What one gets easily and for free can be a real struggle for others — these are the thoughts every letter of the «Dobroshrift» [Kindness Font] evolves. It was developed for the World Cerebral Palsy Day with the participation of children with this diagnosis. So we decided to take part in this charity action and changed the website logo till the end of the day.

Our society is often non-inclusive and rejects people who have something different from the created image of the norm. This is at least unfair and wrong. Here is what you and especially your children should know about cerebral palsy.
→ Read more on Wikipedia
According to various data, 2 to 6 out of 1000 newborns are born with cerebral palsy. There are Habr users with this problem, for example, Ivan ibakaidov Bakaidov, author of several cool posts.
Or Alexander Zenko who we once wrote about in our public.
The aim of the campaign is to draw attention to the problem and raise funds for individual rehabilitation programs for children. On the «Dobroshrift» website you can make a donation, buy font branded products or download the font itself — all the funds will go to the charity foundation «Gift to the Angel» account.
We encourage everyone to take part in this charity action.

Our society is often non-inclusive and rejects people who have something different from the created image of the norm. This is at least unfair and wrong. Here is what you and especially your children should know about cerebral palsy.
- Cerebral palsy is not a viral or infectious disease, is can not be transmitted in any way.
- Cerebral palsy has several forms and often you can’t even guess a person has this problem (remember the look and smile of Sylvester Stallone).
- Some consequences of cerebral palsy can be minimized with intensive treatment (sadly, expensive). But, nevertheless, cerebral palsy is not curable, and in certain cases life of a person with this disease differ from all others.
- People with cerebral palsy often have all the cognitive functions and emotions. And we definitely can say: they are the people with great spirit in a weak body.
- Social communication is an important factor in the mental health of those with cerebral palsy. Do not be afraid to be friends, to work, to communicate on the Internet, to be an open hearted.
- Vaccines, harmful habits of parents, material state of the family, etc. are not to blame for the cerebral palsy — it develops due to objective medical reasons.
- Families of cerebral palsy patients who do not abandon them are heroes and require a special approach. No indulgence, no stupid questions, but respect and, if possible, help, including communication and socialization.
- This disease can appear in any family, regardless of its well-being.
→ Read more on Wikipedia
According to various data, 2 to 6 out of 1000 newborns are born with cerebral palsy. There are Habr users with this problem, for example, Ivan ibakaidov Bakaidov, author of several cool posts.
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Or Alexander Zenko who we once wrote about in our public.
The aim of the campaign is to draw attention to the problem and raise funds for individual rehabilitation programs for children. On the «Dobroshrift» website you can make a donation, buy font branded products or download the font itself — all the funds will go to the charity foundation «Gift to the Angel» account.
We encourage everyone to take part in this charity action.