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Sales-manager is the one who makes money

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Million Dollar IT Sale…..Lost

Reading time2 min

Lose Your Sale) How to lose an IT project sale. 

My name is Paul Karol and I work as a director in a Russian IT company that mostly sells their products into the American Market. What we will discuss today was so costly for that company that I want to share this knowledge so that it doesn't happen to other Russian IT companies. 

Case Study

Today I want to tell you about a sale that almost was. I was Consulting for this one company and they were involved in selling software to the United States. This one particular client was in contact with the sales manager for 2 months.

Now this sales manager was very good at their job and they had a lot of charisma on the phone and in the text messages. However they specifically did not know something that cost them a large contract. 

1. In Russia it's respectful not to talk about your personal life because you feel that you're wasting someone's time if you do not know them well. 

2. In the United States once you have been talking with somebody for a couple of months you would start to consider them sort of a friend. 

The Russian IT sales manager had not been in contact with this client for about a week and this was unusual. 

They were worried. 

Then the text message came that said this. 

"I'm sorry Marina that I have not been in contact with you for some time. I took my family and kids to the Lakeside and we enjoyed some time by the beach." 

The Russian IT sales manager did not know how to think about this and they asked this question. 

" So, do you want to buy our product?" 

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E-commerce Trends you can’t miss

Reading time4 min

The e-commerce market in 2022 leaves entrepreneurs no choice but immediately incorporate new technologies. Today it is not enough to follow the latest trends, because you need to be two steps ahead. How to do it?

Consumer behavior has changed, especially since this pandemic. You get used to good things quickly, so online shopping and fast delivery services made us all appreciate our time and comfort.

You have to pay for everything in this life, so retailers and marketplaces have to pay for the growth of demand and profits in the field of e-commerce by regularly introducing new technologies, fighting for consumer loyalty, and rivalry in endless competition.

Here are a few of the latest e-commerce trends that cannot be missed if you want to achieve stable profits and customer growth.

All attention to CRO

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Спасти производство во время пандемии: личный опыт

Reading time6 min
Вызванный пандемией экономический кризис ударил по экономикам всего мира двумя путями: снижение и частичная остановка экономической активности из-за карантинных мер в разных странах, и вызванными локдаунами нарушениями цепочек производства и поставок. Одно из достижений, которым гордилась современная экономика — это тонко настроенное глобальное разделение труда, при котором логистические цепочки растянуты по всей планете, и поставки по ним ходят «встык», без задержек — и, как следствие того, без запаса.

В результате этого, выход из карантинного состояния обернулся для многих секторов экономики, своего рода, афтершоком. После периода просевшего спроса и нарушенных цепочек производства-поставки, они столкнулись с эффектом отложенного спроса — и даже просто возвращение к докризисному уровню оказалось шоковым для выходящих из экономической гибернации бизнесов. Как результат — возникли перегрев рынка и инфляция в отдельных сферах экономики. Многие потребители в тех или иных сферах ощутили на себе, как продукты и услуги, невостребованные, когда им было не до них в разгар локдаунов и связанных с ними проблем, оказались в дефиците или подорожали после ослабления карантинных мер.

В этой ситуации выиграли те бизнесы, которые были готовы к такому повороту событий. Разумеется, подготовиться к замедлению экономической активности заранее никто не мог, поскольку предсказать серьёзность мер в ответ на пандемию до их принятия во многих случаях до последнего момента не могли даже правительства разных стран, то предугадать их экономические последствия на ход-два вперёд было вполне возможно.
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Qrator Labs' Value Partnership Programs

Reading time3 min

Why is it valuable to get into the Qrator Labs partnership program?

In Qrator Labs, we firmly believe that working together brings a better result. Which is the reason why, for years, we were trying to find meaningful partnerships with all kinds of companies. They either seek to provide their existing customers with the top-notch DDoS mitigation technology developed at Qrator Labs with many additional ecosystem solutions or want to succeed the other way around. By getting their product available for Qrator Labs' customers by integrating into the Qrator anycast filtering network.

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Speech Analytics: Benefits and its New Importance in Telecommunication Technology

Reading time3 min

Speech analytics is the process of analysing recorded speech, such as phone calls, to gather customer information to improve communication and future customer interaction. Speech analytics as a technology has been evolving especially rapidly over the last few years. It gives the ability to structure and analyse previously lost streams of insight-rich data, such as phone conversations. Empowered with this technology, operations can gather incredibly valuable business intelligence to drive call delivery performance improvements. It’s smart in that it automatically identifies focus areas in which customer service or sales teams may need additional call training which then, in turn, improves the call’s successful outcome. Speech analytics, as a process, can isolate buzzwords and phrases used most frequently within a given time period, plus indicate usage is trending up or down. This data is highly useful to call managers to spot changes in consumer behaviour so that action can be taken to improve customer satisfaction.

Zadarma is a leading global VoIP provider and offers a smart speech analytics feature as part of their incredibly easy to use telecommunications offering. The tool is free as part of the wider PBX phone system bundles, included in the free recognition minutes. Zadarma’s analytics feature allows data access to every internal or external call conversation. The benefits of speech analytics include:

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Is headless e-commerce right for your business?

Reading time4 min
Is headless e-commerce right for your business?

Headless e-commerce is a hot topic in the media and industry events. Business owners who learn more about headless eCommerce (usually called “headless commerce”) start feeling uncomfortable, not understanding whether it is sufficiently important to implement it or not. No one wants to stay behind with technology, but retailers do not have money left for unnecessary toys either. Let's have a look for possible benefits and pitfalls.
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Total votes 2: ↑1 and ↓1+1

How Data-Driven Insights Help In Better Decision Making

Reading time3 min
Sales and operations go hand in hand if you wish success for your organization. Even a hint of compromise in any of the aspects could be the reason for the downfall for your business, which is a scenario that no one would welcome. Keeping such a situation at a distance is possible if you have a data-driven business strategy.
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Free CRM with PBX

Reading time3 min
Why do you need a CRM system? Well, it’s at least more convenient than keeping your client database in Excel. Why do you need CRM with VoIP? If you have ever interacted offline, you know you cannot do it without telephony (orders, delivery, support etc.).

But what prevents 80% of companies from trying out a CRM tool? If prices is the matter, we are offering a free CRM system integrated with the phone system and free PBX.

To anticipate questions about installation difficulty, CRM setup and contact import doesn’t take more than 5 minutes.

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Total votes 4: ↑4 and ↓0+4

The Top 3 Sales Objections You May Face Working with Trending Technologies

Reading time4 min


Trends in technology have turned around how things work in the world of business. In the past, the salespeople were in charge of driving the demand for their products. Today, sales are more customer-centered than before and most customers get informed about the products without the assistance of salespeople.
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