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Comparison between SwiftUI vs UIKit — Choosing the right framework

Reading time5 min

There has been a lot of debate going on among iOS developers with regards to the comparison between SwiftUI and UIKit. Have you been planning to develop a chat app for iOS and are confused as to which framework you should opt for?

Fret not! We have got your back. In this article, we shall discuss all the relevant aspects revolving around these two and compare them in detail. Stay with us and read on! 

As iOS developers, you must be knowing about both the UIKit and Swift UI frameworks. However, we would like to provide you with a quick overview to refresh your understanding. Let's take them up one by one

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Reverse DevOps, an invitation to project «Bell»

Reading time3 min

Typical DevOps handles code deploys in a single direction: from Dev to PROD, from lower environments to higher environments, and for this there are many well known solutions like Jenkins, Terraform, Octopus. But in the opposite direction the situation is not so good.

Yes, in many companies there are home-grown processes to copy databases from higher environments to the lower ones (with hiding/removing sensitive data) to reproduce problems, found on PROD. However, in complex scenarios an access to PROD is needed to find the root cause. Developers need at least logs. And in the Enterprise world it's all depend on the level of paranoya how sensitie the information is.

Thi is what we suggest, the project is to create a safe access method to the higher environments, combining easy friendly interface and interactivity with the full audit of all operations and controlled manner of what users can do and what they can't. The project is called Bell -Action at a distance, and a bearded guy on the logo is John Steward Bell, you know him if you had ever heard about the Quantum Entanglement.

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Christmas is here and there is GNOME Desktop Environment extension to improve festive mood

Reading time1 min

? It's not snowing in my region, but I really like "true" winter holidays ambience, so I made extension for GNOME Desktop Environment so it will snow at least on my laptop.

Not familiar with Linux and/or GNOME? Check out GNOME Project and Fedora OS websites.

Here are extension's GitHub repository and homepage on GNOME Extensions.

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How I’m creating a digital mini-guitar

Reading time11 min

In this article, I’ll try to describe roughly how I’m creating a device, from the idea to realization of the usable prototype.

My name is Dmitriy Dudarev. I develop electronics, and really enjoy creating different portable devices. I also enjoy music. Half a year ago, I borrowed acoustic guitar from my friend, so that I could learn to play it from lessons on Youtube and tablatures. It was a hard work. Maybe, I did something wrong, or tried not so hard, or fine motor skills prevented multiplication in my predecessors’ community. In any case, I couldn’t achieve anything but sounds of raspy strings. My resentment was strengthened by constant string detune. And others didn’t really enjoy much listening my uneven Nothing else matters for thousand times.
But, going through all these tortures, I haven’t forgotten the main rule of electronics engineer. If something exists, you can put microcontroller there. Or, at least, make a portable electronic modification.
Total votes 4: ↑4 and ↓0+4

Implementing safety measures for your taxi business amid COVID-19: How to develop a taxi app with these safety measures?

Reading time5 min

We understand that accountability starts with us,” says Sachin Kansal, the senior director of product management at Uber. With the vaccine for the Coronavirus still in the making, there is a need for collective responsibility to ensure global safety. Nations across the world are gradually lifting lockdowns, owing to the economic downfall. On the other hand, people are adapting to the ‘new’ normal. 

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