I wanted to come on here and tell all of you that we should be expecting a big increase in international business in the next short period of time. I would expect this increase within these next few months.
Changes are happening right now in America that are World sweeping. Just today the news is extreme about the ending of the war and promoting of international business.
It’s extremely important that if you are running an IT company that you are ready to take advantage of this.
Now is the time launch into the overseas market.
Also, I’ve had some very powerful breakthroughs this week in international business understanding with my IT company that I work with. I will share them with you here briefly.
1. Shockingly:
I suddenly realize this week that my IT guys are going into pre-sale meetings with one expectation of what will happen in that meeting,
The American clients have a completely different expectation
A completely different understanding of what is important
— if this can be corrected, the pre-sale will be much more successful
2. Website focus
I will share two websites one is an American company and the other one is their competitor in Russia
The American company’s focus of the website: —your customer will be happy with the product you sell them
We care about your customer
The Russian company’s focus of the website : ——This software will be comfortable to use and how it will feel to use
It’s crazy
No wonder the American company out sells the Russian company by 90%
Now for the big question !
The client you are selling your software to what is the most important thing for them ?
That their customers are happy.
That they are responsible for their customers.
Who got it right?
So, all of us here, living in Russia, and working in the IT industry should be ready for a great expansion in business in all of the Western countries.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss, I would be very happy to answer you here in the chat.