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«However from a CTR perspective the pipe is 97/100 times superior to the hyphen. Further you only generally have 512 pixels in the title before it truncates. ie if the title extends to over 513 pixels — often google reverses the title and places the brand first.

So every pixel matters and the pipe takes less space. Hence given the high impact of the title on SEO — and every character matters, to me it makes the pipe a winner on a few fronts.

Using your example:-

Emergency Electrician | Windsor — BrandName = 399 pixels

Emergency Electrician | Windsor | BrandName = 397 pixels

My conclusion is always use the pipe unless you are prepared to experiment and try and break a strong general rule. Plus you may be able to squeeze that extra letter in, or introduce proper Capitalization so it has a higher CTR. » from here
There is «black hat SEO» and «white hat SEO». You are referring to «black hat SEO».
«Separate your keywords with hyphens (-) or pipes (|): Both hyphens and pipes will make it easier for your user to scan the content of your title tag. From an SEO perspective, hyphens have the added advantage that they will enable you to rank for different keywords while listing them only once. For example, if you are a web designer, then the keyphrase “web-design” will associate you with search queries for “web design” and “webdesign”. From a usability perspective, this is very useful since you are not restricting the user to type in a specific phrase to reach related content.» from here
Google says it doesn't matter: https://youtu.be/T2_7PTio3Qc
I used pipes, now I am using dashes.
We call them «alt tags» and «title tags». That's ok.
you can also set rel canonical tag. It was created for that purpose.
«А можете прислать какую-то ссылку, почему нужно использовать именно его?»
To my regret, no.
I used '|' for a long time, then I read about using '-' instead somewhere. It was sort of an SEO trick.

Check this site for example, they are using 3 different types of titles:
  • https://www.bruceclay.com/seo/
  • https://www.bruceclay.com/blog/category/analytics/
  • https://www.bruceclay.com/blog/how-to-build-a-google-analytics-tracking-code/

19) yes
21) ok, but doesn't matter. It's all about the width of the characters the title consists of.
22) this is obsolete. Use '-'.
29) There SHOULD be only one h1 tag on the page, to avoid the confusion for search engines.
30) no

PS sorry, I don't have Russian keyboard on this machine
PPS 9 years in doing SEO for US based businesses.
horoshaia statia, spasibo


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