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Python or R: Which Is A Better Choice For Data Science?

Reading time6 min

Data science is going to revolutionize this world completely in the coming years. The tough question among data scientists is that which programming language plays the most important role in data science? There are many programming languages used in data science including R, C++, Python.

In this blog, we are going to discuss two important programming languages namely Python and R. This will help you choose the best-fit language for your next data science project.

Python is an open-source, flexible, object-oriented and easy-to-use programming language. It has a large community base and consists of a rich set of libraries & tools. It is, in fact, the first choice of every data scientist.
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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

WebRTC streaming in and around virtual reality

Reading time6 min

Virtual reality is on the rise these days. The equipment that was previously the exclusive preserve of crazy scientists geeks with big money from the Ministry of Defense back in the The Lawnmower Man days, is currently affordable for ordinary people; those whose pockets are empty, can assemble a VR headset from cardboard and a smartphone according to many recipes.

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Total votes 5: ↑5 and ↓0+5

PHP Vs ASP.NET: How to Choose the Right One?

Reading time6 min

Are you a business owner looking for PHP web development services or ASP.Net development services, but unable to decide the right technology for your project? Are you looking for the pros and cons of ASP.Net and PHP to take an effective decision?  I have tried to make this task easy for you by comparing ASP.Net and PHP in a very simple way.

There are a number of articles and blogs available over the Internet with a large amount of information about PHP Vs ASP.NET. Unfortunately, most of these blog posts are biased and typically based on promoting one over the other.  

In this blog post, I have done an unbiased comparison between the two most popular technologies i.e. PHP and ASP.NET in today’s world. 

On one side, we have PHP, the world’s most used and popular technology on the internet with billions of dedicated PHP developers across the world. On the other side, we have ASP.NET, a Microsoft platform. Sometimes, it becomes quite difficult to have a clear decision about which technology (Php or Asp.net) should we prefer for our application or website development project? 

Here is an elaborative comparison guide that helps you figure out the best technology for your next web app development project. I can assure you that after reading this article, you’ll have a clear idea about which technology suits you better. Moreover, you can share your thoughts and feedback in our comment box. We welcome your positive feedback for appreciating our work. Also, I will be happy to hear from you if you want us to do some improvements to my article.    
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Total votes 10: ↑4 and ↓60

The first viewer issue, or the difficulties of converting WebRTC video streams to HLS

Reading time7 min

George shut his laptop and rubbed his sleep-deprived red eyes. "Customers continue to complain about stream freezing; the new fix package did not help at all! What do I do with this (censored) HLS?" he said.

The browser is not only hypertext, but also a streamer

Browsers have had players for a long time, but the story is different with the video encoder and streaming. Now, in almost any browser of the latest version, we can find modules for encoding, streaming, decoding, and playback. These functions are available through the JavaScript API, and the implementation is called Web Real Time Communications or WebRTC. This library built into browsers can do quite a lot: capture video from a built-in, virtual or USB camera, compress it with H.264, VP8, and VP9 codecs, and send it to the network via SRTP protocol; i.e., it functions as a software streamer video encoder. As a result, we see a browser that has something similar to ffmpeg or gstreamer, compresses video well, streams on RTP, and plays video streams.

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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

MobX or Redux: Which is Better For React State Management?

Reading time5 min

In JavaScript, state management is a hot of discussion these days. When it comes to implementing state management, developers often find it challenging dealing with boilerplate code in Redux. Hence, MobX has proved to be a good alternative to Redux which gives the same functionality with less code to write. However, both state management tools work well with React.

Let's first have a look at the common things between the two:

1) Both support time-travel debugging
2) Both contain open-source libraries
3) Both provide a client-side state management
4) Both provide huge support for React native frameworks

In this blog, we have listed all the pros and cons of both state management solutions. It will help web developers to choose the best one for their next project. Before discussing this, we have compared both Redux and Mobx based on some parameters as given below:
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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

Channel quality indicator for server WebRTC over TCP

Reading time5 min

Publish and Play

There exist two main functions of WebRTC operation on the server side in the field of streaming video: publishing and playing. In the case of publishing, the video stream is captured from the web camera and moves from the browser to the server. In the case of playing, the stream moves in the opposite direction, from the server to the browser, is decoded and played in the browser’s HTML5 <video> element on the device’s screen.

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Total votes 5: ↑5 and ↓0+5

How to cook RTSP on your website in 2020, or why the boars will not have a chance to run away

Reading time8 min

RTSP is a simple signaling protocol which they cannot replace with anything for many years already, and it has to be admitted that they don't try really hard.

For example, we have an IP camera that supports RTSP. Anyone who has ever tested the traffic with a Sharkwire cable will tell you that first there comes DESCRIBE, then PLAY, and then the traffic begins to pour directly via RTP or wrapped in the TCP channel for instance.

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Total votes 4: ↑4 and ↓0+4

Dynamic CDN for Low Latency WebRTC Streaming with Stream Access Control

Reading time4 min

In the first part, we have deployed a simple dynamic CDN for broadcasting WebRTC streams to two continents and have proved on the example of a countdown timer that the latency in this type of CDN is actually low.

In the second part, we have incorporated dedicated servers into the CDN for performing the task of transcoding in order to provide good broadcast quality to our viewers based on the devices they use and the channel quality. In this manner, all published streams in our CDN are available to all the viewers.

Now, assume that a company is starting to introduce its monetization strategy where a number of streams should be available for free and the rest on a subscription basis. Or, for example, webinars for in-house staff training are broadcasted simultaneously, but each subsidiary has a separate stream, and disclosing the sales techniques used in Southeast Asia to the managers from CIS countries is undesirable.

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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

Dynamic CDN for Low Latency WebRTC Streaming with Transcoding

Reading time5 min

In the first part we have deployed a simple dynamic CDN for broadcasting WebRTC streams to two continents and have proved on the example of a countdown timer that the latency in this kind of CDN is actually low.

However, besides low latency, it is important to provide good broadcast quality to users. After all, this is what they are paying for. In real life the channels between Edge servers and users can differ in bandwidth capacity and quality. For example, we are publishing a 720p stream at 2 Mbps, the user is playing it on an Android phone using 3G connection in an unstable signal reception area and the 360p maximum resolution that provides smooth picture at 400 Mbps is 360p.

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Total votes 2: ↑1 and ↓10

Dynamic CDN for Low Latency WebRTC Streaming

Reading time5 min

Having analyzed earlier the capacity of standard server configurations in Digital Ocean in terms of WebRTC streaming, we have noticed that one server can cover up to 2000 viewers. In real life, cases when one server is insufficient are not uncommon.

Assume gambling amateurs in Germany are watching real-time horse races in Australia. Given that horse races are not only a sports game but also imply big gains on condition that field bets are made at the right time, the video has to be delivered with lowest possible latency.

Another example: A global corporation, one of FCMG market leaders with subsidiaries in Europe, Russia and Southeast Asia, is organizing sales manager training webinars with live streaming from the headquarters in the Mediterranean. The viewers must be able to see and hear the presenter in real time.

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Total votes 2: ↑1 and ↓10

Cloud-based WebRTC streaming on DigitalOcean

Reading time5 min

Popular cloud hosting DigitalOcean has recently launched its new marketplace selling preconfigured images that can help to quickly deploy an application server. It’s much like AWS, but DO is for those already using this provider’s services. Let’s see how to deploy a simple server for WebRTC streaming with a DO account for a $10/month fee based on Flashphoner WebCallServer and how such a server can be of use.

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Total votes 6: ↑5 and ↓1+4

A Guide to Understand the Concept of Modern Web App Development

Reading time5 min

Millions of businesses exchange information on the internet and to interact with their target audience. This helps them make fast and secure transactions over the web. However, business goals can be achieved when the businesses are able to store all this data for the means of presenting quality output to the end users.

Simply put, in the development industry a web application (or “web app”) is more like a program that uses a web browser to handle the storage and retrieval of the information to present information to the users. This allows a user to interact with the company using the online forms, e-shopping carts, CMS, etc. Some more examples of web applications are online banking, online polls, online forums, online reservations, shopping cart, and interactive games.

Learning about web development is kind of like having too many things on a plate. This guide serves as a way to get your acquainted with the world of web app development.
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Complexity Waterfall and Architecture on Demand

Reading time10 min


When talking about "bad code" people almost certainly mean "complex code" among other popular problems. The thing about complexity is that it comes out of nowhere. One day you start your fairly simple project, the other day you find it in ruins. And no one knows how and when did it happen.

But, this ultimately happens for a reason! Code complexity enters your codebase in two possible ways: with big chunks and incremental additions. And people are bad at reviewing and finding both of them.

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Total votes 5: ↑5 and ↓0+5

Scanning the code of Orchard CMS for Bugs

Reading time12 min

Picture 6

This article reviews the results of a second check of the Orchard project with the PVS-Studio static analyzer. Orchard is an open-source content manager system delivered as part of the ASP.NET Open Source Gallery under the non-profit Outercurve Foundation. Today's check is especially interesting because both the project and the analyzer have come a long way since the first check, and this time we'll be looking at new diagnostic messages and some nice bugs.
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Total votes 34: ↑33 and ↓1+32

Don't forget about Open Graph

Reading time2 min
Open Graph protocol is a web standard originally developed by Facebook that turns any webpage into a graph object with title, description, image and so on. Even though there is no direct correlation between OG meta tags and improved SEO rankings, it still drives more traffic to your webpage by making it more “attractive” in social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc).

An example of a link shared in Twitter that has «og:image» and «og:title».


Adding OG (and not only) meta tags into your React app

Without further due let’s jump into newly created React app with create-react-app and OG meta tags to /public/index.html. It should look like something like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta charSet="utf-8"/>
      <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge"/>
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"/>
      <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="/rss.xml"/>
      <title>Awesome App</title>
      <meta property="og:title" content="Awesome app - the best app ever" />
      <meta property="og:type" content="website" />
      <meta property="og:image" content="https://picsum.photos/id/52/1200/600" />
      <meta property="og:description" content="Describe stuff here." />
      <meta property="og:url" content="yourawesomeapp.com" />
      <noscript>This app works best with JavaScript enabled.</noscript>
      <div id="root"></div>

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Total votes 23: ↑21 and ↓2+19

Vue.js Is Good, But Is It Better Than Angular or React?

Reading time3 min
Vue.js is a JavaScript library for building web interfaces. Combining with some other tools It also becomes a “framework”. Now, from our last blog, you already know that Vue.js is one of the top JavaScript frameworks and it is replacing Angular and React in many cases. This brings in the topic of this blog ‘Vue.js is good, but is it better than Angular or React?

In case you’ve never heard or used Vue.js before, you are probably thinking: Come on! yet another JavaScript framework! We get it. However, Vue.js is not new in the custom software development domain. It was first released in 2013 and now it has 130549 stars on Github and downloaded a number of times this year.
Total votes 22: ↑19 and ↓3+16

Python vs JavaScript: Which One Can Benefit You The Most?

Reading time10 min

The web development arena is moving at a fast pace and has reached an advanced stage today. Python and Javascript making some significant contributions for almost three decades. Now, being a developer or a business if you are planning to pick one of these, then it’s going to be tough just because both are too good to avoid. Hence, this brings up the topic ‘Python vs JavaScript: Which One Can Benefit You The Most?’

These two languages are supported by various trending web frameworks and libraries which are the real game-changers. The introduction of these frameworks and libraries to the web ecosystem has brought new paradigms, traditional notions, and standards of software development.
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Total votes 12: ↑10 and ↓2+8

Top Skills You Will Need to be a Front-End Developer

Reading time4 min

With reference to Web Development, Front end development is mainly client-side development, which helps users to see and interact with the interface directly. This interface needs to be relevant to the context and in a layout that is easily perceivable by even the most naïve of the users. It should run uniformly on all platforms and devices. For anyone who is considering a career in Front-End Development, there is a specific set of skills to be mastered. Along with that, additional knowledge of the associated technologies that are used can be of great advantage.

The topmost skills for front end developers mainly depend on the scope of work that different organizations define for the role. However, these scope definitions vary a lot and hence need to be averaged out for defining a baseline. Let us start with the basic skill sets for now. These skills can be categorized into Technical and Non-Technical skills.

1. Technical Skills:

HTML/CSS/JavaScript: HTML or Hypertext Markup Language provides the main structure of a web page. It is more of a presentation language rather than a programming language. CSS or Cascading Style Sheets attributes to the styling and defines the look and formatting of the HTML page. CSS can be applied to any kind of XML document including SVG and XUL. It helps to create visually engaging web pages and user interfaces for mobile applications. JavaScript is a high- level, interpreted programming language which makes a webpage interactive. These are the 3 most essential requirements for anyone who is looking into a career as a Front-End Developer. More advanced the knowledge, the better. These provide the basic look and feel of the interface

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Total votes 5: ↑4 and ↓1+3

Top 20 Marketplace Development Companies From All Over the World

Reading time6 min
Considering ever-rising e-commerce sales, which hit $29 trillion last year, companies can no longer neglect online presence. Many of them have already changed the way they work and transformed from simple online stores to marketplaces bringing more sales and opportunities.

Those who’ve chosen the path of transformation or want to build a marketplace are probably seeking for experienced service providers to get some help.

Since there are hundreds of development companies all over the world, I decided to research the market and narrow down the circle of providers you might want to consider for partnership.

To compile this list the following factors were considered:

  • Overall number of customer reviews on such reputable platforms as Clutch, Upwork, GoodFirms, App Futura, Extract.co, IT Firms.
  • Overall score of those reviews.
  • Presence of Fortune 500 clients in the public domain.
  • Presence of industry awards in the public domain (e.g. Global Sourcing Award, Top B2B Global Leaders, Best of the Global Outsourcing 100).
  • Team size (bigger companies come first).
  • Year of fundation (mature companies have more trust).
  • Number of offices (more is better).
  • Number of brand mentions over the web (only companies with 1,500+ mentions are listed).

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Total votes 4: ↑3 and ↓1+2

Learn Bootstrap Fast With These 10 Helpful Tips

Reading time5 min
If you want to start your career in web development then learning Bootstrap is the way to go. Bootstrap is basically a framework used for front-end development of web apps. Its front-end component library is widely used to create interactive and responsive web apps and websites that we are used to today.

If you don’t already know, you must be wondering what responsive websites are? In simple terms, the responsiveness of a website means that when the size of the screen on which the website is being seen changes, the layout of the website responds to that and change. This makes the websites look good no matter what screen size it is being viewed on.

How does Bootstrap work?

There are two ways you can use Bootstrap. You can either import the Bootstrap into your code or you can download a sample Bootstrap project and build your website on that.

Bootstrap uses a 12-column model for website display, which is called a Bootstrap grid. On this grid, you can define different breakpoints to layout different components like headings, paragraphs, and buttons to make your website look visually appealing. When the screen size scales down, the components on the grid change layout to fit the smaller screen. This means that viewing the same website looks great on a normal size screen of your laptop and a smaller screen of your smartphone.

Bootstrap has become one of the most popular front-end development frameworks today. If you are a beginner who wants to start learning Bootstrap then you are on the right blog. Because here are the top 10 tips to learn and master Bootstrap!
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Total votes 18: ↑16 and ↓2+14

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