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How to cook reactive programming. Part 1: Unidirectional architectures introduction

Reading time7 min

Recently I wrote an article What is Reactive Programming? iOS Edition where in a simple way I described how to build your own Reactive Framework, and helped you to understand that no-one should be scared by the reactive approach. The previous article could now be named How to cook reactive programming. Part 0., since this is a continuation. I would recommend reading the previous article if you are not familiar with the reactive programming concepts.

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Custom instruments: When signpost is not enough

Reading time7 min
In our previous article, we discussed the reasons of unit-tests’ instability and how to make them stable. Now let’s look through a new tools for debugging and profiling which were introduced by Apple in iOS 12 — the framework os_log and instrument for performance analysis os_signpost.


In one of the sprints, we were tasked with implementing the generation of a pdf-document on the client-side. We completed the task. But we wanted to make sure the effectiveness of the technical nuances of the decision. Signpost helped us with this. Using it we increased he document’s displaying speed several times.

To learn more about os_signpost application technology, see where it can help you and how it has already helped us, go further forward.
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What is Reactive Programming? iOS Edition

Reading time10 min

There are many articles about Reactive Programming and different implementations on the internet. However, most of them are about practical usage, and only a few concern what Reactive Programming is, and how it actually works. In my opinion, it is more important to understand how frameworks work deep inside — spoiler: nothing actually complicated there — rather than starting to use a number of traits and operators meanwhile shooting yourself in the foot.

So, what is RxSwift Combine Reactive programming?

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Signpost: When Breakpoints are not Enough

Reading time7 min

Instruments for Apple's Xcode is a tool for performance analysis of an iOS application. In 2018 Apple introduced Custom Instruments — an opportunity to expand the standard set of instruments for application profiling. When existing tools are not enough, you can create new ones yourself — it will collect, analyze and display the data the way you need.

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The Worst Mistakes In Mobile App Development

Reading time7 min

Alright, so you have just planned to hire developers for a Mobile App which could potentially steer your business ahead. The reasons for your decision would be quite obvious on the surface. Mobile App development is a core part of today’s businesses. It provides a near-perfect platform to serve customers through the portable devices they own.

But it’s easy to be a sheep! If you really try to understand this market, you’ll realize that more than half of the apps fail to earn revenue, and a significant amount of them barely cross 1,000 downloads. As per a Gartner report, it was found that barely 0.01 percent apps will find financial success by the year 2018.
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How 5G's Acceleration will move through the Mobile App Development Space?

Reading time6 min
5G ( Fifth Generation Wireless Cellular Network) is not just a possibility anymore. The forthcoming of 2020 has unfold avenues for 5G browser capabilities in smartphones.

With the recent 5G rollout, it has been predicted that over 1.4 billion devices will be running on the 5G network by 2025 — accounting for 15% of the global total.

Source: Google Images
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Get Moving with Xamarin.Forms 4.4

Reading time4 min
We were speaking with a customer last year that builds dozens of mobile applications every year. They said, «We cannot remember the last time we made a mobile app that did NOT include a carousel view.» Many of you have expressed almost identical sentiments to us. So, we are very pleased to introduce a new CarouselView control in Xamarin.Forms 4.4.0. Along with this we also have IndicatorView for displaying the pages or items in the carousel. As well as SwipeView for providing contextual actions to any element in a CollectionView. The release theme of getting things moving would not be complete without showcasing the new GIF animation support for images. Let’s begin right there.

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Cloud-based WebRTC streaming on DigitalOcean

Reading time5 min

Popular cloud hosting DigitalOcean has recently launched its new marketplace selling preconfigured images that can help to quickly deploy an application server. It’s much like AWS, but DO is for those already using this provider’s services. Let’s see how to deploy a simple server for WebRTC streaming with a DO account for a $10/month fee based on Flashphoner WebCallServer and how such a server can be of use.

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How to Implement Tinder Swipe Cards in SwiftUI

Reading time7 min
In June, we heard about SwiftUI for the first time — a totally new way of creating and working with UI elements in iOS and macOS (also iPadOS) apps. It felt like Christmas in the summer. It's new, it's declarative, it's sexy! And now, just a few weeks after iOS 13 has been released, we can start to use SwiftUI in all our projects. Let's learn how to use this amazing tool that Apple gave us, to create the classic Tinder-esque Swipe Cards.

In this article, I would like to show you how to achieve a Tinder-like card view and behavior (swipe to action), with just a few lines of code.

To achieve this, we need to do the following things, in order:

  • Create UserView
  • Create NavigationView
  • Create BottomBarView
  • Create SwipeView
  • Put all this together inside ContentView

So let's get started.
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MacOS 10.15 no longer supports 32-bit apps. What can you do?

Reading time2 min

Picture 2

On October 7, 2019, Apple released a new version of its Mac operating system, macOS Catalina. Version 10.15 contains many changes and improvements. One of the significant is the complete phasing out of 32-bit applications. As a developer of such macOS apps, what can you do? That's right, port the app to the 64-bit platform. Will the application work properly from the first attempt? Perhaps, it's possible. Depends on the complexity and amount of the code. But most likely, developers will face a lot of non-obvious errors, which can previously detected using PVS-Studio.
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Modern Environment for React Native Applications

Reading time4 min
In this article, we will consider the process of setting up a React Native environment using expo-cli, Typescript, and Jest.
Typescript will help us avoid development mistakes and write a more efficient mobile application.

Modern tools allow integrating Typescript into the development environment. We can also use VS Code that supports Typescript.

Integration with React Native will give us the opportunity to use the auto-completion service, code navigation, and refactoring.

Expo is a toolkit that simplifies the creation of native React applications. This tutorial will give you an idea of how you can quickly create native React applications using Expo.

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Human pose estimation on images for iOS

Reading time5 min

Human pose estimation

A few months ago I came across one interesting open source project on the Internet — Openpose the aim of which is to estimate a human pose in real-time on a video stream. Due to my professional activities, I was interested to run it on the latest iOS device from Apple to check the performance and figure out if it is possible at all. It was also interesting to see how the performance of the neural network framework for iOS has been changed in the last years.

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Why developers love to build native App?

Reading time4 min
In today's world, the rise and use of smartphones have reached to an extent and is continuing to rise higher. There are numerous things on which people are more dependent on fulfilling their daily tasks or usage. Millions of mobile applications are built by developers to make the lives of people more comfortable and convenient. There is a range of reasons to use mobile apps like — playing games, shopping, engagement on social media platforms, accessing news, and other functions.

For assuring that the application is working in a perfect condition, it is necessary to make sure that the development process is followed in a certain way while building an app. So why Native app development will be comfortable for your app and not Cross-platform development?

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Top 5 mobile app development companies in the UK

Reading time3 min

According to Evans Data Corporation, there are 12 million developers in the world. About 350,000 of these software and mobile developers work and live in the UK including freelancers and IT employees.

How do you choose the best one among all this variety? The obvious answer — get going with a professional IT company. This will increase your chances to work with true professionals.

I’ve made my own research based on a variety of reliable resources like Google SERPs and user’s reviews, different independent media, including medium.com and aggregators, like businessofapps.com, Clutch, etc. and other independent sites. Based on the collected data, I’ve aggregated the total score for each of the 25 leaders, and here I represent a list of the winners: the top 5 software developers in the UK.
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Xamarin API Docs: Open Sourced and Available Now

Reading time2 min

Today, we are happy to announce the release of all Xamarin API Documentation as Open Source! API documentation drives the IntelliSense experience while being one of the best ways to help developers achieve their goals.

Xamarin API Docs

Additionally, we have also moved the hosting of the following from their old Xamarin home to docs.microsoft.com:

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Top mobile app development companies

Reading time53 min
Looking for an app development company? I’ve searched for information about it and made this list. It might help to find an app development company to hire. The list contains basic information about each company included in it like company size, hourly rate, min. project size, etc. And I recently decided to upgrade the list to 100 app development companies.
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Particle systems: a Christmas story

Reading time6 min

Christmas has always been one of my favourite times of the year. For me, Christmas is a season that brings so much love, laughter, happiness, and other magical things into our lives.

I was born and raised in Spain, more specifically in Tenerife, a sunny subtropical island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean just off the African coast. I have to say that Christmas in Tenerife is very different to my the last two Christmases I’ve spent in London since joining Badoo.

One amazing plus of living in London is that I have got to see snow for the first time in my life, real snowflakes falling from the sky. Just incredible!

Talking of snowflakes, I have an interesting story to tell you about something that happened to me one day in the office the last Christmas.  It was right before I was heading home to Tenerife to spend a few days with my family.

It just so happened that last December I’d been assigned a very interesting ticket with the following description

My and my girlfriend’s first video game. Development with Unity. Part 1

Reading time7 min
If not to take into account releases for Android and a dozen of abandoned projects just before they were ready, then yes, it is our first game appropriate for more than one platform. How did it all start? Very simply. We worked on another project, let’s call it “project A”, and we’d been working on it for a long time when we decided to make a game during a couple of months and use it to train our marketing skills, and then immediately release our “project A” when we would be more experienced in the promotion of games. But the plan failed and “project A” was kept untouched for the whole year. But this story isn’t about “project A”, it’s about a logical game called «Cubicity: Slide puzzle».

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