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Top mobile app development companies

Reading time53 min
Looking for an app development company? I’ve searched for information about it and made this list. It might help to find an app development company to hire. The list contains basic information about each company included in it like company size, hourly rate, min. project size, etc. And I recently decided to upgrade the list to 100 app development companies.
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Total votes 23: ↑18 and ↓5+13

Поиски фундаментальных данных для акций через API Financial Modeling Prep

Reading time127 min
Недавно мне понадобилось обработать экономические показатели для нескольких тысяч американских акций.

Их невозможно было получить через привычный скринер бумаг вроде яху финанс, потому что методика расчёта нестандартная.

В качестве поставщика данных использовался сервис FinancialModelingPrep, который в 2019 году был бесплатен, но в 2020 году уже нет.

В статье разбираюсь в нюансах формирования запросов к базе данных сервиса. А ещё исследую глубину доступных финансовых отчетов компаний за прошлые годы.
API Financial Modeling Prep
Total votes 4: ↑4 and ↓0+4

12 Tech Trends Every Java Developer Must Learn To Win The Game In 2021

Reading time7 min

The previous year has been very distressing for businesses and employees. Though, software development didn’t get so much affected and is still thriving. While tech expansion is continuing, Java development is also going under significant transformation.

The arrival of new concepts and technologies has imposed a question mark on the potential of Java developers. From wearable applications to AI solutions, Java usage is a matter of concern for peers.

Moreover, it is high time that developers enhance their skills as to the changing demands of the industry. If you are a Java developer, surely you too would be wondering what I am talking about what things you should learn.

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Top 10 Mobile Application Development companies startups can partner with in 2020

Reading time6 min

In the current business landscape, it is important for small and mid-scale organizations to adopt modern app development strategies in order to win the race. Innovative mobile application development solutions provided by top mobile app development companies are the success fruits for any business.

As per Statista, mobile app programmers have developed apps for various business verticals viz. sports games, ride-hailing, taxi-apps, and video apps in the year 2019. There are about 2.46 million apps available in the Google play store as of Q2 2019.

But finding a company that can deliver cost-effective mobile application services could be a daunting task for many business owners as they have to pour their time as well as their efforts. Keeping this in mind, I have encapsulated a list of top 10 mobile app development companies that would surely help grow your business.

The list given below is prepared by taking care of various parameters like google search, company's portfolio, reviews of the clients, ratings from firms like Clutch, Goodfirms, and Youtube.

Find the list below:

1) Mobcoder

Project Cost: $5,000+

Locale: Seattle, WA

Rating on Clutch: 5.0

It is a leading app development company providing useful mobile application development solutions to its clients since 2014. Hire mobile application developers from this company as they build solutions, map a strategy and elevate product experience with their amazing product delivery. They work on all the latest technologies including Flutter, Ionic, Kotlin etc. Hence, they build innovative mobile application development solutions for their clientele.

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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

Just take a look at SObjectizer if you want to use Actors or CSP in your C++ project

Reading time21 min

A few words about SObjectizer and its history

SObjectizer is a rather small C++ framework that simplifies the development of multithreaded applications. SObjectizer allows a developer to use approaches from Actor, Publish-Subscribe and Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) models. It's an OpenSource project that is distributed under BSD-3-CLAUSE license.

SObjectizer has a long history. SObjectizer itself was born in 2002 as SObjectizer-4 project. But it was based on ideas from previous SCADA Objectizer that was developed between 1995 and 2000. SObjectizer-4 was open-sourced in 2006, but its evolution was stopped soon after that. A new version of SObjectizer with the name SObjectizer-5 was started in 2010 and was open-sourced in 2013. The evolution of SObjectizer-5 is still in progress and SObjectizer-5 has incorporated many new features since 2013.

SObjectizer is more or less known in the Russian segment of the Internet, but almost unknown outside of the exUSSR. It's because the SObjectizer was mainly used for local projects in exUSSR-countries and many articles, presentations, and talks about SObjectizer are in Russian.

A niche for SObjectizer and similar tools

Multithreading is used in Parallel computing as well as in Concurrent computing. But there is a big difference between Parallel and Concurrent computing. And, as a consequence, there are tools targeted Parallel computing, and there are tools for Concurrent computing, and they are different.

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Total votes 13: ↑11 and ↓2+9

9 библиотек Python для разработки игр

Reading time4 min

Разработка игр на Python — это не только PyGame, Tower Defense и платформеры, а это и DOOM, и MMORPG, и симуляторы свиданий/отношений, и визуальные новеллы, и конкурсы DARPA, и моделирование вселенной, и автотрекинг низкоорбитальных спутников.

Под катом список 9 библиотек для разработки игр и полезные гайды к каждой библиотеке.

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Total votes 20: ↑14 and ↓6+9

От советских компиляторов до грязных трюков: что поведают на C++ Russia 2024

Reading time13 min

Завсегдатаи C++ Russia уже хорошо знают некоторых спикеров и ждут их новых докладов. Например, Антона Полухина @antoshkkaa): в 2020-м все смотрели его «Грязные трюки из такси», а недавно — «C++ трюки из userver». Из необычного — серия докладов Петра Советова об автоматизации программирования в СССР: уже были выступления о теоретических результатах и о трансляторах.

Через месяц начнётся C++ Russia 2024. Там будут и Антон с новыми трюками (в этот раз грязными!), и Пётр с заключительной частью исторической серии. А ещё множество другого — от работы с GPU до новинок грядущего C++26.

И теперь, когда программа почти готова (возможны небольшие дополнения), показываем её Хабру: приводим короткие описания всех докладов, разбитые по тематическим блокам. А если интересует какая-то другая информация о конференции или билеты — всё это на её сайте.

Программа C++ Russia 2024
Total votes 15: ↑14 and ↓1+18

Мобильная разработка за неделю #517 (27 ноября — 3 декабря)

Reading time5 min
В новом дайджесте создание самолетного радара для любимой дочки, Kotlin под капотом, утечки памяти, визуальная иерархия элементов, лучшие приложения года для iOS и Android, руководство по монетизации и многое другое!

Подписывайтесь на на наш Telegram-канал Mobile Insights, где еще больше материалов для мобильных разработчиков. А в IT Insights — много об интересном коде и технологиях.

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Total votes 6: ↑6 and ↓0+6

Пишем 2D игру на JavaScript и Canvas. Часть 2. Графика

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time18 min


Продолжаем создавать браузерную игру с использованием чистого JavaScript и элемента Canvas. Добавляем графику, вращения, гравитацию и адаптируем игру для мобильных устройств.

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Total votes 11: ↑11 and ↓0+11

Дайджест интересных материалов для мобильного разработчика #459 (26 сентября — 2 октября)

Reading time4 min
В нашей новой еженедельной подборке история Goose Maps и WebView, продолжение неочевидного про Fragment API, перепады высот, эмуляторы, симуляторы, тестовые фермы и многое другое!

Подключайтесь к нашему Telegram-каналу Mobile Insights, где подборки статей и новостей выходят каждый день.

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Total votes 2: ↑2 and ↓0+2

Internet Issues & Availability Report 2018–2019

Reading time16 min

While working on the annual report this year we have decided to avoid retelling the news headlines of the previous year and, though it is almost impossible to ignore memories absolutely, we want to share with you the result of a clear thought and a strategic view to the point where we all are going to arrive in the nearest time — the present.

Leaving introduction words behind, here are our key findings:

  • Average DDoS attack duration dropped to 2.5 hours;
  • During 2018, the capability appeared for attacks at hundreds of gigabits-per-second within a country or region, bringing us to the verge of “quantum theory of bandwidth relativity”;
  • The frequency of DDoS attacks continues to grow;
  • The continuing growth of HTTPS-enabled (SSL) attacks;
  • PC is dead: most of the legitimate traffic today comes from smartphones, which is a challenge for DDoS actors today and would be the next challenge for DDoS mitigation companies;
  • BGP finally became an attack vector, 2 years later than we expected;
  • DNS manipulation has become the most damaging attack vector;
  • Other new amplification vectors are possible, like memcached & CoAP;
  • There are no more “safe industries” that are invulnerable to cyberattacks of any kind.

In this article we have tried to cherry-pick all the most interesting parts of our report, though if you would like read the full version in English, the PDF is available.
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Total votes 27: ↑25 and ↓2+23

11 Kubernetes implementation mistakes – and how to avoid them

Reading time13 min

I manage a team that designs and introduces in-house Kubernetes aaS at Mail.ru Cloud Solutions. And we often see a lack of understanding as to this technology, so I’d like to talk about common strategic mistakes at Kubernetes implementation in major projects.

Most of the problems arise because the technology is quite sophisticated. There are unobvious implementation and operation challenges, as well as poorly used advantages, all of those resulting in money loss. Another issue is the global lack of knowledge and experience with Kubernetes. Learning its use by the book can be tricky, and hiring qualified staff can be challenging. All the hype complicates Kubernetes-related decision making. Curiously enough, Kubernetes is often implemented rather formally – just for it to be there and make their lives better in some way.

Hopefully, this post will help you to make a decision you will feel proud of later (and won’t regret or feel like building a time machine to undo it).
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Total votes 18: ↑18 and ↓0+18