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Comments 4

В оригинале было немного подробнее www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/03/150312142901.htm
The group's strategy has been to break down the complex molecules into smaller building blocks that can be easily assembled. The chemical building blocks all have the same connector piece and can be stitched together with one simple reaction, the way that a child's interconnecting plastic blocks can have different shapes but all snap together. Many of the building blocks Burke's lab has developed are available commercially.
To automate the building-block assembly, Burke's group devised a simple catch-and-release method that adds one building block at a time, rinsing the excess away before adding the next one. They demonstrated that their machine could build 14 different classes of small molecules, including ones with difficult-to-manufacture ring structures, all using the same automated building-block assembly.

и с видео www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_0wC5kDN3s

Публикация в Science — Synthesis of many different types of organic small molecules using one automated process dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.aaa5414
Напомнило игру SpaceChem, в которой строишь программы для роботов, конструирующих молекулы.
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