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5 способов заработать на криптовалюте в эпоху коронавируса

Reading time5 min

Пандемия изменила правила игры не только для бизнеса, но фактически коснулась каждого человека. Слова карантин и удаленная работа стали привычны в нашем обиходе. Те компании которые не смогли перейти на удаленный режим работы, понесли убытки, либо вовсе были ликвидированы. 

Большинство сфер по прежнему находятся в упадке. Большинство населения вынуждено сидеть дома из-за жестких карантинных мер. И несмотря на социальную помощь, многие терпят убытки, а то и вовсе находятся на грани банкротства.

Что же делать, если вы вынуждены сидеть дома, ваши деньги подходят к концу, а карантинные меры еще не окончены? Есть выход! Представляем вам 6 способов заработка на криптовалюте не выходя из дому!

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Total votes 38: ↑2 and ↓36-32

Blockchain is the perfect solution to online privacy problem

Reading time3 min

We are increasingly aware of the importance of our personal data. Primarily due to numerous data leaks and the fact of numerous sales of personal information on the black market. Yes, huge corporations like Apple or Samsung prioritize the preservation of sensitive user data. However, they find it difficult to store and use them at the same time. That is why blockchain technology is the perfect tool for solving the online privacy problem.

There are constant news in the media about the problem of personal privacy, which is represented by constant data leaks and the general technological illiteracy of the world population. In the Pew study, nearly 80% of respondents said they are very concerned about how companies are using the data they collect. In MState's study, 24% of respondents stopped using certain apps due to privacy concerns.

Today, an increasing number of people are actively protecting their data by refusing the services of companies and applications that use personal data. This is why Apple, Lyft, Dropbox, and Adobe have started taking a consumer-centric approach to data privacy. Consumers' understanding that their personal data is a commodity is increasing.

Free TON is a prime example of a secure blockchain. This blockchain has some of the best features compared to Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Stellar. Data security directly depends on the use of blockchain. Each of the above blockchains provides a different level of data protection. Ethereum is the most popular blockchain, but Free TON may soon overtake it. This blockchain is just over a year old, and its capabilities exceed those of all other blockchains.

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