Personally, I've been thinking about starting my own learning app for quite a while, basically aiming to create «better Anki» with decent usability.
And I have some considerations and ideas that you missed or just might find interesting. They are based on personal experience of using several language learning apps and also on analysis of issues with Anki (reported and discussed on reddit and support forum).
1. There are a lot of people learning subjects other than languages, notably — medicine. They also need a good app with basically same requirements (SRS). Targeting this audience would extremely broaden community of users.
They, however, have some unusual demands regarding cards format and interaction (ordering items, image occlusion, matching pieces, etc).
My own concept is to move cards presentation/interaction completely to web-layer with API to core scheduler, and support creating cross-platform addons implementing any custom cards using web technologies.
2. It is crucial to make decks easily shareable. In spite of principle «your own cards work better» there exist usecases when people prefer to use prepared decks (notably «starter packs», or book courses converted), to collaborate on decks, or to provide new cards from teacher to students.
My idea is to separate card content from learning statistics, and to keep content as simple zip archives of yaml-based files along with all assets. This would allow to share decks just like normal files (without stats) and in non-obscure format, and also to use some CVS systems for advanced collaboration.
3. There is unimaginable variety of ways users want to import and modify their cards and collections. Most noticeable meta-usecase is importing from various other apps (like memrise and quizlet), csv files, emacs orgmode, etc. Occasionally some people need to do some batch processing like global search/replace or reorganize tags.
My idea is to use yaml-based format as a base for storing cards content. This would allow to use good old text editors to edit cards manually, and also to implement format-specific features in advanced editors like Vim, Emacs, Atom.
Also, regarding learning mechanics.
1. Quite obviously, any interaction works better than just recalling, because it involves substantial activity, and makes stronger neural response. The «tapping test» is wrong because it simplifies and actually reduces that activity (from typing to clicking).
However, the format of «word ordering» could be useful if used properly. Maybe some cases of pure grammar tasks (like Spanish direct/indirect pronouns, or German modals/infinitives and separable verbs), or in pure ordering tasks (like sorting aminoacids by polarization).
2. Many things are better to learn based in contrasting. Well known are minimal pairs for phonetic. The same is applicable to grammar, in form of choosing correct form. This way requires two interactive features: making choices and preview how answer «looks like» in context.
Selecting predefined choices is also considered a bad practice, but it still makes sense when task focus is to find some matching structures, and all possibilities might be not known to learner.
3. There's no need of negative response to errors like big red message with disgusting sound. It's quite possible to learn without any «stick» part.
4. Images intensify imagination and help to build more bright usage context. Even if they are not strictly related to definition. But they can easily be annoying when selected by other people. That idea of built-in image search by Gabe Wyner seems quite awesome, if implemented properly.
Not long ago, I have implemented Interactive cards for Anki, that demonstrate some of the features I wish to have in an app.
The cards allow interactions: typing, editing, reordering words, selecting options. User answers are usually visible in context before submitting. And there's no negative response — in case of wrong answer they show correct version and highlight it to attract attention.
Ok. It seems too much for a comment already.
I hope something of that could be useful.
Такое ощущение, что по програмному обеспечению текст просто скопипащщен с «авторского заказа» —
«прокат», «воспроизведение в эфире», «публичное исполнение»…
В статье 1234 говорится, что «При отсутствии в возмездном договоре об отчуждении исключительного права условия о размере вознаграждения или порядке его определения договор считается незаключенным.»
Получается, что по договору на разработку ПО галочку в смете «за отчуждение» отключать нельзя, если включено «за разработку».
В семантике юзкейсов существуют «абстрактные юзкейсы» с взаимосвязями типа «реализация», которые именно что соответствуют основным «бизнес/маркетинг» задачам, для которых обозначены конкретные юзкесы, которые реализуются уже в сценариях.
На верхнем уровне такой иерархи можно поместить абстрактный юзкейс типа «общение пользователей» или «рассказать о себе» с реализациями типа «директ сообщения», «заполнение профиля», «комментарии к профилю». И всё это на одной схеме.
Какие именно API имеются ввиду?
Maps API пользуются все кому не лень, иногда просто, чтобы схему проезда нарисовать.
Analytics пользуются вообще толпы.
У такого мира чисто гипотетически должно получиться одно интересное свойство: если сгруппировать пользователей по мастерству (типа как в фэйсбучном ангрибёрдс френдс — по «лигам»), и спавнить соответственно, пользователи смогут сами регулировать «степень сложности», просто переплывая в другие области.
Good luck anyway.
And I have some considerations and ideas that you missed or just might find interesting. They are based on personal experience of using several language learning apps and also on analysis of issues with Anki (reported and discussed on reddit and support forum).
1. There are a lot of people learning subjects other than languages, notably — medicine. They also need a good app with basically same requirements (SRS). Targeting this audience would extremely broaden community of users.
They, however, have some unusual demands regarding cards format and interaction (ordering items, image occlusion, matching pieces, etc).
My own concept is to move cards presentation/interaction completely to web-layer with API to core scheduler, and support creating cross-platform addons implementing any custom cards using web technologies.
2. It is crucial to make decks easily shareable. In spite of principle «your own cards work better» there exist usecases when people prefer to use prepared decks (notably «starter packs», or book courses converted), to collaborate on decks, or to provide new cards from teacher to students.
My idea is to separate card content from learning statistics, and to keep content as simple zip archives of yaml-based files along with all assets. This would allow to share decks just like normal files (without stats) and in non-obscure format, and also to use some CVS systems for advanced collaboration.
3. There is unimaginable variety of ways users want to import and modify their cards and collections. Most noticeable meta-usecase is importing from various other apps (like memrise and quizlet), csv files, emacs orgmode, etc. Occasionally some people need to do some batch processing like global search/replace or reorganize tags.
My idea is to use yaml-based format as a base for storing cards content. This would allow to use good old text editors to edit cards manually, and also to implement format-specific features in advanced editors like Vim, Emacs, Atom.
Also, regarding learning mechanics.
1. Quite obviously, any interaction works better than just recalling, because it involves substantial activity, and makes stronger neural response. The «tapping test» is wrong because it simplifies and actually reduces that activity (from typing to clicking).
However, the format of «word ordering» could be useful if used properly. Maybe some cases of pure grammar tasks (like Spanish direct/indirect pronouns, or German modals/infinitives and separable verbs), or in pure ordering tasks (like sorting aminoacids by polarization).
2. Many things are better to learn based in contrasting. Well known are minimal pairs for phonetic. The same is applicable to grammar, in form of choosing correct form. This way requires two interactive features: making choices and preview how answer «looks like» in context.
Selecting predefined choices is also considered a bad practice, but it still makes sense when task focus is to find some matching structures, and all possibilities might be not known to learner.
3. There's no need of negative response to errors like big red message with disgusting sound. It's quite possible to learn without any «stick» part.
4. Images intensify imagination and help to build more bright usage context. Even if they are not strictly related to definition. But they can easily be annoying when selected by other people. That idea of built-in image search by Gabe Wyner seems quite awesome, if implemented properly.
Not long ago, I have implemented Interactive cards for Anki, that demonstrate some of the features I wish to have in an app.
The cards allow interactions: typing, editing, reordering words, selecting options. User answers are usually visible in context before submitting. And there's no negative response — in case of wrong answer they show correct version and highlight it to attract attention.
Ok. It seems too much for a comment already.
I hope something of that could be useful.
I wish you not to repeat fate of FluentForever app of being payed beta (perhaps, forever)
В юнити 2018?
«прокат», «воспроизведение в эфире», «публичное исполнение»…
В статье 1234 говорится, что «При отсутствии в возмездном договоре об отчуждении исключительного права условия о размере вознаграждения или порядке его определения договор считается незаключенным.»
Получается, что по договору на разработку ПО галочку в смете «за отчуждение» отключать нельзя, если включено «за разработку».
А даром, видимо, можно и то и другое.
Там все договоры настолько же захабренные?
На верхнем уровне такой иерархи можно поместить абстрактный юзкейс типа «общение пользователей» или «рассказать о себе» с реализациями типа «директ сообщения», «заполнение профиля», «комментарии к профилю». И всё это на одной схеме.
Такую веру не просто разрушить просто активными приставаниями.
Надо попробовать оформлять сценарии юзкейсов в виде комиксов. И чтобы в последнем кадре персонаж направлял вопросительный взгляд на читающего.
Maps API пользуются все кому не лень, иногда просто, чтобы схему проезда нарисовать.
Analytics пользуются вообще толпы.
(А в качестве решения можно былобы сделать разворачивание рыбы анимированным)