Pull to refresh

Comments 3

А не могли бы Вы добавить содержание к этой замечательной статье(Как было в предудущих главах)?
Самая тяжелая для меня глава. Не осилил в оригинале. Буду читать здесь
[голосом Н. Н. Дроздова]
Перед вами знойная саванна. Почти голая, почти безжизненная. Но встречается кое-какая растительность и голодные травоядные.
— Но чу! Кто это там притаился в зарослях?
— Кажется, это бенгальский тигр! Эти хищники чувствуют свою добычу на расстоянии и способны преследовать её.

function Spirit(){	

function LifelikeWorldSpirit(map, legend) {
  var grid = new Grid(map[0].length, map.length);  
  this.grid = grid;  
  this.legend = legend;
  map.forEach(function(line, y) {
    for (var x = 0; x < line.length; x++)
      grid.set(new Vector(x, y),
               elementFromChar(legend, line[x]));
  var gridOfSpirit = new GridOfSpirit(map[0].length, map.length);
  this.gridOfSpirit = gridOfSpirit;
  map.forEach(function(line, y) {
    for (var x = 0; x < line.length; x++)
      gridOfSpirit.setSpirit(new Vector(x, y),
               new Spirit);

LifelikeWorldSpirit.prototype = Object.create(LifelikeWorld.prototype);

LifelikeWorldSpirit.prototype.turn = function() {
   this.gridOfSpirit.forEach(function(spirit, vector) {    
     spirit.plantSpirit = 0;    
     spirit.meatSpirit = 0;    
  }, this);
  var solved = [];    
  this.grid.forEach(function(critter, vector) {    
   // var spirit = this.gridOfSpirit.getSpirit(vector);
    if (critter.typeOfSpirit && solved.indexOf(critter) == -1) {      
      this.solveSpirit(critter, vector);
  }, this);
  acted = [];
  this.grid.forEach(function(critter, vector) {
    if (critter.act && acted.indexOf(critter) == -1) {
      this.letAct(critter, vector);
  }, this);

LifelikeWorldSpirit.prototype.solveSpirit = function(critter, vector) {  
  if (critter) {
    var areaToSolve = [vector];
  	this.solved = []; 
    this.solveSpiritR(critter.typeOfSpirit, critter.spiritValue, areaToSolve, 1, 3);    

LifelikeWorldSpirit.prototype.solveSpiritR = function(typeOfSpirit, spiritValue, areaToSolve, step, dist) {  
  var nextAreaToSolve = []; 
  var mes = '';
  if (step <= dist) {      
      for (var dir in directions) {
        var target = start.plus(directions[dir]);       
        if (this.grid.isInside(target)) {       
          if (charFromElement(this.grid.get(target)) == ' '){
          var targetSpirit = this.gridOfSpirit.getSpirit(target);          
          if (this.solved.indexOf(targetSpirit) == -1){            
            targetSpirit[typeOfSpirit] += spiritValue;          
    this.solveSpiritR(typeOfSpirit, spiritValue/2, nextAreaToSolve, step + 1, dist);

function GridOfSpirit(width, height) {  
  this.spaceOfSpirit = new Array(width * height);
  this.width = width;
  this.height = height;

GridOfSpirit.prototype = Object.create(Grid.prototype);

GridOfSpirit.prototype.getSpirit = function(vector) {
  return this.spaceOfSpirit[vector.x + this.width * vector.y];

GridOfSpirit.prototype.getSpiritValue = function(vector, typeOfSpirit) {
  return this.spaceOfSpirit[vector.x + this.width * vector.y][typeOfSpirit];

GridOfSpirit.prototype.setSpirit = function(vector, spirit) {
  this.spaceOfSpirit[vector.x + this.width * vector.y] = spirit;

GridOfSpirit.prototype.forEach = function(f, context) {
  for (var y = 0; y < this.height; y++) {
    for (var x = 0; x < this.width; x++) {
      var value = this.spaceOfSpirit[x + y * this.width];
      if (value != null)
        f.call(context, value, new Vector(x, y));

View.prototype.findSpirit = function(typeOfSpirit) {  
  var maxSpiritValue = 0;
  var bestDir = null;
  for (var dir in directions){
     var target = this.vector.plus(directions[dir]);
    if (this.world.grid.isInside(target)){          
        var curSpiritValue = this.world.gridOfSpirit.getSpiritValue(target, typeOfSpirit);    
      if (curSpiritValue > maxSpiritValue) {
        maxSpiritValue = curSpiritValue;
        bestDir = dir;

  if (maxSpiritValue > 0)  
    return bestDir
    return this.find(" ");  

actionTypes.grow = function(critter) {
  critter.energy += 1;
  return true;

function Plant() {
  this.energy = 3 + Math.random() * 4;  
  this.typeOfSpirit = "plantSpirit";
  this.spiritValue = 1000;

function SmartPlantEater() {
  this.energy = 50;
  this.typeOfSpirit = "meatSpirit";
  this.spiritValue = 2000;

function SmartPlantEater() {
  this.energy = 30;
  this.direction = "e";
  this.typeOfSpirit = "meatSpirit";
  this.spiritValue = 2000;
SmartPlantEater.prototype.act = function(context) {
  var space = context.find(" ");
  if (this.energy > 110 && space)
    return {type: "reproduce", direction: space};
  var plants = context.findAll("*");
  if (plants.length > 1)
    return {type: "eat", direction: randomElement(plants)};
  if (context.look(this.direction) != " " && space)
    this.direction = space;
  return {type: "move", direction: this.direction};

function Tiger() {
  this.energy = 100;
  //this.typeOfSpirit = "hanterSpirit";
  this.spiritValue = 2000;

Tiger.prototype.act = function(context) {
  var space = context.find(" ");
  if (this.energy > 205 && space)
    return {type: "reproduce", direction: space};
  var meat = context.find("O");
  if (meat && this.energy < 100)
    return {type: "eat", direction: meat};
  var spirit = context.findSpirit("meatSpirit");
  if (spirit)
    return {type: "move", direction: spirit};

Plant.prototype.act = function(context) {
  if (this.energy > 30) {
    var space = context.find(" ");
    if (space)
      return {type: "reproduce", direction: space};
  if (this.energy < 30)
    return {type: "grow"};

animateWorld(new LifelikeWorldSpirit(
   "#                 ####         ****O            *###",
   "# O * @   ##                 ########        O  **##",
   "#   *    ##                            ****     ***#",
   "#   *   ##*                        ##########   ***#",
   "#      ##***  *         ****                     **#",
   "#* **  #  *  ***      #########        @         **#",
   "#* **  #      *             **#   *              **#",
   "#     ##              #       #  ***          ######",
   "#*                    #       #   *           # O  #",
   "#*       @            #  ######                 ** #",
   "###          ****          ***         O        ** #",
   "#  *    O                                       *  #",
   "#   *     ##  ##  ##  ##               ###      *  #",
   "#   **         #              *       #####     *  #",
   "##  **        O#  #    ***  ***        ###      ** #",
   "###*      O      #   ***** O          O      @ ****#",
  {"#": Wall,
   "@": Tiger,
   "O": SmartPlantEater,
   "*": Plant}
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