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Комментарии 13

Route optimization is a task that requires a lot of hard work and expertise, especially when dealing with complex routing problems. However, the advancement of modern technologies such as AI and machine learning can lead to significant improvements in route optimization software and algorithms, making it easier for transport planners to accomplish their tasks with greater efficiency and accuracy. It's worth noting that these technologies are not meant to replace transport planners but rather to assist them in performing their jobs more effectively. Additionally, route optimization software and algorithms can be used for various other tasks like logistics.

I completely agree with your perspective, Leschev. In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, it's essential to view AI as an additional support tool rather than a competitor. With the right approach, AI can augment human capabilities and enhance our problem-solving skills, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.

How do businesses balance the need for mathematical optimization with real-world factors such as customer preferences, driver availability, and other practical constraints?

Businesses balance the need for mathematical optimisation with real-world factors by considering various practical constraints such as customer preferences, driver availability, and other factors when designing optimisation models. They may use a combination of quantitative analysis and qualitative judgment to ensure that the optimisation models reflect real-world conditions accurately. This may involve collecting data on customer behaviour, driver availability, and other relevant factors, and using that data to inform the optimisation models.

How can businesses choose the most relevant algorithm for their delivery route optimization problem, and what are some of the factors they need to take into account when selecting the right approach?

Businesses can choose the most relevant algorithm for their delivery route optimisation problem by considering factors such as the number of deliveries, vehicle capacity, traffic patterns, and time constraints. They should also evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different algorithms, such as genetic algorithms, ant colony optimisation, and simulated annealing, to find the best fit for their specific needs. Fortunately, businesses can choose from a variety of routing products available in the market that are designed to solve these challenges and provide effective solutions.

What are some of the limitations of using AI and other advanced technologies for delivery route optimization, and how can logistics companies overcome these challenges to ensure the success of their operations?

Local knowledge is a valuable asset for dispatchers and delivery drivers as they have a better understanding of the roads, traffic conditions, and any closures or detours. These factors may not be accurately reflected in the AI-powered routing systems. Moreover, the latest changes in orders may not yet be loaded into the system, making it necessary for the dispatchers to rely on their local knowledge to adjust the routes accordingly. By combining the local knowledge with AI-powered systems, logistics companies can optimise their delivery routes more effectively and ensure the success of their operations.

I think we’re talking about something that will be available in far future. Seems like we can’t solve tasks like this at the moment. I didn’t see any public application on a real business with that level of complexity.

Thanks for opinion Ilya! The tools and approaches for optimising delivery routes can be complex, but there are already software solutions available, that can automate scheduling, track deliveries in real time, and dynamically adjust routes based on changing conditions. These tools use algorithms, such as heuristics, genetic algorithms, and Monte Carlo simulations, to optimise delivery routes and can take into account a variety of factors, including traffic patterns, weather conditions, and vehicle capacity. While it is true that delivery route optimisation is a challenging task, there are already practical solutions available for businesses to implement.

How do delivery companies take into account the human factor in their optimization process, such as driver preferences, needs, or limitations, and what contingency plans do they have in place in case of driver illness or accidents?

Thank you for your question Victor Martynov. Delivery companies take into account the human factor in their optimisation process by considering the driver's preferences, needs, and limitations. Some companies even assign the same driver to the same customer to establish a relationship and provide personalized service. However, this puts additional limitations on planning algorithms and scheduling. To mitigate risks, contingency plans are in place in case of driver illness or accidents, such as backup drivers or alternate delivery routes.

Good article, thank you!

However I’m not sure that AI may not be able to replicate ethical considerations or decisions based experience. IMHO everything is simulatable.

Also are there any industries or types of businesses that are particularly well-suited for delivery route optimization?

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