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Andrii Matukhno @Aen_Dinalt


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Quality as Team's responsibility. Our QA experience

Время на прочтение7 мин
Количество просмотров2.1K

Disclaimer: This is a translation of an article. All rights belongs to author of original article and Miro company.

I'm a QA Engineer in Miro. Let me tell about our experiment of transferring partially testing tasks to developers and of transforming Test Engineer role into QA (Quality assurance).

First briefly about our development process. We have daily releases for client side and 3 to 5 weekly releases of server side. Team have 60+ people spitted onto 10 Functional Scrum Teams.

I'm working in Integration team. Our tasks are:

  • Integration of our service into external products
  • Integration of external products into our service
    For example we have integrated Jira. Jira Cards — visual representation of tasks so it's useful to work with tasks not opening Jira at all.


How the experiment starts

All starts with trivial issue. When someone of Test Engineers had sick leave then team performance was degraded significantly. Team was continued working on tasks. However when code was reached testing phase task was hold on. As a result new functionality didn't reach production in time.

Going onto vacation by Test Engineer is a more complex story. He/she needs to find another Test Engineer who ready to take extra tasks and conduct knowledge sharing. Going onto vacation by two Test Engineers at the sane time is not an applicable luxury.

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