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Пока что да — все пайплайны и стеки из коробки — это джава-мавен. Но, думаю смотрят они и по другим направлениям. Активно за .net взялись и ноду
спасибо, возможно добавлю чуть позже. действительно, стоит упоминания.

А насчет Докера, не поймите неправильно — уж очень за год Docker шагнул…
в планах интеграция с докер хабом, логин и пуш результирующего имиджа на хаб — в таком случае окружение будет доступно и для Unix и Windows клиентов Docker через docker pull image/name

Dockerfile в Codenvy ничем не отличается от Dockerfile, который вы пишете локально и из него собираете имидж (уж простите за слово: ). Специфика только в условиях добавления сорцов и артефактов, а также работа с портами.
Верно, интернет нужен, и желательно хороший, иначе user experienceбудет «не ахти». Решение есть, вернее, воркэраунд — синхронизация с десктопом. То есть поработал локально, как только инет появился запушил изменения в клауд.
Ну, прям уж ужас ) Поправил на всякий случай. Кстати, меня лично слово «образ», например, смущает куда более, чем имидж. Всю лексику выдал, как есть, то есть, как в жизни она употребляется.
Пока что live reload работает для предустановленных окружений, а когда свой Dockerfile, то такой функционал теряется. В ближайшем будущем пофиксится.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bMVxjywFsE вот обзорчик короткий. А так, то полноценных обзоров, где и в хвост и гриву не особо
оффлайн режим в cloud IDE — одно из направлений, в котором ожидается развитие. Cloud9 вроде даже поддерживают оффлайн режим, но насколько он полноценный в плане юзабельности и полезности — вопрос.
спасибо, добавил )
да, есть Koding, Orion, и другие… надеюсь появится время написать и про них
Интересное развитие получилось. Вот что оказалось на почте у меня. Много букв и на инглише. Но, все по пунктам и подробно.

Hello, Community. This thread is from Tyler Jewell, who is leading the business related to Exo IDE. I have been reviewing the comments (at least as well as Google translate will allow for), and wanted to offer some additional perspective on the perceived value of such a solution.

We recognize that we are taking an incredible risk by building a cloud-based IDE, but have found that there are a couple of key pain points that cloud-based systems can address that are difficult to address with desktop-based IDEs. Below is a list of areas that we've heard from various developers as to the benefits, and why they are evaluating some offerings. I'd really like to continue the dialogue — and hope to get an invitation so that I can have write privileges directly here. Otherwise, you can reach me directly at tyler@codenvy.com.

We believe the biggest benefits come from productivity, compliance, and distribution.

These use cases aren't needed for everyone, but there are many developers who do experience these pains, and this is why I believe we are getting some decent traction.

We are focused on exploiting use cases where cloud-based development improves the productivity of users. These are the use cases that seem to be most evident.
1) Incremental, differential build and deploy. We are working on algorithms where we use cloud's resources to continuous compile intermediate files while they are being edited. We will also do incremental deployments. We hope to achieve a model where many edits are compiled & deployed before the developer has requested the action.

2) We can do parallel builds, and break down some functions to take advantage of multi-core CPUs available to us on-demand. This offsets some drain off of a developer's laptop.

3) Onboarding is faster. For use cases related to evaluating new technologies, creating new projects, or viewing someone else's project, it's possible to create a tenant, load a sample project, compile it, and deploy it into a test VM quickly. The primary benefit is to eliminate some downloaded IDE failure rates. If you wanted to do a simple «Hello World» on GAE with Eclipse, it can take some developers 4 hours to download the IDE, get it configured, configure their GAE account, configure the plug-in, get the sample code, and make the build system work correctly. In a pure cloud world, we can dramatically reduce the time to configure all of these items, which gets developers who are in a trial-mindset to a moment of understanding quicker. We are working hand in hand with many PAAS vendors to do this sort of automatic onboarding. Also, this onboarding concept can apply to other project resources such as test, CI, project management — there is value in being able to create project spaces quickly. Finally, the project setup for a team can be improved. For an organization, with a team of multiple developers, there is a time cost associated with duplicating an environmental configuration across every computer. VDI helps some with this, but it is still a replication. In a cloud environment, the project can be configured once and then many people can be invited simultaneously.

4) Easier Sharing of code. Higher degrees of code sharing, leads to higher volume of sharing. And this means it is easier to get adoption of libraries.

5) Avoid SDK downloads. We have had some government clients who need to use SDKs that they cannot download at work. Having the cloud IDE download & configure these components automatically allows some people to continue working behind firewalls that would normally prevent such downloads.

6) Eliminate IDE boot time. Many developers do not have powerful machines yet. So the resources that the IDE consumes and the time it takes to boot can be significant. In the cloud, we can have project spaces always active so that people can instantly reconnect to their last stage at any time.

7) Shared resources. A single team, or tenant can have multiple projects being worked on, and they can share their editor, build, and test VM resources across those projects. The cloud IDE can handle the switching of these components.

8) This is a corporate benefit. Some companies are having IP drift issues, where they cannot have code copied onto their developer's laptops. A private cloud version of this technology allows them to hvae centralized visibility on all code.

9) Some organizations want or need to push administrative controls of the desktop to their administrators.

10) These are benefits for ISVs. Project spaces can be represented as URLs. In fact, we have a CodeNow concept that allows a new tenant to be created on-demand with a single URL. This URL contains the IDE configuration and project that should be loaded, built, and deployed. This single URL concept is useful for ISVs who want to enable on-demand buildable projects. This is good for evaluation, support organizations, and pre-sales.

11) We can enable a better Eclipse plug-in ecosystem. Eclipse has 4000 plug-ins and that can be daunting for people to sort thorugh. Also, Eclipse doesn't help those companies make money for their efforts on creating the component. We think (and hope) that is a market for creating developer-plug ins, and monetizing them similar to the way that Heroku has done for production plug-ins.

Of course there is more work we have to do. And we are far from proving that this is a significant market. But we do see some interesting benefits here and are going to keep moving forward. We look forward to discussing further.

Tyler Jewell
CEO, Exo IDE (http://cloud-ide.com/)

Tyler Jewell
Codenvy, S.A.
c: 978-884-5355
дык и гуглдоки третьим лицам доступны. гуглу вообще много чего доступно, и что, теперь не пользоваться гмейлом?


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