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Like its predecessors, the BX300 is an impressive release for a budget drive, giving consumers a viable and inexpensive option to upgrade their computers from a platter-based hard disk system to one that runs significantly faster via solid-state drive technology. The new Crucial drive features Micron 3D NAND, a Silicon Motion Controller and a 7mm-to-9.5mm adapter bracket. With its 2.5" (7mm) form factor and SATA 6Gb/s interface, the BX300 can fit inside compact desktop PCs to ultra-slim notebooks. Not only is this one of the least expensive drives one of the SSD market, the BX300 comes with the company’s lowest power consumption to date.
Reiterating what we have said in previous reviews of past BX SSDs, we do acknowledge the sometimes inconsistent performance, which was made obvious in our benchmarks; however, Crucial didn’t design the BX300 to compete with drives like the Samsung 850 Pro (though it did manage to beat it in some of our tests); it was designed to provide an ultra-affordable option with decent performance.
Diving into the details of the 480GB model’s performance, sequential 2MB workloads showed 506.66MB/s read and 460.86MB/s write, placing it right at the top of the leaderboard with much more expensive drives. The random workload, however, showed performance of 432.21MB/s read and 461.73MB/s write, results which found it near the bottom of the pack (only the ADATA SU900 512GB had slower numbers). Results were mirrored in our smaller 4k random transfers and latency benchmarks.
Performance picked up slightly during our server profile tests, where the BX300 placed among the leaders throughout most of the workloads. Moving to our real-world workloads, the new Crucial drive model showed impressive performance during our Productivity and HTPC traces, though it placed ranked near the bottom in our Gaming profile.
One of the most affordable consumer drives on the market
Impressive performance for its class and price
Energy efficient
Capacity tops out at only 480GB
Bottom Line
The Crucial BX300 is a great addition to the budget-friendly SSD line, as it offers an inexpensive option for consumers looking to upgrade their HDD rig to solid state technology.


BX300 сохраняет за собой статус хорошего бюджетного решения для тех, кто наконец-то решил избавится от жестких дисков и перейти на SSD. Его габариты также достойны внимания, поскольку даже пользователи ультрабуков смогут им воспользоваться.
Тесты, с результатами которых мы ознакомились ранее, показали довольно средний результат. Но Crucial и не планировали выпускать монстра, способного в пух и прах разорвать конкурентов. Их основной задачей было дать людям доступный (в плане цены) накопитель с достойной производительностью. И это у них отлично получилось.
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