Именно с таким контентом появляются последние сообщения в твиттере по хэштегу #skype. Пока совершенно непонятно, с чем связаны новые перебои в работе, ждем скорого исправления. Или умельца, который подскажет, какой файл удалить на этот раз :-)
UPD: обновление от Скайпа:
A configuration problem has meant that some of you have been disconnected from Skype.
We've identified the cause of the problem, and have begun to address it. If you've been affected, you should start to see improvement in the next hour or so. You shouldn't need to manually sign back in to Skype — it should reconnect automatically when it's able to do so.
We apologise for the disruption to your conversations.
— Проблема найдена и работы ведутся. В течении часа ожидается исправление. Перелогиниваться не надо, всё починится само.
Спасибо хабраюзеру charon
UPD2: We are continuing to address today's problems, and are seeing indications that the situation is improving.
If you were disconnected from Skype earlier, you shouldn't need to manually sign back in to Skype — it should reconnect automatically when it's able to do so.
We apologise for the disruption to your conversations.
Спасибо, jin911
P.S. У меня уже всё работает.
UPD: обновление от Скайпа:
A configuration problem has meant that some of you have been disconnected from Skype.
We've identified the cause of the problem, and have begun to address it. If you've been affected, you should start to see improvement in the next hour or so. You shouldn't need to manually sign back in to Skype — it should reconnect automatically when it's able to do so.
We apologise for the disruption to your conversations.
— Проблема найдена и работы ведутся. В течении часа ожидается исправление. Перелогиниваться не надо, всё починится само.
Спасибо хабраюзеру charon
UPD2: We are continuing to address today's problems, and are seeing indications that the situation is improving.
If you were disconnected from Skype earlier, you shouldn't need to manually sign back in to Skype — it should reconnect automatically when it's able to do so.
We apologise for the disruption to your conversations.
Спасибо, jin911
P.S. У меня уже всё работает.