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I will try to answer your questions as well as possible :)
1. Although this is possible, it is often not advisable since a lot of users will not know how to do this. For example, instead of making an enemy mob red, you could prefix it with (enemy) or (!). Ideally, there are two modes: an ANSI color mode, and a mode where all important information usually relayed by color is relayed using other means. DikuMud uses flags like (glowing) (humming) (white aura) etc. for that kind of thing
2. Yes, I have :) If you want to see what can be done with a MUD and scripting to play audio cues, you should have a look at www.mush-z.com. This is a scripted version of Mushclient for a MUD caled Alter Aeon, and so much music and sound has been added that it almost sounds like an MMORPG.
Mainly due to these modifications, the blind really like this particular MUD, but I have seen them on other, non-scripted muds as well.

3. I have briefly played with some MUD codebases like CoffeeMUD and the DeadSouls mudlib, but never really got a MUD off the ground. I never really had the time to run my own MUD.
Although I have heard of SmallTalk, I have never really looked into the language :) Call me ignorant but I thought the language was slightly out of style and superceded by things like Objective-C and Python ...Judging by the fact that you are doing a project in this language it seems that isn't quite the case :)
As the Dutch would say: graag gedaan :)
Haha kudos for trying some Dtuch :) Met mij gaat het goed :)
I wouldn't say language A is more accessible or easier to work with than language B when it comes to screenreader users. I just don't like Java's verbosity to do the simplest of things. Take the following Python program:
print(«Hello all you magnificent Russian-speaking people!»)

name = raw_input(«Please enter your name:»)
print(«Your name is » + name + ".")

It is late here, so I may have made a syntax error but this is a three-line program in Python. In Java, I would first need to create a class, then a main function, initialize a bufferedReader, call two functions that need a double-dotted chain call (System.out.println()) ...just ugh, nevermind already :)
Diving, sadly, is currently out of the question. I get around using public transport, some taxi services that exist here in the Netherlands etc.
Although it is apparently possible for a blind person to fight efficiently, I haven't found a teacher yet who can train me to do this. Without this training, this skill is notably hard to pick up.
Honestly I use all sorts of languages :) I am mainly a back-end web guy, so I am most familiar with languages like PHP, Ruby on Rails, Python and ...if I have to… Java. I am currently learning more about the MEAN (mongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, Node.JS) stack, as you can read in the blog article :) I visited Microsoft in May and this rekindled my enthusiasm for the net infrastructure as well as the way to write universal windows 10 apps, so I'll likely be having a look at those again soon :)
Apple led the way here, when in 2009 they wrote a screenreader that reads stuff on an iPhone's touch screen out loud. You first touch the content, it is read, and when you tap twice it is actually interacted with. This is the model that all subsequent screenreaders use, including Google's Talkback and the touch gstures that are nowu built into Narrator in Windows 8 and windows 10.
I'm glad I have been able to teach you otherwise :)
Not sure if I am understanding you correctly, but I think what you are asking is how long it takes me to get used to playing a particular fighting game. This really depends on the complexity of the game, the dedication towards learning it I have etc ...so I can't really give an answer to that
Hi :) I am aware of tools like Vim and Emacs, and have been using them off and on for my own projects. The tricky part of that arrangement though is that a lot of my colleagues, be it actual fellow employees or students, will use GUI-based IDEs. hese two often aren't very interoperable, which makes it one big mess when you try to collaborate on things :) But yes, for one-man projects I like to use Emacs.
A screenreader can no more read a Tekken screen than a 3-year-old Englis child can speak Chinese. The screens are way too visual. In games like Tekken, you are fully dependent on the soundscape. Listen for impacts, fists or feet whooshing by and remember your combo's and special moves. Wait for a lul in the opponent's assault and strike fast when the opportunity arises. It really isn't all that different from what you guys do during these games, I just use different cues :)
You guys may speak Russian if that is easier, I can generally follow that without too much trouble :)
Now for your question :) If it is a large amount of text, it would depend on what medium it is. If it is a website, I would look for headings. Screenreaders have a keyboard shortcut to jump to the next heading. ( )
If that isn't there, I will look for skip links. If it is a PDF of a manual, I'd look for the table of contents and use a hotkey to jump to the page I need. SO ...it really depends on what kind of text it is :) When all else fails, good old ctrl+f can be very useful, too :)
A cube is something I can mentally conceptualize, basically because it is a familiar shape to me. Tv's are cube-shaped, so are dice. Therefore, it is easy for me to understand the concept of a cube. However, if I were to draw a cube on paper and try to make it 3D, I would not know how to do that due to the simple fact that I don't have a visual image of a cube, I have a tactile conceptualization of the entirety of a cube due to the fact I have held it in my hand in its entirety. This of course doesn't really work for more complex shapes like animals and other non-basic shapes.
Sorry for responding in English, but I think this will be easier for you to translate. If I google translate my words to Russian, apparently the result is slightly hard to follow.
To answer your question though, yes I do play video games :) There's a number of different t ypes of game I play:
www.audiogames.net and forum.audiogames.net are sites dedicated to games that are based fully on sound. Often, there isn't even anything on screen :)
www.mudconect.com is a site of old-style MUD (multi-user domain( games, these are basically online virtual worlds rendered completely in text.
— I play mainstream console games as well, mainly of the fighting variety like Tekken, Mortal Kombat and Streetfighter
— Lastly, I play some very old gameboy games now and again. Why, I am currently going through Pokemon Crystal ;)
It seems my Google translated Russian isn't very clear :) What I meant to say was that I am really happy about all the comments you guys have been writing me and that I am always willing to answer questions. You can reach out to me on twitter or Slack for that, using the same name as on here. I can also answer on here if that has your preference :)
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