark Foundation released the final stable-version of the popular network traffic analyzer — Wireshark 3.0.0. The new release fixes several bugs, it is now possible to analyze the new protocols, apart from that the driver on Npcap WinPcap is replaced. Here is where quoting of the announcement ends and our note about bugs in the project starts off. The projects authors definitely haven't done their best in fixing bugs before the release.

Let's collect hotfixes right now to give a motive in doing a new release :).


Wireshark is a well-known tool to capture and analyze network traffic. The program works with the vast majority of known protocols, has intuitive and logical graphical interface, an all-powerful system of filters. Wireshark is cross-platform, works in such OSs, as: Windows, Linux, macOS, Solaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD and many others.

To do the source code analysis, we used PVS-Studio static code analyzer. To analyze the source code, first we needed to compile the project in an OS. The choice was wide not only due to the cross platform nature of the project, but also because of that of the analyzer. I chose macOS for the analysis. You can also run the analyzer under Windows and Linux.
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Total votes 24: ↑24 and ↓0+24

How the CSS markup fragment broke the C++ compiler

Reading time2 min

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Static analysis methodology involves various technologies. One of them is preprocessing files right before analyzing them. Preprocessed files are created by the compiler that runs in a special working mode. Unfortunately, our long-standing experience of developing a static analyzer shows that this mode is not great for testing. In this note, I'll give the example of a fresh bug in the C++ compiler from Microsoft.
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Total votes 29: ↑28 and ↓1+27

Using Linux Kernel Sequence Files

Reading time6 min
A characteristic feature of modern programming is the use of the global network as a source of reference information, in particular, a source of patterns for solving unknown or little-known problems for a specific programmer. Such an approach saves a lot of time and often gives quite qualitative results. However, the solutions laid out in the network although usually correct, do not always take into account all the subtleties of solving a problem, which leads to the appearance in the source code of sections that usually work correctly, but under not quite standard circumstances become sources of unpleasant surprises.

Consider the topic of using sequence files in the Linux kernel, such files are considered to be the most convenient mechanism for printing from kernel mode. But in practice, using them correctly is much more difficult than you would think.

A lot of materials on this topic are available online. The best is the source code of the kernel itself which has quite detailed comments. The problem with this source of information is its volume. If you do not know exactly what to look for, it is better if you only have limited time, not to try at all. For me, when I became interested in the topic, Google provided several seemingly excellent sources of information relating to my search: the famous book The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide and a series of articles by Rob Day. These sources are not new, but very solid.
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Total votes 8: ↑7 and ↓1+6

Following in the Footsteps of Calculators: SpeedCrunch

Reading time6 min

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Here we are, continuing to explore the code of calculators! Today we are going to take a look at the project called SpeedCrunch, the second most popular free calculator.


SpeedCrunch is a high-precision scientific calculator featuring a fast, keyboard-driven user interface. It is free and open-source software, licensed under the GPL and running on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

The source code is available on BitBucket. I was somewhat disappointed by the build documentation, which could be more detailed. It says that you need «Qt 5.2 or later» to build the project, but it actually required a few specific packages, which wasn't easy to figure out from the CMake log. By the way, it is considered a good practice nowadays to include a Dockerfile into the project to make it easier for the user to set up the development environment.
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Total votes 29: ↑28 and ↓1+27

Checking FreeRDP with PVS-Studio

Reading time10 min

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FreeRDP is an open-source implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), a proprietary protocol by Microsoft. The project supports multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux, macOS, and even iOS and Android. We chose it to be the first project analyzed with the static code analyzer PVS-Studio for a series of articles about the checks of RDP-clients.
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Total votes 24: ↑24 and ↓0+24

Following in the Footsteps of Calculators: Qalculate

Reading time7 min

Previously we did code reviews of large mathematical packages, for example, Scilab and Octave, whereby calculators remained aloof as small utilities, in which it is difficult to make errors due to their small codebase. We were wrong that we haven't paid attention to them. The case with posting the source code of the Windows calculator showed that actually everyone was interested in discussing types of errors hiding in it. Moreover, the number of errors there was more than enough to write an article about that. My colleagues and I, we decided to explore the code of a number of popular calculators, and it turned out that the code of the Windows calculator was not that bad (spoiler).
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Total votes 22: ↑19 and ↓3+16

Counting Bugs in Windows Calculator

Reading time11 min

A few days ago, Microsoft made the source code of their Windows Calculator publicly available. Calculator is an application that has traditionally shipped with every Windows version. A number of Microsoft projects went open-source over the recent years, but this time the news was covered even by non-IT media on the very first day. Well, it's a popular yet tiny program in C++. Despite its size, we still managed to find a number of suspicious fragments in its code using the PVS-Studio static analyzer.
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Total votes 44: ↑41 and ↓3+38

False Positives in PVS-Studio: How Deep the Rabbit Hole Goes

Reading time6 min
Единорог PVS-Studio и GetNamedSecurityInfo

Our team provides quick and effective customer support. User requests are handled solely by programmers since our clients are programmers themselves and they often ask tricky questions. Today I'm going to tell you about a recent request concerning one false positive that even forced me to carry out a small investigation to solve the problem.
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Total votes 21: ↑20 and ↓1+19

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