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Комментарии 3

А что скажите по поводу проекта dajax? На мой взгляд для работы с ajax самое то.
К сожалению не знал об этом проекте, возьму на заметку, спасибо.
Только вот что автор говорит теперь о своем проекте —

Should I use django-dajax or django-dajaxice?

In a word, No. I created these projects 4 years ago as a cool tool in order to solve one specific problems I had at that time.

These days using these projects is a bad idea.

Perhaps I'm more pragmatic now, perhaps my vision of how my django projects should be coupled to libraries like these has change, or perhaps these days I really treasure the purity and simplicity of a vanilla django development.

If you want to use this project, you are probably wrong. You should stop couplig your interface with your backend or… in the long term it will explode in your face.

Forget about adding more unnecessary complexity. Keep things simple.
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