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Optimisations for PostgreSQL serving Rails application

Время на прочтение6 мин
Количество просмотров5.2K

As Senior Software Engineer at company building messaging platform for healthcare industry I am responsible, including other duties, for performance of our application. We develop pretty standard web-service using Ruby on Rails application for business logic and API, React + Redux for users' facing single page application, as database we use PostgreSQL. Common reasons for performance problems in similar stacks are heavy queries to database and I would like to tell the story how we applied non-standard but fairly simple optimisations to improve performance.

Our business operates in US, so we have to be HIPAA compliant and follow certain security policies, security audit is something that we are always prepared for. To reduce risks and costs we rely on a special cloud provider to run our applications and databases, very similar to what Heroku does. On one hand it allows us to focus on building our platform but on the other hand it adds an additional limitation to our infrastructure. Talking shortly — we cannot scale up infinitely. As a successful startup we double number of users every few month and one day our monitoring told us that we were exceeding disk IO quota on the database server. Underlying AWS started throttling which was resulting in a significant performance degradation. Ruby application was not capable to serve all incoming traffic because Unicorn workers were spending too much time awaiting for database's response, customers were unhappy.

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